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by RandomMan on 03:45 PM February 14th, 2006 EST (#1)
As for the first article from NBC:
Men batter women? Women (who are battered) get taxpayer-funded programs to help them that exclude men from getting similar assistance.
Women batter men? Women (who batter men) get taxpayer-funded programs to help them that exclude men from getting similar assistance.
Where the hell are the programs that "help" male batterers? Where the hell are the programs that "help" the male victims of these female batterers?
It's nice to see that misandry and the double standard can persist, even when the MSM's talking about men being battered. Gotta sell those ads, after all.
The NZ article is a bit more encouraging, but notice how the fact that they're really saying "more men are being battered than we've admitted in the past, and we hope they come forward" is buried under niceties to avoid offending the womenfolk. It also talks about breaking the "cycle of domestic violence". When men are abusive, it's no cycle, just the automatic "men are batterers, women are victims". When it's women doing the abusing, there's a "cycle" all of a sudden, and men are still responsible.
I don't disagree that a violent home is a sick place and that both partners are involved in the dysfunction, and I'm happy to see that at least one police force somewhere is taking their feminist blinders off for once. I'm just sick to death of the media and feminist double standards.
Women get treatment, men get incarcerated. Despite these apparently positive developments, nothing's changed. The system's foundation is still firmly stuck in its bedrock of misandry.
by mcc99 on 09:34 PM February 14th, 2006 EST (#2)
Where the hell are the programs that "help" male batterers? Where the hell are the programs that "help" the male victims of these female batterers?
Yes, I noticed that. The female batterers are not only drawn sympathetically but also they are spun as "needing help" more than needing correction.
Batterer programs for women include counselling; batterer programs for men including incarceration! Same old, same old, really.
by Roy on 05:32 PM February 16th, 2006 EST (#4)
Another article about the DASH program for women batterers appeared in the local Florida paper where the DASH program operates.
Here are excerpts from the Women Who Batter program directors:
"Women, more than men, were more likely to have committed their offense under the influence of drugs or alcohol," LeClerc reported, citing information from FBI reports and the Justice Department's Family Violence Statistics report.
Other factors behind women's abuse include overmedication, growing up surrounded by domestic violence, stress from parenting and poor anger management, she said.
Tonine Garbarino, who facilitates the Women Who Batter program, said that female batterers also lash out for different reasons than men: Female violence is reactive and defensive, while male violence tends to be proactive and aggressive, used as a means to gain control.
"I hear the same story over and over again from these women," said Garbarino. "There's a nanosecond where the woman says there's a nothingness. She doesn't remember a thing, but all she knows is she's hit someone or cut someone.
"It's from storing the anger. And at one point, there's nowhere for the anger to go except outward onto someone else."
Link at -- ?AID=/20060131/NEWS/601310524/1270/NEWS0101
Note all the built-in alibis that female batterers have available. NONE of those situational factors would ever be allowed to excuse a man who commits domestic abuse.
The primary "reason" that women batter men is explained as a reaction to victimization and/or being provoked and/or angry loss of control.
The exclusive "reason" that men batter women is (according to feminist DV ideology) for patriarchal power and control. And no man in DV counseling anywhere is permitted to state "She provoked me..."
There cannot be any significant change in the VAWA-funded DV Industry as long as the only explanation for domestic conflict allowed is the radical feminist one.
The only way the Florida DASH program could provide services for women who batter was to cleverly wrap a feminist "she's really a victim" alibi into the program's foundational premise.
DASH may acknowledge female violence, but they also justify it .... using traditional feminazi deceits. They are died-in-the-wool Duluth Model gender fascists who are cashing in on a new market because the courts are now ordering more women abusers into treatment.
by RandomMan on 01:02 PM February 17th, 2006 EST (#5)
It certainly would appear that women, feminists in particular, are terribly afraid of "equality". They certainly don't want to accept the responsibilities it involves. They just want the privileges.
Equality in this case means either we change the rules so men can also use past abuse, neglect, anger, drug or alcohol intoxication and the other excuses females are allowed to invoke when they are beating the shit out of their families, or we stop women from making those excuses. I vote for the latter option, personally.
Females want "equality"? Then they need to start taking responsbility for their actions. Otherwise, men have every right to view them and treat them as nothing more than overgrown, spoiled children, because that's how they're acting. Privilege without responsibility is a childish state, and that's where females are today.
Having a vagina should not be usable as a way to gain privilege, nor should it be an excuse from responsibility. Someone needs to add THAT line to the Vagina Monologues. Your vagina is "huggable"? Fine. Now how about making your vagina "RESPONSIBLE".
by Davidadelong on 05:41 PM February 17th, 2006 EST (#6)
Way to go RandomMan! The concept of all vaginas being huggable as well as responsible boggles my mind! We still have to change the system though, hmmm, culpability as well as responsibility within the government as well? I guess a Human Being can dream...........
by Roy on 05:46 PM February 17th, 2006 EST (#7)
Excellent post by RandomMan!
I recently declined a "blind date" that a female colleague at work tried to set me up with.
I simply said - "Thanks for your interest, but I've given up on American women."
After her shocked expression subsided a bit, she managed to squeak out --- "Wha-wha-whyyyy?
I told her I was not sexually attracted to either men or children.
And that American women via forty years of feminism have come to resemble nothing more than aging girls masquerading as men.
Feminism has succeeded beyond its wildest dreams by extinguishing many men's desire for women.
And also by conclusively demonstrating that women trying to be men is at best a tragedy with comic overtones.
