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Wall Street Journal Again Championing Men
posted by Matt on 11:00 PM March 5th, 2006
Masculinity garypc writes "I submit the following article in its entirety from the Wall Street Journal, since they require a subscription for access. The Wall Street Journal has increasingly been championing the ideas of men's right and the virtues of masculinity. This article is the latest, and interestingly has a female author."

Click "Read more..." for the article.

Harvey Mansfield: Calling All Hombres
March 4, 2006; Page A8

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- "Defend yourself." That's the lesson Harvey Mansfield drew for Larry Summers the week before Harvard's president was forced to resign. Mr. Mansfield, a 73-year-old government professor and conservative elder statesman of the university, went on to suggest that Mr. Summers's capitulation to those he offended (when he said women might be biologically less inclined to succeed in the hard sciences) is not simply a craven kowtow to political correctness, but proof, also, of a character flaw. Indeed, Mr. Mansfield continued with a mischievous smile, "He has apologized so much that he looks unmanly."

Perhaps this seems like a quaint insult, but Mr. Mansfield means something very particular by it. He would like to return the notion of manliness to the modern lexicon. His new book, "Manliness" (manfully, no subtitle), argues that the gender-neutral society created by modern feminists has been bad both for women and men, and that it is time for men to rediscover, and women to appreciate, the virtue of manliness.

Mr. Mansfield's former office in the grand neoclassical Littauer Hall just off Harvard Yard seemed better suited to his project, but the government department moved into a new building this year and he has been relegated to a spare, modern room in which even the blinds are operated electronically. The professor, with his elegantly tailored suits and sharp fedoras, looks out of place in his ungracious surroundings. (The poster-size portrait of Machiavelli, about whom he has written extensively, doesn't seem to fit in either.)

But after more than a half-century at the university -- as undergrad, grad student and professor -- Mr. Mansfield seems to have settled into his role as campus gadfly. This is not to say that scholarship and teaching do not occupy his time. In the past 40 years, he has published more than a dozen books, including a translation of Tocqueville, as well as groundbreaking studies of Machiavelli and Burke.

But it is his combat with campus liberal orthodoxy that has brought him a more public profile. To drive home his crusade against grade inflation, he began giving students a real grade (what he actually thinks of their work) and an "ironic grade" (which goes to the registrar). More controversially, Mr. Mansfield argues that grade inflation is the result of the university's affirmative-action program -- admitting too many underqualified minority students and then not wanting to give them poor marks.
* * *

Of all the enemies Mr. Mansfield has made, none has he more consistently provoked than feminists. It's been 20 years since he voted against the proposal for a women's studies major at Harvard (the only faculty member to do so), arguing that "it is not possible to study women except in relation to men." And he has not let up since.

"I've had a lifelong interest in women," Mr. Mansfield purrs in his smooth classical-radio-announcer voice when I ask why he decided to embark on his manliness project. Joking aside, he explains that "I always wanted to write a book on the woman question, and one reason, perhaps the main reason, I see is that we are embarked on a great experiment in our society, something very radical: to make the status of men and women equal, or, better to say, the same."

Mr. Mansfield's contention that women and men are not the same is now widely supported by social scientists. The core of his definition of manliness -- "confidence in a risky situation" -- is not so far from that of biologists and sociologists, who find men to be more abstract in their thinking and aggressive in their behavior than women, who are more contextual in their thinking and conciliatory in their behavior.

Science is good for confirming what "common sense" already tells us, Mr. Mansfield allows, but beyond that, he has little use for it: "Science is a particular enemy of manliness. Manliness asserts something you can't scientifically prove, namely the importance of human beings." Science simply sees people as just another part of the natural world. But what manly men assert, according to Mr. Mansfield, is that "they are important and that their party, their country, their society, their group, whatever it may be, is important." As examples, Mr. Mansfield offers Arnold Schwarzenegger (predictably, since he's no girly-man), Humphrey Bogart, Donald Rumsfeld and Margaret Thatcher -- yes, women can occasionally be manly. (Both Clintons are manly in their own ways -- Hillary is "formidable," while Bill is the "envy of vulgar men.")

Achilles, though, is Mr. Mansfield's model of a manly man. "He challenged his boss, Agamemnon, who had taken his girlfriend from him. He didn't so much make a complaint against him as to . . . say that what Agamemnon had done was the act of an inferior person, and that only true heroes, the men of virtue like Achilles, are fit to rule." In other words, Achilles raised the stakes and resolved to defend a cause larger than himself -- the manly action par excellence.

Mr. Mansfield suggests that it is difficult to rid men of their tendency to seek out such battles. Yet he believes that the sexual revolution has been a surprisingly easy one. "Certainly," he notes, "there has been no massive resistance like the segregationists opposed to the civil-rights movement." He has been surprised by the extent to which men have adjusted to this current system, but believes the evidence that they will never do so completely is to be found all around us.

