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by Roy on 03:57 PM February 18th, 2006 EST (#1)
Well, this should be some really thick academic postmodernist gibberish, when they actually get around to publishing.
From the journal's Prospectus --
"Boyhood studies is an emerging international area of research. As a field of inquiry it belongs at the intersection of gender studies and queer studies, feminist and men’s studies, and cultural anthropology and ethnography."
The journal's editor is an existential psychoanalyst (our nation's #2 most parasitical occupation, after lawyers...) and department chair at an elite private NYC college with 1,950 students who pay $33,000 a year to become unemployable.
(Just kidding.... many of their esteemed graduates do go on to lucrative careers in existential banking, existential nanotechnology, and existential serial divorcing ....)
If boys have been "discovered" and are now being studied by this academic cabal of feminists, shrinks, and gender studies profs, then it can only mean one thing ----
masculinity has survived... and it needs to be attacked again, subordinated, reconstructed, and reinvented, only much earlier in the stage of its toxic development.
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by Davidadelong on 08:22 PM February 18th, 2006 EST (#4)
I have to agree with you Roy. It sounds like they are initiating a study to do to Men what they have already done to Women. Make them more subservient and easier to control. They have already started with misdiagnosing young Boys and doping them up. Now they are going to use their collective "intellectual minds" to try and use psychology within the current paradigm to subjagate them in school. Look for more changes in the systems bible, the DSM. When I think about where they want to take us in the future, I shudder with revulsion and anger. "It is a good day to die!"
by brotherskeeper on 07:50 PM February 18th, 2006 EST (#3)
Who are these people? Any why is C. H. Sommers a part of this effort?
by Roy on 08:59 PM February 18th, 2006 EST (#5)
Yeah. I'd like to know why Christina Hoff Sommers, authoress of the excellent WHO STOLE FEMINISM? has thrown in with this lot.
Maybe it's just an academic courtesy since she's a professor of philosophy and travels in the same rarified Boston-NYC circle of tenured bourgeois eggheads?
They can't be fired. So they can endorse anything.
I'd give Chrissie a benefit of the doubt...
She's been a real bitch according to mainstream feminists!
by brotherskeeper on 01:49 AM February 19th, 2006 EST (#6)
OK. A little 'Google'ing produces the following suprising (yeah right) revelations:
1. Kenneth Kidd (the intrepid coiner of 'boyology') is (tada!) an English (translation: English and Women's Studies) professor at the University of Florida! Who'd a thought?
2. The term 'boyology' refers to a basically unhealthy preoccupation with the foibles of boys (their tendency to violence and unruliness).
3. The girl crisis, in light of the existence of boyology, is REAL!
Check it out for yourself:
Again I ask, why is C. H. Sommers listed on this site? Does she know that she is?
by brotherskeeper on 02:23 AM February 19th, 2006 EST (#7)
Oops. Kenny Kidd didn't coin the term. Just popularized it. My mistake. The rest of the observations stand (on re-reading this).
Insinuations from the article and Kenny:
1. Boys 'delinquent'. Might even, in extreme cases, torture animals. To a great extent, society has encouraged this.
2. Girls 'good' and oppressed. (Attempts to refute the assertions made by C. H. Sommers in her books).
One of the most telling lines in the article though, may be the following:
"While the first boyologists were closely affiliated with character-building agencies, such as boy scouting and the YMCA, today’s versions are likely to instead be psychologists in private practice, which reflects the growing national trend of people becoming increasingly interested in self-awareness and other psychological issues, he said."
How frighteningly true. No longer is there a separation of behaviours based on basic principles of right and wrong--there is psychology.
by Roy on 01:03 PM February 19th, 2006 EST (#8)
Kudos to brotherskeeper for some excellent Googling!
My first inclination anytime I read about an "expert's" or "authority's" recommendation for MRA's is to look them up and ponder --- "Where's their money coming from?"
That will usually out 95% of the pretenders and their feminist pimps!
The reference to psychology is important, because feminism relies extensively on this pseudo-science to "prove" its assaults against men. (i.e. -- "all heterosexual sex is rape.." That claim can only be made in a culture that accepts insanity as a rational position...)
By Robyn Dawes.
(From a reader's review on
... clinical psychology has morphed into a hodgepodge of political leftism and Oprah-style "feelings" that has barely any resemblance to science. Compounding all of this is the competition for money as (far too many) psych grads look for a way to earn a living. Completely normal human responses to everyday living are defined as pathological and needing "professional intervention." Meanwhile, criminal and evil behavior is also considered for "therapy" when, in fact, jail is the only reasonable "treatment" needed. Finally, political correctness pervades the whole, especially the care of children. So instead of getting the pot-smoking 30-year-old mother of 5 children by 5 different men to see that her behavior is hurting her kids, the kids are given labels (ADHD, ODD, Bipolar, etc.) and drugs, including antipsychotics, as early as age 2 years. Meanwhile, the therapy train steams right along..."
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