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by Thundercloud on 02:02 PM January 26th, 2006 EST (#1)
Just yet another slap on the wrist, as usual for a female perpetrator of DV.
It's really becoming tiresome to say this but; We all know what would have happened had the genders been reversed. He would probably be looking at 10 years or more for attempted murder.
Ye gods, we REALLY need to get our priorities straight.
"Hoka hey!"
I feel the same way. I stopped making comment on these a while ago; I just sound like a broken record. Its not even worth commenting on (for me).
Don't get me wrong. Keep posting them: I want these documented for future generations; and I want to keep reading them as a reminder. I just don't know what else to say.
by Davidadelong on 06:59 PM January 26th, 2006 EST (#3)
Another story exposing the truer nature of the "gentler sex". I am surprised they actually printed it. She walks away with community service! I have heard that physical violence in the UK is more rampant than here. But come on, she got a walk in the park for beating and cutting a poor Guy who was watching a game on the telly! To top it all off it was about money, typical! "It is a good day to die!"
by n.j. on 11:45 PM January 26th, 2006 EST (#4)
IMHO, it should be ensured that for each and every incident like this, locals in the respective country send out some letters to officials and reporting newspapers. Sooner or later, some of them must notice something.
by AngryMan
on 04:11 AM January 27th, 2006 EST (#5)
This is a clear case of attempted murder. The sentence she got is a joke. It is sending out signals to women, telling them that it is perfectly acceptable to treat men this way. The media usually doesn't even classify this as domestic violence. This is the situation that men are living with every day.
"Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." Louis D Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice, 1913
by agoodbob on 05:45 PM February 11th, 2006 EST (#6)
In AMERICA, when a woman does something like this, it is seen as a woman putting her husband in his rightful place. In reality, Domestic Violence is only when a husband beats or rapes his wife. When the tables are turned, the man is asked "What did U do to her to make her do that?" It's no surprise, with all of the Media painting bad portraits of men. Jerry Springer and Maury Povich are two good examples of this. Only the men who deny a child is thiers, or who misuse thier wives is shown. Unfortunately, We as AMERICANS have done it to ourselves.
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