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by Roy on 12:12 AM March 7th, 2006 EST (#1)
The anti-family feminist courts do their very best to break a man down during the divorce process.
God forbid that a man might have a severe reaction to the destruction of his marriage and family that might affect his earning power.
The court has the discretion to look at years of past income and "impute" what an ex-dad should have to pay.
The lovely ex-cupcake only has to appear before the blackrobe and say --- "Yer honor, he has the capability to earn large sums of money."
I'm still waiting for the guy to say --- "Yer honor, she has the capability to put that Golden Pussy to work and earn her own money!"
It'll never happen.
by Hunchback on 11:08 AM March 7th, 2006 EST (#5)
This is very similar to telling a man he has to pick X number of sacks of cotton or be whipped (jail). The only difference is that if he picks enough cotton, he gets to keep the excess. It is not just debtors' prison, it's involuntary servitude.
The moral of the story is simple - we divorce, and we're slaves.
Wrong. The moral of the story is "Why the hell are there still guys getting married?"
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Davidadelong on 09:12 AM March 7th, 2006 EST (#3)
I have had the very same thing done to me twice. According to the Constitution what they are doing isn't legal. But, since we can't get the "supreme court" to review any case related to this situation, and the Males Constitutional Rights have been waived for this purpose, I guess the Constitution really is outdated. I do feel for this Guy, as I do any Man that finds that they are nothing more than a wage slave to provide wages for government employees, not to mention the best benefits around. I still think it is time for the SLAVES to rise up, and take back our lives. "It is a good day to die!"
by Lord Chesterfield on 09:32 AM March 7th, 2006 EST (#4)
Common sense would hold that imputed income is slavery, save for the routine rulings of countless family court judges, which have politicized a question that might otherwise have been handled by common morality. There is little choice for Men's Rights Activists but to commit to battle in the legal and political arena.
In the present legal climate, it makes little sense to get married.
The cost of divorce times the probability of divorce should be subtracted from your expected income after marriage. This puts a limit on your earning potential, especially as divorce courts are ruling that one spouse may collect a percentage of the other spouse's lifetime income if it increased during a brief childless marriage; the theory is that the income increase was in part attributable to a comfortable home life provided by one partner, freeing the other partner to focus on work. This is a disincentive to get married altogether. Suppose that you want to give up your career as a gold trader on Wall Street to become a poor but happy academic? The family courts won't give your current career aspirations any consideration: they base their calculations of your liability on imputed income: the amount they determine you should pay based on their estimate of what you could earn in the most lucrative occupation for which you are qualified. For those who are already married, the court rulings are a disincentive to increase one's income; it's better to wait until after divorce (a greater than 50% probability), except in case children are involved--the family court will ensure that the amount of child support--which might not be spent on the children, who might not be the former husband's (the probability that they are not might be as high as 30%) and with whom the former husband will likely be denied visitation with no legal recourse--will be larger than the former husband's income.
Even without marriage, the level of sophistication concerning the asymmetry of male and female reproductive rights rarely rises above the primitive and hostile slogan, "if you play you pay; otherwise keep it in your pants." The asymmetry begins with reproductive rights and extends far beyond conception, from the right to control every aspect of reproduction, to the long-term consequences of reproduction: from conception; to the uninhibited freedom to assign paternity to third parties for the purpose of extorting child support; to a monopoly on custody; to extorting lifetime payments on account of relatively short-lived unions that have long since dissolved; all "with no input from men."
Thousands of men, reduced to penury by the family court, have fled their country to escape persecution. The United States and Great Britian have each lost onne hundred thousand men; 137,000 men have fled Australia.
One convenient aspect of the marriage strike is that it is second nature for men to implement, as men are still expected to take the initiative in relationships. All a man has to do is not take the initiative, and the marriage strike continues.
by Luek on 12:15 PM March 7th, 2006 EST (#6)
The moral of the story is simple - we divorce, and we're slaves. Work harder or go to jail, what a choice."
Since this particular story happened in Aussie land the victim of the corrupt Child Support Agency can stop his abuse (and it is abuse) by dressing up in cammies and getting a high-powered scoped sniper rifle and lay in wait for his abusers to show up for work. He will be NOT GUILTY as far as I am concerned. Men have to stop rolling over and taking this garbage! And this is an effective and proven way to do it. Women have shown us the way!
by Davidadelong on 12:24 PM March 7th, 2006 EST (#7)
Except the current propaganda machine would demonize the male that lashes out at his oppressors with violence. They actually have thought about just about everything. But, they haven't been able to deal with organized work stoppages, job site sabotage, and a total lethargic attitude about ones "performance". Because it is all about getting the slaves to perform isn't it?
by Radioactive on 06:45 AM March 8th, 2006 EST (#8)
I have been divorced for 16 years now and throughout that time I have been forced to pay $1300 per month for two children. I live in Washington State. Since my monthly wage was a little bit over $1300 the Department of Social and Health services took half of my pay PLUS kept adding the amount over half that I just did not have the money for. The police have harassed me, DSHS has come to my work site to remind me of how much I "owe", I get weekly letters showing me the tally of amount "owed" and my wife complains that I am deadbeat because I owe her so much money. A little while ago I went insane and am now on disability afraid to leave my house or check my mail for fear of something bad happening to me. If anyone needs any help fighting, please ask. I have had no support from anyone these last 16 years.
by Davidadelong on 10:25 AM March 8th, 2006 EST (#9)
Sorry to hear about your psychotic break. But, a break doesn't mean you can't ever get your head back together if you desire. Of course receiving money from the government is somewhat better than having them take it. I bet they have you taking all kinds of drugs as well. Good luck Man, truly good luck.
by Luek on 02:23 PM March 8th, 2006 EST (#11)
Sorry to hear about your mental breakdown but it should be expected of anyone who had to rent his freedom for $1300 per month for 16 years!
by Davidadelong on 06:11 PM March 8th, 2006 EST (#12)
That is the assumption of the current paradigm, that if one resists that they will go crazy, hence the laws designed to subjagate Men even more, and get them on drugs. The key is to figure out what they want you to do, and do something different. Total resistance until death is the only way to beat this system. I feel for this guy, I really do. But he shouldn't give up on himself so easily. He should be fighting for himself first, then offering assistance to others. I have been paying for my own delusion of freedom since 1979, do the math. One must really be committed to FREEDOM, and personal choice to live their life as I have. I have not received the payoff as yet, and doubt that I ever will in this lifetime, but I have helped many People along the way. I don't regret any of it actually.
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