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by Thundercloud on 02:06 PM January 26th, 2006 EST (#1)
"Coincidence". Yeah, Sure it is.
Also has anyone else noticed the large amount of press given to hostage Jill Carrol, as opposed to the press given male hostages?
No balance, man. No balance...
"Hoka hey!"
by Luek on 02:37 PM January 26th, 2006 EST (#2)
Quote from article:
The U.S. military released five Iraqi women detainees Thursday, a move demanded by the kidnappers of an American reporter to spare her life, but an official said the release was coincidental.
Lying bastards! Lies, lies and more lies are the stock and trade of apologists who serve the interests of the female aristocracy. Like, only 5% of the DV abuse victims are men.
"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive."
by Roy on 09:03 PM January 26th, 2006 EST (#5)
Excellent observation Thomas!
You cannot defeat any enemy that is capable of learning when your own commanders are convinced that if they just keeping doing more of the same, then they will "win."
The presence of females in a war theatre used to be quaint and romantic ... i.e. the few hundred women nurses in Vietnam safely out of harm's way in the south.
Now, the Islamic insurgents are going to exploit the tragic aspects of our chivalrous culture by capturing and (likely) torturing & murdering female soldiers, journalists, international aid workers, etc.
I am not one for demonizing all Muslims.
But the ones that capture female journalists and threaten their execution are the very same breed that kill their own sisters for dishonoring the family.
What did the sister do?
Kissed a boy. Drove a car. Let her veil slip in public. Got herself a bit too educated...
This IS a culture war.
Terrifying indeed!
by n.j. on 11:41 PM January 26th, 2006 EST (#6)
Please don't recite the usual stereotypes regarding Islamic communities.
"Honor killings", like most of the so-called women's issues, does have male victims as well. The killer is always male mostly because families force their sons to do it and never their daughters, but it's quite possible for men to "dishonor" the family as well.
BTW, it also doesn't work to try stuffing complex matters into 2 words like "culture war".
by Davidadelong on 07:06 PM January 26th, 2006 EST (#4)
I wonder if the fact that she was working for The Christian Science Monitor had anything to do with it as well? They have a lot of money, and they champion the cause of the underdog a lot. Did anyone see the interview with her Mother? Tough Woman Folks, showed no emotion what so ever. Smiled a lot. It would be really interesting to be a fly on the wall in some of these offices to learn what really transpired. Oh well, Female, money, connections, I guess that is what it takes to get things done now a days. What a crying shame......
by Davidadelong on 11:26 AM January 28th, 2006 EST (#7)
I don't believe we should barter with lives' of hostages. If any of our People are taken hostage we should demand their return. If they are murdered we then should use whatever "intelligence" that we may have as to the possible locations of where this happened, and attack. No excuses, no apoligies, just do it. Imagine the pressure from their own People if we were to carry out this policy. It is one thing for zealots to give their lives', but quite another when the surrounding community pays as well. People are not that dumb, they would condemn the taking of hostages. Because it doesn't pay. I do not believe in war for the sake of war. But if we are at war, then we should act as if we are at war. Making deals with zealots only empowers them further. Are we not dealing with zealots'? Are they not religous fanatics, it so happens that we don't adhere to that particular religion. Jihad is nothing more than the Muslim version of the Crusades, no? If we could only get the world to outlaw religous zealots carte' blanche. Oh well, I can dream. In the name of an unseen god, no matter what the name, let millions die, and thousands profit!
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