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by khankrumthebulgar on 08:36 PM January 16th, 2006 EST (#1)
The FemNags apparently demanded a 76% increase in their cost to Dish Network. The Bitches apparently never took Economics 101. Dish Network is a business not Daddy Government. And the entitlement Princesses think business must cater to their fat, lazy, skanky,butts. Think Again Girls!! Dish Network made a business decision. How about a 15% increase.
This is how the thinking of FemNags works. We will charge what we want and you will pay for it. Typical Socialist BS. I am laughing my butt off.
by Davidadelong on 09:26 PM January 16th, 2006 EST (#2)
If only the Mens' movement was as organized as the Womans' movement! Good for Dish Network! I am curious to see if Dish holds out, or if the nags get some help from the government? Black mail is supposed to be against the law, no?
"DISH has no right to decide for women that they should not have all of the viewing options for which they have paid — especially their favorite networks."
LMAO! Of course Dish Network has the right! They have every right to offer whatever channels they want.
The feminists, as consumers, have every right to drop Dish Network and switch to a different service which offers the channels they want to watch. "Existence exists. A is A." -Ayn Rand
by Metaldud on 02:45 AM January 17th, 2006 EST (#4)
You know, women have so many channels they control, I can't count them all here. Oxygen, WE, E!, ABC, CBS, NBC, UPN, WB, MTV, TBS, TNT, CMT, TCM, TV GUIDE, FX, FOX, and so on and so on and so on, and STILL they whine and cry about being "discriminated against." Say what? The militant feminzais have bought off all of the tv networks, newspapers, magazines and stores to parrot their message of women are always innocent sweet angels, while males are regarded as inane buffoons who must be wiped off the face of the earth. Any criticism of women at all is considered unthinkable and held in contempt. It's tough being male in the 21st century.
by Thundercloud on 11:48 AM January 17th, 2006 EST (#9)
Actually, any criticism of women, at all is literally considered BLASPMEMY.
"Hoka hey!"
by TomP on 01:28 PM January 17th, 2006 EST (#10)
Any criticism of Fundamentalist Feminism is blasphemy, certainly, and that includes the assumption that women are Eternal Victims. Don't confuse Feminism with women, please. Women are capable of being much nicer. Some of them even are.
by Thundercloud on 01:57 PM January 17th, 2006 EST (#11)
Believe me, my comments were aimed squarely at the feminists.
...They're GODESSES, you know...? (Well, that's what they tell us)
"Hoka hey!"
by LSBeene on 04:20 AM January 17th, 2006 EST (#5)
Here it is:
"It covers issues crucial to women — such as breast cancer, violence against women, economic equality and girls’ self-esteem — which are virtually ignored by other networks."
Maybe compared to Lifetime. But this network is an ADVOCACY network (wasn't "Suburban Madness" theirs?) and is often referred to in the MRA circles as the "Victimology Network".
And what about Oxygen, E!, the Majors, and how there is no REAL men's network. SPIKE is action movies, cartoons, and NOTHING as to men's issues or even a news service or have PSAs for men.
I do admit I love the way they are stamping their dainty little feet over this.
Cry me a river.
Steven "Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. Sleep safe tonight, we're on the job."
by Thundercloud on 11:44 AM January 17th, 2006 EST (#8)
What do they mean that the other networks "IGNORE" women and women's issues??????
Women's issues are covered sun rise to sun set on ALL the major news outlets, including FOX.
I can't go ONE day with out hearing about BREAST CANCER in the news, or "violence against women" etc, etc.
I can go MONTHS before I hear ANYTHING about PROSTATE CANCER or any other men's issues. The media is NOTHING BUT women's issues.
"Ignores women's issues". Shut UP!
I have never seen a group of people so FAR FLUNG from reality. It's almost laughable.
