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by n.j. on 08:47 PM February 13th, 2006 EST (#1)
..shouldn't it say "binds"?
by bull on 11:43 AM February 14th, 2006 EST (#6)
bound 1 (bound)
intr.v. bound·ed, bound·ing, bounds
1. To leap forward or upward; spring.
2. To progress by forward leaps or springs.
3. To bounce; rebound.
by Davidadelong on 10:24 PM February 13th, 2006 EST (#2)
Sounds like this kid needed to see the principal. In kindergarten no less. When I was in kindergarten for one month the teacher would line up the class and have the whole class strike a child if that child was deemed worthy by the teacher. That wasn't right either. I am not sure that taping the Child to a chair was right, or taping the other two kids mouths shut either. Perhaps the teacher should have had better training in dealing with problem children, and sought the help of the principal, or school counselor. Anyway, it seems that the school has taken care of the situation at that school at least. I bet she gets another job though somewhere else. I drove school bus for a while, and it can be taxing at times. I never taped any kids to their seats, or taped their mouths. I did kick one student of the bus in the middle of the country though, got away with it too as it was justified, and he wasn't in kindergarten either. He was 16 and thought he could run the bus. Anyway the Parents said that he could be a handfull, licking the door, hmmmmmmm.
Evidently, most boys should be on Ritalin before they start kindergarten !
by Davidadelong on 08:20 AM February 14th, 2006 EST (#5)
Yeah right, don't give them any ideas, they might start adding that to the prenatal vitamins!
by al_nbd on 12:40 AM February 14th, 2006 EST (#4)
Well, this is a fact known by everyone, that violence and cruelty toward children, especially boys, it's a common women's practice. Feminists try to justify this women's behavior though, and of course men are again the party to blame: feminists try to convince all, that women's violence toward children is caused by the fact that poor women are so badly opressed by men. Try to imagine how many years in prison would got a male teacher, if he taped a 6-yr girl student.
by Thundercloud on 01:16 PM February 14th, 2006 EST (#7)
As I've said so many times before... The way we see males treated by women in movies and television, etc. is GOING to be reflected in society, eventually.
I don't know how many times I have to say it; WOMEN GET OFF ON THIS KIND OF TREATMENT TOWARDS MALES!!
Read a romance novel or two. Women binding and gagging men or men being bound and gagged in general is a common theme in those novels.
Look at the Quentin Tarantino movie, "HOSTEL", that just came out about a month ago. It is rife with tied, gagged and tortured men. A number of the men are bound and tortured by women, in this "film". For a while it was number ONE at the box office.
Look at the number of DOMINATRIXES featured in TV and movies. (notice you NEVER see the male equivalent to a dominatrix, a "Master", I believe they are called).
Look at shows like FOX's "24", where men are bound and tortured routinely. (In one scene, last year, a man was featured NAKED, bound and gagged with an actual bondage gag while having a TAZER taken to his genitals).
The culture is RIFE with these images, symbols and notions.
WHY are we surprised when women DO this to children, then? Especially to BOYS.
Too many women think that this sort of treatment of males is their DUTY as women.
There was no surprise to me when I saw this article. Nor will I be surprised when it happens again And again and again...
"Hoka hey!"
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