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by Davidadelong on 12:12 AM January 25th, 2006 EST (#1)
I read the article, one must read the whole article to understand that they just don't stress Male on Male violence. I am very glad to see something like this. But notice that Men from Canada even use this shelter. A ripple in the pond that perhaps one day will turn into a tidal wave? I sure hope so..........
by Roy on 04:53 PM January 25th, 2006 EST (#3)
I found it intriguing that with all the reasonable and balanced examination of DV statistics in the article (including acknowledging the long-documented equivalent rates of abuse initiated by women) ---
there was no mention of the cohabiting category that has the highest frequency of intimate partner violence -- i.e. lesbian couples!
An innocent oversight?
by Marc A. on 05:18 PM January 25th, 2006 EST (#4)
I think the reason was that this author focused on male victims and how this shelter is the only known one that halps them, so lesbians wouldn't exactly fit the story. Given how she cited the stats as they actually are, and also quoted Fiebert, talked about Green's experience, etc., I don't think she was covering anything up. This is one of the very few reporters who I think did her best to do the right thing. I was very happy with the article. Others, who are more biased, would have only focused on male-on-male violence to cover up the female violence. The same-sex violence victim she begins with was the only recent male victim who went to Valley Oasis who was willing to talk. So she started with that. But before doing so, she said the stats say men and women are equally likely to initiate DV, which immediately got rid of any presemptions as one begins to read the first experience. Then she later goes into female-on-male violence, quotes Fiebert, etc. I wish more reporters were this objective and truthful.
by Davidadelong on 07:13 PM January 25th, 2006 EST (#5)
I don't believe that it was an innocent oversight, I believe it was intentional. The feminists would do all they could to squash this important article if the whole truth were to be given. The article though was awsome, to bad it wasn't in one of the major papers. I would bet this is just one of those situations that would fit under pick your battles. The information that was given was terrific. Another day for shedding light on the abusive conditions of lesbians. But first let's elevate the Mens' situation!
by Daoistfire on 08:07 AM January 25th, 2006 EST (#2)
Despite all these prove of how male are badly trated, the feminist control media will still ignore these.
Instead they will find more ugly statment to show man become "oppresser" to the female and how they should bring a holy war against these act.
The road to equality is dark and full of despair, as they always do.....
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