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by mcc99 on 11:00 AM February 15th, 2006 EST (#1)
Before someone posts with how this is "old news", yes, I am aware it was originally broke in 2Q 1995. And yes, MANN covered it here, too. Did anyone see it reported in mainstream media (major news sources, etc.), back then or now? Post with references if so, please, I'd be surprised.
by klp on 12:42 PM February 15th, 2006 EST (#2)
These individuals should consider suing her. Maybe settle for distribution rights for that video. It should sell.
BTW, did anyone notice that she had two toddlers at the time of this incident? Where is (are?) the father(s?) of the kids? What bonehead family court judge gave her custody?
by RandomMan on 12:49 PM February 15th, 2006 EST (#3)
I knew you could!
Just goes to show out who you go home with, you never know what's going on in their heads. Never forget: your rights end where their feelings begin. If those feelings happen to be the result of a warped mind, you got a problem.
by Return of the King on 11:11 AM February 16th, 2006 EST (#7)
"Never forget: your rights end where their feelings begin. If those feelings happen to be the result of a warped mind, you got a problem"
Well put RandomMan. I came to the men's movement after being victimized by the Domestic Violence Industry here in MA when my bipolar ex decided to out me with false allegations after I caught her having an affair.
by Davidadelong on 08:49 PM February 15th, 2006 EST (#4)
She sure did enjoy herself didn't she? What a farce! I heard about this previously, at least they didn't fry the Guys involved. But, why wasn't she prosecuted for false accusations, which is a crime in most states, and I don't believe that the law is written with a gender disclaimer either. But hey, at least they are going to make her husband, she is married now, pay for her previous indescretions. I wonder what that Guy was thinking? Or was the tape the reason he married her? Just when you think it can't get any more blatant..........
by khankrumthebulgar on 06:56 AM February 16th, 2006 EST (#5)
Just imagine what her Children's friends will be saying in the future? Hey Bud your Mama is a Hoe. A 360 Degrees in the Road Hoe. She got gang banged on Video and enjoyed it. What a piece of garbage with no class or self pride. Did not think of her reputation of that of her children. What a piece of Crap this Woman is. Yeah what Idiot would marry this Semen dumpster?
by Thundercloud on 03:24 PM February 17th, 2006 EST (#12)
Too bad they can't use, so called, "Hate crime" laws against women like this.
But the odds any woman will be accused, let alone convicted for a "hate crime" is pretty small.
"Hate crimes", apparently, are designed for men only. Especially you White guys.
Yep. America." Land of the free". Where everyone has equal rights. ...NOT!
"Hoka hey!"
Why is it that when a Masc (SP?) or Synagogue are burned down from arson, the media reports it as a "hate crime", but if a Christian or Catholic Church is burned down by arson it is not reported as a "hate crime"? It's just reported as "arson".(???)
by Roy on 04:47 PM February 18th, 2006 EST (#16)
T-Cloud always cuts to the chase.
Hate crime law is supposedly about protecting victim classes from oppression.
If you want to see how far this philosophy has gone, check out the Speech Codes on all of our nation's college and university campuses.
It's now possible to get expelled from college for "making someone uncomfortable..."
Many schools have created "free speech zones" that designate little corrals where dissenting opinions may be expressed.
Students are fearful of speaking their minds.
Brave New World and 1984 seem to be more and more relevant.
If you doubt this, check out the website for FIRE--
by Davidadelong on 08:12 PM February 18th, 2006 EST (#17)
It was bad when I went to college in late 89, plus I was 35, not a young mind and still opinionated. The psychological ramifications of the current paradigm are designed to help create a world of witless drones. "Brave new World" my arse. As far as your comment about everyone being able to choose to not be free, hell Man, the people in this country haven't ever been free. When one makes the choice to civily resist tryanny, well the "rights" afforded to us in our "Constitution" are but a myth. I know what lengths the system will go to achieve their goals. The movie Enemy Of The State is only a small glimpse of what they will actually do. I know what it is like to be the center of a "show". I would like to see a movie based on the actual methods they use to mess with People. Anyway, most People don't want to hear it, or are afraid that they will be the next target. I have found that being a target is somewhat liberating actually.....
by RandomMan on 03:01 AM February 19th, 2006 EST (#18)
Please tell me you're not surprised by "free speech zones"! You may recall the major political parties creating such fenced-in enclosures in the cities hosting their conventions (against local taxpayer's wishes) to keep protestors away from the party love-in (the Republicans did something similar in NY). The abuse of civil liberties in towns where these conventions were "hosted" included holding uncharged suspects without trial for longer than the law permits, so as to keep them from returning to the streets to exercise their rights to free speech and free assembly.
