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by Davidadelong on 03:16 PM January 30th, 2006 EST (#1)
One must celebrate when an enemy dies! If I were still a drinking Man I would have a couple! But since I am not, so what! Maybe it is a trend, maybe they all will meet their demise at an early age? Did anyone see Janet Reno singing R.E.S.P.E.C.T. on the news? Made me ill, she is still hanging in there, another one as the above!
by klp on 03:20 PM January 30th, 2006 EST (#2)
Another feminist hack assumes room temperature (to borrow Rush Limbaugh's euphamism).
Already the MSM is piling on the puff pieces for her misandric tripe.
How soon 'til some man (or men in general) is blamed for her death?
Broadway theaters will dim their lights Tuesday in honor of Wasserstein.
I will turn on every light in my house and I will ask my neighbours to do the same.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Roy on 09:00 PM January 30th, 2006 EST (#4)
A week-old CBS News piece (link below) finds Gloria Steinem at 71 still on the feminist lounge circuit, mostly college & university women's centers, picking up honorary awards, of course.
Though she does seem to have been de-fanged by age and gravity, marriage at age 66, and the death of her husband. (He only suffered for three years after saying " I do...")
(Excerpt -- )
CBS News -- No Slowdown For Gloria Steinem (1/22/06)
Walk into Gloria Steinem’s New York brownstone and you see something you may not have known she had: a frilly side.
“People sometimes remark that it seems softer and more feminine,” she says.
In fact, the home of the most recognized face of the American women's movement is a testament to her domesticity.
Are people surprised to see this very feminine side of Gloria Steinem?
“I'm glad you think it's feminine, I thought it's a little papal,” she says with a laugh.
And here's something else that may come as a bit of a jolt: Steinem is 71 years old.
Link at -- ain1227391.shtml
Seems even Gloria Steinhem will bow down for that ever so easy to attain (in most cases) male wallet.
In this world there is no woman who does not fall for men's money, whether they're feminazi or not. As we know, even those who are in top positions in politics, industry and media, they ALL want to marry up.
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
Don't forget she was human. Don't forget you are human.
I didn't know her, but I'm sure there are people out there grieving her death. A little respect... for the living, if not the dead.
My point is, don't lose your humanity over this. The point is to be better than the enemy. This is a war of morality, hold the high ground.
If you are going to verbally vent your rath on someone, don't forget there are still plenty of nutcases alive and kicking.
Having said that...
The electrical company is going to like me. All lights on.
by Davidadelong on 09:08 AM January 31st, 2006 EST (#9)
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. I reserve for People that deserve it. While I wouldn't do anything outside of speaking my mind about a fallen enemy, enemies have to earn respect from me. This person doesn't deserve my respect, what hurdles did she have to overcome to do what she did? Didn't she have the full support of the system? Didn't she enjoy doing what she did? I celebrate her death, just as I would a Hitler, Pol Pot, etc. Or do you light candles on the date of death of these people as well because they were Human? Just why should I go easy, because she was a "womyn"? Now I will mourn the passing of Coreta Scott King, now she was a Human Being, and a Woman! I'll go easy when the enemy is withdrawn; beaten and figuritively bloody or otherwise, why encourage other "womyn" to take the same path? We should celebrate the likes of Woman like Kate O'Beirne while she is still breathing, I don't agree with some of her premises, but she is on tract just the same! Take it easy................
by Luek on 10:18 AM January 31st, 2006 EST (#10)
I celebrate her death, just as I would a Hitler
Good point about Hitler. Why do you think they are called feminazis? The antimale misandry her scribblings produced possibly could have contributed to some man or even a woman to get killed or individual lives ruined. I don't consider fighting misandry in this society as a hobby or some cute battle of the sexes game. It is, as far as I am concerned a fight against evil tyranny and for preserving humanity. And notice the word HUMANITY does have a MAN in the middle holding it together.
by Baniadam on 10:58 AM January 31st, 2006 EST (#12)
It is not about respect. It is about your own humanity.
