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by Davidadelong on 02:47 PM January 30th, 2006 EST (#1)
It takes money and time to fight what is in place. I suppose Baldwin has both. Good thing he is an activist. I would be curious as to the solutions that he will propose when he gets his book done. Notice on the related news about Baldwin and Bassinger that they dscribe him as "bitter", who wouldn't be?
by dad4justice on 11:46 PM January 30th, 2006 EST (#2)
He is just the dude to give us the needed break to expose this injustice for fathers. We all got a right to be angry about our personal situations and optimistic that Baldwin smacks in with the truth . Most people think we are mad in the head when we tell them of our nightmare experience at the hands of a system that enjoys belting a Dad with unlawful gender discrimination within a hateful judicial system. dad4justice
by Davidadelong on 08:52 AM January 31st, 2006 EST (#3)
Either mad in the head, or just "another whiney Man", if you speak to a womyn. It will be interesting to see what he does, he also said that he would leave the U.S. if George the minor was elected as pres. I don't think he did though. I hope he carries this threat out as it will do some good.
by Luek on 12:28 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#4)
Why is it that men always (most men anyway) seem to see the light about misandry AFTER THE FACT?
by Davidadelong on 05:51 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#6)
If you are referring to Baldwin, well the answer is easy. He had money, position, and a beautiful wife. He woke up when his bubble broke. Most Men that I speak to don't relate the stories of others to themselves. They just listen, nod their heads, and thank goodness they aren't going through a divorce. Even those that have been screwed are remarried and don't want to rock the boat. Having the community come down around your ears when you get a divorce is why a lot of Men get remarried, so they will be left alone. That is why this site, and the People that contribute are so important. We need to spread the word, if we speak to ten and only one listens it is worth our effort. Just my opinion Folks........
by Thundercloud on 02:26 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#5)
...but I don't really expect the news media to cover it. I doubt the word will get out.
But who knows?
"Hoka hey!"
by brotherskeeper on 12:27 AM February 1st, 2006 EST (#7)
I have to bring this issue up, even though it's divisive.
It has been often noted by more liberal men's and father's rights activists that the majority of the FRA/MRA activists are conservative. This is not surprising, given that conservatives are more-or-less natural opponents to big (read oppressive) government radical feminists.
I am curious as to how Alec Baldwin might handle the potential cognitive dissonance he will almost certainly experience, given that the feminists are almost exclusively associated with the liberal side of the divide; a side of the divide that he is most assuredly on. I would assume that he has, in the past, more or less supported feminism.
Any of the more liberal activists here have some insights? This isn't flame bait. I'm actually curious. The same situations occur in any political party -- politics making strange bedfellows and all.
by Davidadelong on 01:11 AM February 1st, 2006 EST (#8)
Interesting point, and you are very correct. Baldwin has been on the "liberal" side of things. I find it interesting that People will try and take credit for things to benefit "their" party. Both "parties" are about preserving the status quo, if they were not they would not have survived. Anyway in so far as Baldwin is concerned he also said that when George the minor was elected he was going to leave the country, and he didn't. Maybe he will forget about his book and concentrate on making more money? By the way I consider myself a Humanist. I don't support either side unless what they are saying makes sense. EQUAL RIGHTS, the ability to live ones' life with DIGNITY, and get the government back where it belongs; controlled by the PEOPLE. Maybe I am just a radical? People would be the majority, not the minority, which means that the elite would not be happy with me if I got my way. Oh well, "It is a good day to die!"
by Thundercloud on 11:27 AM February 1st, 2006 EST (#9)
I HATE the fact that feminists are generally on the "Liberal side". I used to be a Democrat, myself, (I'm now an independent) But because of the feminists (and a few other reasons) I just couldn't rightfully call myself a Democrat anymore.
For anyone who cares; I am not a Republican, mainly, because of environmental issues, AND the Repubs are also chivalrous to a fault. So one is nearly as bad as the other. BOTH parties want to hurt men for the "good of women". They just go about it in different ways.
Also notice that CHILDREN'S rights are likewise shoved aside for the "good of women" by both parties. (Okay, Okay, mainly by Democrats, but the Republicans do it too, to a point.)
The problem is, there are too many wussie-poopies in BOTH parties.
In the end, however, I have to wonder if when more and more men in Hollywood, like Baldwin, begin to see the "pattern" of abuse of fathers by the courts, will they begin joining our side?
Let's hope so. Because if so, we will have some powerful allies, I think.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 08:54 PM February 1st, 2006 EST (#10)
Clint Eastwood could have helped, he suffered, so have many high profile Men in "hollywood". The problem is they depend on the millions that they make making movies to much to rock the boat. Same situation with lawyers that see injustices in the court system, they depend on the court clerks and judges to ensure their money train. It is a closed system, and we are the pawns, it really does suck. "It is a good day to die!"
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