Take housework. Mr. Mansfield cites surveys that show that despite their now equal capacity to be hired for jobs outside the home, American women still do two-thirds of the housework. He argues that this is not simply a hangover from our former oppressive patriarchy. Rather, he writes, it is evidence of manliness. "Men look down on women's work . . . not because they think it is dirty or boring or insignificant, which is often true of men's work; they look down on it because it is women's work."

When it comes to the subject of housework, Mr. Mansfield has a decidedly different take from that of the late Betty Friedan. He accepts her point that keeping house in the modern era need not be a full-time job, and that boredom, or "the problem that has no name," is a natural byproduct of forcing educated women to remain in the home, even when there is not enough to keep them occupied mentally or physically. But he disapproves of her "demeaning of household work to . . . a necessary thing that you can't take any pride in." And though he doesn't accuse Friedan of doing so, Mr. Mansfield suggests that more radical feminists, like Simone de Beauvoir, built upon this notion "to demean motherhood as well."

But what does this have to do with manliness? In our conversation and in his book, Mr. Mansfield often seems to want to discuss women more than men. Ultimately, he concludes that it is OK for men and women to be treated similarly in the workplace; but in private life, "it should be recognized that men will be manly and sometimes a bit bossy . . . and that women will recognize manliness with a smile by checking it while giving it something to do or, on occasion, by urging it on."

Given what he hopes to achieve -- more humoring of men by women -- it may not be surprising that Mr. Mansfield writes that he wants to "convince skeptical readers -- above all, educated women" -- of his argument.

Such women might well wonder, as I did, what we have to gain from encouraging men to do less of the housework. But Mr. Mansfield believes that women do instinctually realize the value of respecting manliness. He offers the example of the police detective in the movie "Fargo." She performs her job "wonderfully," says Mr. Mansfield, but "she's careful to maintain the sensibilities of her husband . . ., an artist, who at the end of the movie succeeds in getting his drawing accepted for a two-cent postage stamp." "This is pitiful," he laughs, "but she makes a big thing of it."

Of course, Mr. Mansfield doesn't need to go to the movies to see how men and women behave today. He has the classroom for that. Though he thinks that his female students have become "more assertive than they used to be," he observes that "the very same women will be careful of the sensibilities of the men they wish to attract and not try to compete with them except in fun or ironically." "If not," his brow rises slightly, "I think they would have trouble getting married."

Mr. Mansfield's other observations about the dating scene at Harvard are no less provocative. At a speech to students a couple of years ago, he observed that the only "gentlemen" at Harvard were conservatives and gay men. Conservatives, he believes, realize something's been lost in the recent social revolution; and gay men "have a certain greater awareness and perspicacity than other men." (He doesn't get into the subject of homosexuality in his book, and when I press him on this, he says, "If I had, I might have said something unpleasing to homosexuals and I'm taking on enough critics as it is.")

"What you see today at Harvard and elsewhere are a lot of liberal males who are trying to make women happy by trying to treat them as if they weren't women." "And that," says the man who never misses the chance to open a door for a woman or help her put on her coat, "doesn't work very well." So why didn't he simply write a book on gentlemanliness? "Because before you're a gentleman, you have to be a man. Gentlemanliness is a refinement. It presupposes that you have a certain superiority over women, but teaches you how to exercise it. It also teaches you that women are superior in their ways."

Nine years ago, when Mr. Mansfield offered his first seminar on manliness, I barely managed to score a seat in the small classroom. So many campus feminists had crowded in that students were forced to sit on the floor. These women saw their opportunity, finally, to have it out with the conservative bogeyman.

But Mr. Mansfield got the best of them. He proceeded to talk for much of the next two hours about the ancient Greek notion of thumos, or spiritedness, an idea he believes is the precursor of modern-day manliness. The feminists were bored silly -- almost none returned the following week.

Despite his statements outside the classroom, Mr. Mansfield sees his role of professor very differently from that of provocateur. His classes rarely descend into debates over current affairs. Arguments from Plato may not convince these "educated women" that he is right, but unlike Larry Summers, Mr. Mansfield has tenure.

Ms. Riley, deputy editor of the Journal's Taste page, is the author of "God on the Quad" (2005), out next month in paperback from Ivan Dee."

Woman sniper kills husband - but found not guilty | Doctor forced to pay half his income as child support  >

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I read this (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 04:12 AM March 6th, 2006 EST (#1)
I read this.

It was great that a man like him has survived at a place like Harvard.

I loved the part where he held a seminar on Manliness and how the FEMINISTS came in such great #'s that people had to sit on the floor.

But instead of their "great moment" to tear him down ... he goes into the classics and bores them to tears.

"Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. Sleep safe tonight, we're on the job."
Re:I read this (Score:2)
by frank h on 03:13 PM March 6th, 2006 EST (#5)
I wasn't there and I also haven't talked to him, nor have I read the (yet). But based on the article, I think it is telling that the feminists got bored with his foundational presentation. I also think it was deliberate on his part to lay such a foundation. Feminists are pretty good at thinking on their feet and making their argument to the more superficial of us (like politicians). But once you really get intellectually deep into the arguments and the philosophy, they lose their way easily. The plain fact that these women got lost so easily is a demonstration of their real weakness: their arguments are not based on reality, but on a flawed model of human behavior that's based on a desired (by them) outcome: female superiority.
Men and women are different? You don't say! (Score:1)
by RandomMan on 10:40 AM March 6th, 2006 EST (#2)
Mr. Mansfield's contention that women and men are not the same is now widely supported by social scientists.

Ah, more brilliant insights from the Institute for Slowly and Expensively Discovering the Painfully Obvious. (I'm referring to the "social scientists", of course). Who would have thought that trying to make men into women could possibly have run into problems?

Still, the article is refreshing. The author's notions are a bit antiquated, based as they are on classical history, but fully applicable to the struggle we find ourselves in the midst of. Radical feminists, petty revisionists that they are, must sweat blood when this old guy hobbles into the room - he doesn't let them get away with rewriting history to forget the positive aspects of masculinity, and they have no valid response, of course.
Re:Men and women are different? You don't say! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 11:18 AM March 6th, 2006 EST (#4)
Positive aspects of being a Man, and there are many. If one were to define masculinity they would have to have a very broad spectrum, as even the most feminine of Men share some aspects of masculinity. I have never tried to be Manly for the sake of being Manly. The Women that I have known have all told me that I was a masculine Man. But, I am also a sensitive Person that has feelings, and I write poetry, and like the arts. I also collect knives and guns and find studying the Martial Arts very rewarding, as well as Yoga. I don't like being pigeon holed, due to societies desire to control me. It makes me very nervous, and it is very unnatural...
Interesting (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 11:08 AM March 6th, 2006 EST (#3)
It was an interesting interview, with an interesting Man. A lot of what he says is true, but I beg to differ with his ascertion that Women are not as aggressive as Men. As well as his statement that Men look down on housework. Having spent four years in the Marine Corps, and having been a partner in a janitorial business, I don't see that. As a matter of fact I know a lot of married Men that share in the house work, and are not demeaned by their actions. But all of their wives work as well. I found his comment about gay men interesting as well, I usually refrain from comments about that subject as I too figure I have enough enemies. It has to do with training versus biology, and the paradigm shift within the bible of the psych world, the diagnostic and statistical manual number four I do believe. I find his ideas somewhat like he is trying to go back to the old ways without acknowledging what we have actually learned during this present social manipulation, as if to say that it wasn't that bad before Folks, we should go back. To that I say hogwash! Equality for all, and how People live in their own homes is no ones business as long as no one is getting hurt. He is a tenured professor, as far as I am concerned he is owned and serves the system.
Re:Interesting... a solid argument FOR tenure? (Score:2)
by Roy on 04:43 PM March 6th, 2006 EST (#6)
Absent tenure, there is no way this outspoken scholarly gentleman ( a relic of ages past most certainly) could say what he says.

If he was a thirty-something non-tenured assistant prof, he would be eviscerated by the academic fem-squad and his career would be toast.

The majority of the tenured Brahmins in the ivory jungle are politically liberal, and that's not going to change anytime soon, because faculty like to hire non-threatening clones rather than pursue any true academic diversity of thought and ideology.

But maybe the relics with integrity like Mr. Mansfield are the price we pay for tenure?


Appreciated the remark above about feminists' aversion to foundational classic philosophy.

Suppose that's because women are tragically under-represented in this field?

Quick -- for 10 feminist bonus points -- name three relevant female philosophers.

OK, name ONE?
I KNOW, I KNOW (Score:2)
by Clancy (chermanstovall@msn.com) on 05:58 PM March 6th, 2006 EST (#7)
Re:Interesting... a solid argument FOR tenure? (Score:1)
by Uberganger on 08:22 AM March 7th, 2006 EST (#11)
Quick -- for 10 feminist bonus points -- name three relevant female philosophers/

I can name one: Ayn Rand. However, I don't think she'd earn me any feminist bonus points.
Re:Interesting (Score:1)
by QuickNick on 09:26 PM March 6th, 2006 EST (#8)
I find his ideas somewhat like he is trying to go back to the old ways without acknowledging what we have actually learned during this present social manipulation, as if to say that it wasn't that bad before Folks, we should go back. To that I say hogwash! Equality for all, and how People live in their own homes is no ones business as long as no one is getting hurt.