"Hoka hey!"
by gatsby on 03:59 PM January 17th, 2006 EST (#13)
Anything short of complete domination is subjugation in the eyes of these women. When has it the definition of "ignoring women's issues" become not having everything they want whenever they want it? There is only one other demographic that has unlimited rights with no responsibilities, they are called CHILDREN. Children cant defend, advocate or take care of themselves so they require intervention to ensure their rights. They dont have any counterbalancing responsibilities to earn the rights they receive because after all,they are friggin children. Women on the other hand want the same arrangement. Unlimited RIGHTS with no corresponding RESPONSIBILITIES.
by Thundercloud on 09:33 AM January 18th, 2006 EST (#15)
Gatsby, Yes, exactly right.
Feminists want women to have the status of children but be treated and viewed as adults.
"Hoka hey!"
by Luek on 09:04 AM January 17th, 2006 EST (#6)
One of the reasons I cancelled my subscription to DISH NETWORK 3 years ago was because of misandric channels like LifeTime in their lineup.
I am glad to hear that DISH has dumped LifeTime's crap.
DISH has no right to decide for women that they should not have all of the viewing options for which they have paid — especially their favorite networks."
Typical example of Feminist Social-Marxist mindset! All resources and property belong to the state of Feminazi. To hell with them all.
by Thundercloud on 11:37 AM January 17th, 2006 EST (#7)
In the immortal words of Nelson Muntz (The Simpsons) ; "HA HA!"
by babacoco on 07:29 PM January 19th, 2006 EST (#22)
The Feminazi, as you put, is faithfully watching FSTV. Lifetime is designed for the lonely housewife dreaming of romance. Feminists are too intellectual for such poorly plotted, bad acted crap...
I think it will be a better world with no Lifetime feeding false promises of what could be to the bon bon eating, stuff animal collecting scrapbookers of America...
by apetr26542 on 03:09 PM January 17th, 2006 EST (#12)
I emailed dish network, being a customer of their's. I told them I supported their decision and it is there right to adjust programming to keep costs down.
by Thundercloud on 09:35 AM January 18th, 2006 EST (#16)
What is "BET"?
I don't have cable or satellite, so I don't know what that is. Is it another misandrist network?
"Hoka hey!"
by dipy911
on 05:20 PM January 18th, 2006 EST (#17)
Black Entertainment Network. Look at the email. He is a troll! You know, we hate women, blacks, ...
by Earwig on 07:16 PM January 18th, 2006 EST (#18)
Actually, B.E.T. is virulently racist, and sexist to boot.
yep. true - always making the crackers look bad --- HEY GET A GRIP I WAS ONLY KIDDING!!!!
I don't watch Spike unless they have ST TNG on.
And I Don't know how you can compare AFA to KKK but whatever.
Carry on
by quetzal on 07:52 PM January 18th, 2006 EST (#19)
what you mean 'HE', paleface?
(no offense intended Thundercloud!)
by Roy on 08:36 PM January 18th, 2006 EST (#20)
I smelled a troll right away too.
But guess what?
The Reverend he refers to actually exists and it has its own web site at -- "American Family Association" --
Wow! A new incarnation for the KKK?
by Thundercloud on 11:28 AM January 19th, 2006 EST (#21)
Yeah. It never gets said, because it's "politically incorrect", But we minorities are NOT above racism. Not just towards Whites but even other minorities. I have been called "Injun" and "Honky"(???) by Blacks as often as by Whites.
We're human, we do it, too.
It's the same with women. You can't say that women can be sexist, even though we KNOW that they can be. Again, it's not P.C. to say it.
I hate Political Correctness. It does more to divide us than unite us...
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 10:17 AM January 20th, 2006 EST (#23)
If one were to condemn BET, one would have to condemn Spike as well, same format, different target audience as to color. Is there enough barren desert lands to send all racists, and let them eat sand? Human Beings are Human Beings, by buying into the divisionary propaganda of the government, yes the government, there is solid evidence that the CIA formed and started the skin head movement, People are allowing themselves to be used to help keep "everyone down". I wonder if the retirement and pay structure makes it worth while, or are these People really that soft headed? Just my opinion Folks.....
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