Now I'm wondering just how long it will be for the fems at the water cooler to target me for sexual harrassment, since "giving up on women" is no doubt against corporate policy.
by RandomMan on 06:57 PM February 17th, 2006 EST (#8)
I hear you Roy. A friend of mine has started calling all European-descended females: "Useless white women".
Useless, because they are overgrown spoiled brats that refuse to do even the very few things a woman might once have done for herself or others, much less contribute meaningfully to the relationship or finances. He claims that if you marry one, forget about sex, get used to a disgustingly dirty house, and plan on eating alot of TV dinners. Until she tosses you out and takes the kids hostage, that is. You can then count on the ransom demands for your house, clothes and kids being considerable.
He just loves the Japanese lady he's with, and she loves him. When someone tried to set him up on a blind date with an American or Canadian woman, he'd just say "I don't date useless white women. I can hate myself and go bankrupt without their help, thank you very much."
He also joined me in my saying: a vasectomy means never having to say "yes, your honour".
He's my hero.
by Roy on 09:50 PM February 17th, 2006 EST (#9)
There's another layer to what men are experiencing now with women who are the products of feminism...
Just this --- Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Google it and be educated.
I could write volumes, but the main point is just this ---
Women are socialized now to be Narcissistic.
That means, they see you as an object to fulfill their need for Narcissistic Supply.
It is not so different from a crack head or heroin addict.
Except what your NPD woman needs is adoration, confirmation of her superiority, indeed any person to make her feel real by giving her praise, deference, flowers.... whatever.
Just make sure you never ask HER to give... anything.
The virus of feminism is much more than political or legal...
it has infected our very human psychologies...
You cannot even have a decent wet dream now without the vile specter of Andrea Dworkin intruding in some guise....
(Just kidding ... that would be a very un-wet dream indeed!) ;-)
by RandomMan on 04:31 AM February 18th, 2006 EST (#10)
I hear you. By referring to them as childish, I was actually calling feminism-afflicted women and their latter day hangers-on narcissists as well, but I should have been more explicit.
You don't have to tell me about NPD, Roy (although I'm real glad you brought it up): I was raised by a mother with what was eventually diagnosed as NPD. In addition, mommie dearest and every woman she knew were card-carrying Dworkinites and the archetypical Solanas/Steinham/Freidan brand of radical feminists from the instant it started up in the 60's.
Feminism and NPD destroyed my home, my family, my father and some of my own relationships with women later in life, and I feel that at the very least, I should return the favor and do everything in my power to destroy radical feminism so others can be saved the same experiences. It's just my way of saying "thanks"...
Based on my considerable experience with these sick people, it's my opinion that feminism and NPD definitely do belong under the same subheadings in the DSM, Roy. I couldn't agree with your assessment more.
by Roy on 04:30 PM February 18th, 2006 EST (#11)
No doubt RandomMan you have heard of Sam Vaknin's web site "Malignant Self-Love?"
It's perhaps the best primer on Narcissism available.
Dr. Vaknin has not yet made an implicit connection between NPD and feminism, but I'm sure he will eventually get there.
Here's an excerpt from his web sites FAQ, though I've taken the liberty of reversing the gender pronouns for greater clarity --
"Narcissism is fundamentally an evolved version of the splitting defence mechanism. The narcissist cannot regard humans, situations, entities (political parties, countries, races, her workplace) as a compound of good and bad elements. She is an "all or nothing" primitive "machine" (a common metaphor among narcissists). She either idealises her object – or devalues it. The object is either all good or all bad. The bad attributes are always projected, displaced, or otherwise externalised. The good ones are internalised in order to support the inflated ("grandiose") self-concepts of the narcissist and her grandiose fantasies – and to avoid the pain of deflation and disillusionment. The narcissist's earnestness and her (apparent) sincerity make people wonder whether she is simply detached from reality, unable to appraise it properly – or willingly and knowingly distorts reality and reinterprets it, subjecting it to her self-imposed censorship. I believe that the narcissist is dimly aware of the implausibility of her own constructions. She has not lost touch with reality. She is just less scrupulous in remoulding it and in ignoring the uncomfortable angles."
Link at -- y_disorders/narcissism/index.html
by Davidadelong on 09:12 PM February 15th, 2006 EST (#3)
I was abused by both my Mother, and my Father. Part of what my father did was done on my Mothers behalf. I am not whining about an occasional spanking, and I am not whining. But I was not the only one. The Women in the neighborhood would chastise any Male if they talked about their Mother, and that neighborhood is very large. It was OK if Kids said that their Father was heavy handed, but let a Kid say anything about their Mother, and other Women would correct them. We were trained that way. I have spoken out about my abuse, and when a Woman says anything to me I have always told them that they should mind their own business. Even the Childrens courts in the state of NY discouraged Children from complaining about their Mothers. It was always the Kids fault, if it wasn't the Fathers. Talk about brainwashing, and I was born in 1954. Nothing has changed in the system, it is just that more Men are getting sick and tired of the institutionalized abuse, and they say that the field of psychiatry has improved? You know why Women don't like Freud don't you? Because Freud knows your Mother! Thank the stars that there are Women that are tired of the crap as well, because we really do need them on our side! I used to complain about the system when I was a Kid and a ward of the court, 3 years until age 16, and I was always told to live with it, get over it, quit complaining and perform. By both Men, and Women. I have to agree with some of the posters on this site that say that action is the only way to get things changed. But if action is inevitable, then let the action be against that which has fostered this institution of control. Because that is what it is, nothing more than control. We spend our lives killing ourselves trying to make a living and find some peace in our lives, and everything is stacked against us. Anybody think that is normal? Just a thought Folks! By the way, this was in place long before the 60's. They just gave us a movement to focus our anger at.
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