I agree with you. It's good to see that Mansfield isn't afraid of femynists. But I'm not interested in his "old manliness". Men deserve better than that!
Re:Interesting (Score:1)
by Uberganger on 08:46 AM March 7th, 2006 EST (#13)
As well as his statement that Men look down on housework. Having spent four years in the Marine Corps, and having been a partner in a janitorial business, I don't see that. As a matter of fact I know a lot of married Men that share in the house work, and are not demeaned by their actions.

Ah, housework. Why is there all this anxiety about housework? Doing your own housework is an essential part of your independence and your graduation to adulthood. When you're a kid you have a woman (your mother) doing the housework for you, but when you're an adult man you do your own. However, in order for women to rip men off for money and property they need certain 'hooks' on which to hang their claims for a share of what he's earned. With a woman, it is never about what she may do for him in the future, it is always about what she has done in the past; all those things for which she is now owed by him. By this process, a man who has supported a woman for her entire life can be viewed as owing her for what she has done for him. Housework has been made progressively easier and less time-consuming thanks to the efforts of men, but women still bitch about housework because it is one of the things she uses to rip him off. The solution to this 'dilemma' is simple: raise men to be proud of being independent of women. Wouldn't that just set the (tom) cat amongst the pigeons!
Re:Interesting (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 12:18 PM March 7th, 2006 EST (#15)
Yes, it would be interesting if both Men and Women were to be raised as independant individuals able to think for themselves. We would still have marriage, we would still have Children being born, but at I presume a less frenzied state. That of course would throw one hell of a big monkey wrench into our organized society now wouldn't it? The pigeons would then become the people that conspire to keep us frenzied, what a refreshing thought.......
I'm Worried (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 10:46 PM March 6th, 2006 EST (#9)
I'm much more interested in protecting MEN than protecting so-called "manliness." These alleged differences between men and women are what have caused men to be discriminated against, not the sameness between men and women.

Just think about some of the things we gripe about here: domestic abuse, statutory rape of boys by women, sexual harassment, discrimination. A big cause of all of these is the insistence that males and females are two different species, and so when a male is victimized "it's just different" from when it happens to a female.

I'm trying not to judge this Mansfield fellow before I know more. I just hope he's not one of those fighting for a male-only military, for different ways of teaching boys as opposed to girls, and for ridiculing men who cry or read poetry once in a while.

Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
Re:I'm Worried (Score:2)
by Roy on 12:21 AM March 7th, 2006 EST (#10)
bg --- "I'm much more interested in protecting MEN than protecting so-called "manliness." '

That's one of the wisest remarks I've ever read on an MRA site.

It's easy to assault a person that you've decided to dehumanize as an abstract idea, right?

An "oppressor," a "patriarch," a "privileged white male...?

The feminist legal apparatus has turned actual men into demon-symbols representing whatever the oppressor-du-jour might be in any given decade.

Did I get your point correctly?
Re:I'm Worried (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 07:52 PM March 7th, 2006 EST (#16)
"The feminist legal apparatus has turned actual men into demon-symbols representing whatever the oppressor-du-jour might be in any given decade. Did I get your point correctly?"

Not exactly. My point is that I'd much rather hang out with feminists who want to do away with/don't believe in "gender differences" than with traditionalist men and women who think men and women are of two different phyla. The people who whine, "What happened to all the REAL men?" with "real men" really meaning "doormats."

But I thank you sincerely for calling my earlier comment "wise."

Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
Re:I'm Worried (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 10:29 AM March 8th, 2006 EST (#17)
Exactly BG, why would anyone want to go back to being a doormat? Oh yes, there was a false sense of being in control, what a joke! Why would anyone want to be a slave? Oh yes, they were taught to think like one. I would rather think for myself, thank you!
Re:I'm Worried (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 08:39 AM March 7th, 2006 EST (#12)
Good points. EQUALITY does not allow for exceptions of gender preference. Then again we have our current situation........
Anti-Wussie-poopie. (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 11:48 AM March 7th, 2006 EST (#14)
You hear me refer to certain men as "Wussie-poopies". Guys like Quentin Tarantino and certain politicians, But Mansfield is a great example of an anti-wussie-poopie.
He is not afraid to stand up to the feminists and the powers that be. He tells it like it is and if certain others don't like it, well, too freakin' bad!
Summers, on the other hand, was a guy who started out as a man, but then became a wussie-poopie when the fires of criticism became to hot.

We need more people like Mansfield.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Anti-Wussie-poopie. (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 06:17 PM March 8th, 2006 EST (#18)
I am not to sure that what we had before was all that great, or for that matter natural TC. I found his statement to be neo conservative with heavy leanings on traditional religous doctrine. The history of Mens' lives in this country alone will prove that they were mules before, and still are, but with less respect now. Why be a mule at all? "It is a good day to die!"
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