The universities are just following the example set by the major political parties in the US, it would seem. They're all Orwellian AND wrong.
It seems that in the US, your rights end where women's, the government's, the president's (gotta love those bullshit propaganda "news"casts various government agencies have been producing lately, and the phony, staged "town hall meetings" they televise for the masses) or any corporation's interests start.
by Luek on 10:46 AM February 16th, 2006 EST (#6)
 | rs_ctv.html
I am surprised no one has commented on this trial in Alaska concerning a teen girl who convinced two males to kill her mother. She told them her mother beat her with baseball bats and threatened to turn her into a whore. These allegations of course were false but it was enough for the two males to sentence the mother to a brutal death. They turned state's evidence and got 99 years; eligible for parole in 30 years. Duh! Her trial just ended in a mistrial.
There is no indication that these two males even met the murder victim prior to killing her! They just believed the preposterous allegations the girl made. Of course this is what happens everyday under the newly authorized VAVAct.
by Davidadelong on 11:31 AM February 16th, 2006 EST (#8)
Let us not forget that the Men were thinking with their dicks. Let us also not forget that the "girl" was thinking, and manipulating. In a case of a hired killer if the killer turns they usually get off lighter than the person that hired them. So why shouldn't this manipulative female get life with no parole? Mens' perceptions of Women is part of the problem. I don't trust any of them. That doesn't mean I don't like to fantisize about them. A relationship with a Woman is like swimming with a hungry shark when you are injured and bleading, any sign of weakness and out come the boots, because they really do like to kick em when they are down. Every Man should adapt the same philosophy as most Women, I gotta think about me don't I? Oh wait, that isn't what the current paradigm is all about now is it?
Don't sweat it, David...but ask me this of these men: Which is more important when you encounter this dangerous woman who will get guys like us in trouble for rape, getting a piece of ass from a no good 10-cent piece of trailer-park trash, or getting a piece of your conscience in check?
For a woman who claims to be raped and then recant saying that she enjoyed it has got to be one of the sleaziest, sluttiest, and hypocritical jezebels on this planet! Stuff like this happens everyday...Now that someone like her has perfected the art of faking her rape for fun, and another raping [male] school children and having your fellow femi-cunts hail you for it, are they gonna end up raping and castrating grown men at the same time???
Watch out boys, this is gonna get more and more dangerous...
Emmanuel Matteer Jr. *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by Davidadelong on 07:24 PM February 16th, 2006 EST (#11)
Actually the whole point is that if the system wasn't the way it was she never would have done the false report in the first place. Why shouldn't a Man take an offer for face value? Because of the repercussions of the system. I wonder how their conscience would play into it? Let's see, an adult Female offers to pleasure a Male, and he should turn down a natural act because, let's see it isn't natural? Sex is bad? I have had genuine offers of pleasure from Women, and I enjoyed the actions, no problem with my conscience. Isn't that somewhat of a double standard? Aren't Women adults as well, or do we have to think for them too? I am confused with your first paragraph. Also she said she enjoyed it first, then she said she was raped, to late though as she was on tape "eating it up" Yuk, Yuk!
by Earwig on 06:57 PM February 16th, 2006 EST (#10)
by Earwig on 12:49 PM February 21st, 2006 EST (#19)
Listen, I'm serious. Before I click on this, is it just bad language or giant photos of genitalia?
by chicago joe on 09:28 PM February 17th, 2006 EST (#15)
About two years ago a woman walked into a bar frequented by Chicago police officers. She became friendly with a few of them, and after a while, she and five officers went upstairs to a banquet hall that was not being used at the time.
Twenty-four hours later the woman filed kidnapping and rape charges against the five officers. They were immediately stripped of their duties while the investigation took place.
There was one problem.
The banquet hall was equipped with 24 hour security cameras. When the tape was reviewed, it showed her aggressively pursuing the officers for sex, and verbally demanding and directing what she wanted them to do to her.
The men were put back on the job and she walked away with a slap on the wrist.
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