by Davidadelong on 09:18 AM February 15th, 2006 EST (#2)
If one were to study history one would find that most of the great innovators displayed the same characteristics of ADHD. One would also find that these Children usually came from Families that had money, and or connections. If a person were to think about the implications of the current paradigm, one might see a plan. Most of the Children that are drugged because of being labeled ADHD are from the working class. Could this be an attempt to stiffle the best and the brightest of the working People? Or has this come about just because our teachers that our tax dollars pay for are not capable to teach bright Children? Either way, our future is being actively attacked by propaganda and drugs through our Children. I always try to search out the intent of any paradigm, or governmental action. It does no good to just blame the peons, because they are nothing more than sheep following their shepherd. Anyway, Parents should take a more active part in the raising, and protection of their Children, oh, that also is not within the current paradigm is it? "It is a good day to die!"