You should not celebrate the passing of others, but the victory. We haven’t won anything! All that has happened is one of their soldiers has dropped dead, that’s all. And this soldier may have had children, a spouse, friends that will cry for them.
So just leave it at that, she is dead. Leave her alone. There is no point in kick a dead corpse; it will just make you inhuman. And there is no point in celebrating the passing of one soldier, as it really is nothing. The celebration comes after we win a battle or the war.
by Davidadelong on 05:42 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#14)
I reserve the right to be somewhat glad on her passing. Yes, she was a soldier, one that had a lot of followers, she just wasn't another womyn that took a Man or two for his money and his sperm. She was an activist on the other side. A loud voice for the enemy has expired, why shouldn't I rejoice, or is it the fact that she was a womyn that bothers you? None the less, I reserve the right to heartily disagree with you. My Humanity is firmly in place by the way. I just know who the enemy is and was.
by RandomMan on 11:46 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#15)
My own humanity is fine, and not respecting someone who dedicated their lives to shitting all over other humans (including her own father, brothers, and sons, if any), doesn't harm it one bit. Perhaps you might try lecturing feminists on humanity sometime, Baniadam, you made a good speech about it in your comment. Unfortunately, they won't listen: they don't give a damn about any man alive, unless he's being exploited as a sperm donor, source of child support payments, alimony, taxes or as a legally-sanctioned punching bag. I say to hell with them all. Don't let the door hit your baggy, hairy asses on the way out, grrlz.
It's the feminists who lack humanity. They desire nothing less than the destruction of humans, including me, and all who are anything like me. All of the people these feminists seek to destroy are humans. Where's their humanity? Where's their respect?
It is the feminists who have something to learn about respect, and about humanity, not men. We developed the concepts, remember? Honour is also a male concept.
Respect is earned, not automatic. Don't assume this individual earned mine, because she most certainly didn't, and the fact that she is dead doesn't make me respect her any more.
I don't celebrate her death as a human being, (unlike feminists, I believe strongly in humanitarianism, equality and respect for all living things), but I'm pleased nonetheless: one less for their side means one less to fight. Solider? She was a general. The impact will not be insignificant.
What I do celebrate is the decrease in the number of hateful feminists walking the Earth, and an influential one at that. Since she was a feminist, and as she was my sworn enemy and sought my destruction, I'm glad she's no longer among those who stand up to be counted as my enemies.
As a person, a human, I hope her passing was quick and painless, and that her family does not suffer unduly at her death, but I absolutely, categorically refuse to respect this woman, as she absolutely, categorically refused to respect any of us. She hated us, and sought our destruction.
The feminists, as a class, have declared a Marxist class war against anything masculine, man or boy. I will not tolerate this lying down: I intend to resist them, as a class, to my last instant on this Earth. I will actively recruit other men and women to do the same at every opportunity, and I will not let their assaults go unchallenged. My last dying breath will be used to spit on them and pray for their inevitable failure. I don't respect feminists, because they decided to hate me for no reason other than the fact that I have a Y chromosome.
In case you're out of touch on the reasons why I can never have any respect for a feminist, go read over the SCUM manifesto again and then come back here and try to tell me about respect and humanity with a straight face, Baniadam. Unlike the hate-driven feminists dancing with glee every time a man dies off never knowing his own children, or in his sleep at the hands of a vengeful woman, I don't celebrate this woman's death, but I'm glad she's out of the fight.
In short, my lights will be on, bright and early on Tuesday night. Her family has my sympathies, but her political allies most assuredly do not.
by Uberganger on 08:26 AM February 1st, 2006 EST (#16)
Well said. That's one of the best posts I've read in a long time. Another dead manhater? Gee, what a sad loss to humanity.
by Baniadam on 11:01 AM January 31st, 2006 EST (#13)
The electrical company is going to like me. All lights on.
Its an about-face turn!
by Baniadam on 10:50 AM January 31st, 2006 EST (#11)
Well said kavius.
I agree with you totally.
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