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by amperro on 11:50 PM January 24th, 2006 EST (#1)
This poll provided only three crappy choices. Even if they do bring the draft back, there are a ton of logistical problems. In order to be "fair", everyone would have to be drafted. The lottery won't be so popular this time.
This means taking in criminals, high-school drop-outs, alcoholics and drug users, people with Satanic or Nazi symbols tattooed on their foreheads, and people who scored on the lowest 1% of the ASVAB (the military's "IQ test". People that don't want to be in the military will be too much trouble. I was in the Army. There were plenty of problem soldiers WITHOUT the draft.
Also, the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy on gays will have to be..."reconsidered". Otherwise, what better way to avoid the draft than to "face the truth about your sexuality"? The logic on women won't hold, because men will resent women that avoiding the draft while attending graduate school.
by Davidadelong on 11:59 PM January 24th, 2006 EST (#2)
The plethora of violent video games, the breaking of the American Family, the alienation of Men and Women, don't they have enough pissed off young Men? Well they do, it's just that they don't want to die or get maimed to make someone else rich! I guess the People still got smarter even though they tried to keep the Males dumb. Of course they want the draft, they plan on being in this war for at least ten years. The military industrial complex wants their blood money Folks, and we are nothing but a cheap commodity. There are an awful lot of career military People that want their pensions as well. This is much larger than just a Mans' issue, even though the Men bare the brunt of the mayhem, death, psychological problems, and not to mention the maiming of healthy young Men. I just don't get it, before this so called war we were the best at killing those that we wanted dead, but now all of a sudden we can't seem to catch some rebels. Smells like Vietnam, and the police action of the soviet union in Afghanastan, another way to pad the pockets of the rich, thin out the population, and provide jobs for the social services that will have to deal with the poor Guys who do come home. How many times will they play the same script before we all wake up? Just my opinion Folks.....
"I just don't get it, before this so called war we were the best at killing those that we wanted dead,"
Truly . . Gosh . . yourself, you refer to Vietnam, and, of course you overlook that 'far away' isolated corner of the world called Cuba, where the overwhelming power and vastness of that country defeated your simplest desire !
Seems . . just like Tony Blair can sell us anything, your leaders do likewise !
by Davidadelong on 11:42 PM January 25th, 2006 EST (#7)
I don't quite understand your comment to what I wrote. The political and money trail of Cuba is a little different than Vietnam and the rest. American business concerns had already invested themselves in Cuba, and are still reaping the rewards. The U.S. took over from France in what was then called Indo China, they just took over the operations. I haven't been sold anything as far as propaganda is concerned. But thanks for the comment..........Oh, and by the way, the U.S. took away Iraq from Germany and France who were heavily invested in that country before we invaded. That is why Germany and France were against the U.S./Nato when they did invade. It is all about the big corporations wanting to make money, and they don't care how, any different over there?
by Daoistfire on 06:15 AM January 26th, 2006 EST (#8)
We Chinese invest money and army on Korea for no return, in result they turn to us when we broke up with Soviet Union.
We Invest money and army on Vietnam for no return TOO, in result they turn to us straight after the Vietnam war.
Thats why the reward of investment is important.
(Maybe it is irrelevent to the article, but i jsut want to express about this)
by Davidadelong on 11:06 AM January 26th, 2006 EST (#9)
No, imperialism whether by communist rule, or any other rule is still imperialism, no? So China is doing the same thing that the rest of the world is doing, what else is new?
by MR on 05:25 AM January 25th, 2006 EST (#3)
It is currently against the law to fill ground combat roles with women. Women are assigned combat roles in aircraft, and women in support groups do find themselves winding up in combat, due to circumstances.
Still, in the current war in Iraq, women are approximately 2.5% of combat deaths and injuries. Historically, 99.999% of combat deaths and injuries are men.
So much for equal responsibility for women. The privileged prima donnas are so oppressed. Women are not even required by law to register for selective service, but even retarded or physically disabled men are, in addition to all the healthy ones.
by Luek on 10:05 AM January 25th, 2006 EST (#4)
In today's military, women are given preferential treatment in promotions and jobs.
It is a virtual paradise for women recruits.
If they do not like a male supervisor or a fellow male worker then all they have to do is cry sexual harassment and hell slams into session. Even if a male accused of harassment is vindicated he is still stained for the entirety of his career. Of course their are no consequences for HER false accusations!
If they get pregged up without being married, as most do, they get extra pay and sick leave time off to care for their bastard or bastards. All at the taxpayer's expense of course.
As bad as it is now in the military, think what further misandric depths the military will sink to if the Hildabeast gets elected President!
by khankrumthebulgar on 09:31 PM January 25th, 2006 EST (#5)
The reality is that we are in a clash of Cultures. From Chechnya, Thailand, China, The Cacususes, Georgia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Sudan, Islam is at war with the west. Jihad has resurfaced again after laying dormant since the end of the Ottoman Empire. It waged war with the Christian West for 14 Centuries. David I suggest you do a little reading of history. The Moslems fought the Mongols in what is modern Day Uzbekistan to a standstill and what is now the Golden Mosque.
Genghis Khan's Grand Nephew Timur the Lame embrace d Islam and waged war on India. The Moslems have taken up old ways. The Mullahs in Iran are convinced that the Moslem Messiah is coming. They believe they will win. At our declining birth rates in the West and weakness due to Feminism I am inclinced to agree with them.
This is not a war that George Bush invented. The conflict between the Serbs in Bosnia and the Albanians has Islam and a conflict stretching back to the Byzantine Empire. The KLA is allied with Al-Queda.
by Davidadelong on 07:50 PM January 26th, 2006 EST (#10)
Yes, I know. There is evidence, history of one of the Popes making a deal with one of the leaders of the Ottoman empire, no? One always has to have a villian in order to spur zealots, no? Funny how this came about again after communism became passe' as the villain, no? History sure does repeat it self. I just think that we should be smarter than the ones that are pulling our strings so we don't have to die to help make them rich, what do you think? Al-Queda, with one of the Saudi royal family at the head. Like I said, history repeats it self. The U.S. trained the insurgents didn't they? The military industrial complex has to have an enemy to make money. There are not enough jobs to go around for all the able bodied Males, specifically in our current state of Female superiority, also done by the government. In so far as me reading, I have and do, I just don't believe in the BS, and the propaganda that is put forth to justify the current BS. We are being played Sir, as the majority of Human Beings have been since the beginning of organization. There is a reason that the elite still have control and power thousands of years later. I believe in the truth, and I believe in the dream of actual freedom. I wouldn't have taken up the banner of the last cusade, and I am not about to back this one. The Ottoman empire elite will still be in control, and the western elite will still be in control, after thousands more have died. I seek sanity in an insane world, I don't want to contribute to insanity.
by Davidadelong on 08:38 PM January 26th, 2006 EST (#11)
By the way, just because I don't support the war doesn't mean I don't support the troops. It is you that has a Son in the Marines? Semper Fidelis! The troops count on us to be political, as they give up that right when they take their oath. I served, and received an honorable discharge. I also am a life member of the Marine Corps League, as well as a member of the Military Order of the Devil Dogs. I back our troops, but not our government. I never have believed in blind obedience...........
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