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by Davidadelong on 08:45 PM January 14th, 2006 EST (#1)
Thundercloud, I ran into a guy today who is part Cherokee, and is having problems with his ex-wife about Child visitation. He said he was going to try the Tribal Court, and I told him that I was acquainted with a guy that might have some information of whom he could contact. Do you? He doesn't have a computer so he can't access this fine site. If you do I will pass the info on to him. If not, at least I tried. "Hoka hey!" Thundercloud.
by Thundercloud on 01:34 PM January 15th, 2006 EST (#4)
Nope, I sure don't. I wish I did.
However, his best bet may BE the tribal court.
Although they have become pretty anti-male, themselves, in recent years. So either way it is likely to be an up-hill fight. But probably (at least a bit) less so in tribal court.
Unfortunately, feminism has found it's way to my people, too.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 07:16 PM January 15th, 2006 EST (#5)
Thank you for your response! No Sir, I do not view you as a clown. I respect your opinions and your voice. I am somewhat of a smartass, with the brunt of my humor aimed at myself. If I offended you, I am sorry as that was not my intent. "Hoka hey!" Thundercloud!
by Thundercloud on 03:18 PM January 16th, 2006 EST (#9)
No, No, I was just kidding around.
Actually, I AM a bit of a clown.
While I do take being an MRA very seriously, I find time for jokes. Usually about feminists.
And I'm the first person to pick on myself when I screw up. Things like spelling errors and signing my name twice and other goofy ways that I screw up.
I think it's funny when people meet me when they hear that I am Indian. I am NEVER what they "expect". I am as far from a stereotype as an Indian can get. They always expect some tall, dark skinned, warrior type in a buckskin outfit, arms folded and a stoic expression.
Instead they get a somewhat shortish, light skinned clown with a smirk on his face who wise cracks a lot. I do wear my hair in traditional braids and wear Native jewelry, but that's about it.
Think of me as Russell Means meets MYSTERY SIENCE THEATER 3000.
Like I said; "Not what people expect."
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 09:05 AM January 17th, 2006 EST (#11)
Yeah, I know what you mean, I always get, gee I thought you were bigger when they find I am 5'9", even after they know me for a while. Peoples perceptions of others is amusing at times. I myself did picture you as being somewhat traditional in appearance, although I hadn't thought about your physical elevation! One has to find humor in life, or else they become sour. I don't mind getting wrinkled and aged, but I never want to become sour! "Hoka hey!" Nice description by the way, it was a good morning guffaw!
by Thundercloud on 11:53 AM January 17th, 2006 EST (#13)
The funny thing is, I am always scaring women.
They see me coming and immediately pull their kids away from me.
The kids always smile and wave at me, though.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 08:41 AM January 18th, 2006 EST (#14)
I love Children myself, and it seems most of them like me as well, including dogs. But, most Mothers are the same with me. I guess they don't want an independant thinker influencing their Children. I find that I am usually a target by womyn, and a different target by Women. I have met a few that are genuinely interested in finding out what I am about, but most Women/womyn really don't want a Man that thinks for themselves, they want a man that can be manipulated and led. A sign of the times Thundercloud, now if we only had a ring through our noses.............."Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 08:53 PM January 14th, 2006 EST (#2)
I opened the editorial with the same amount of "yeah sure" attitude that I am sure a lot of People have. But, if it gets passed, and if it gets administered properly, "wow"! I am also glad to see that a psychiatrist was responsible. I take back some of the things that I have said about psychiatrists, they are all not bad! It would really be something if there were a domino effect with this. But, I do have a serious caveat about Childrens Services, who is going to monitor them?
by brotherskeeper on 12:28 AM January 15th, 2006 EST (#3)
I take anything Kathy P. writes with a grain of salt. You've got to constantly watch for the little snarky jab at men (letting you know what it's like to have the 'boot heel ground into your face'). I often wonder if this isn't simply the 'cause du jour' for an opportunistic 'journalist'.
As regards the subject, I'm glad to see it getting attention. I am, however, opposed to getting the government MORE involved in the mess they created. Does anyone in their right mind really want them and the DV industry MORE involved?
I'm copying the article and sending it to my state legislators with a request one of them introduce the same LAW here.....
In Washington, visitation is against the law - all the woman has to do is say nope...and drag it through the courts for ever and then have some goons knock you out when you come home late at night from working your second job
and then her lawyer says - oh look - the guy has been in a fight -- can't have that kind of person around a kid.
and you are sitting there saying - yes, and who was the one smirking and laughing in the car that drove up with that guy that jumped out and cold-cocked me in my driveway - it was HER, your honor - who made this happen!
And the judge looks at you and says. "That will be about enough out of you"
Visitation denied until you heal up.
And no, you can't get an escort out to your car where you find your tires slashed.
maybe i was just better off not trying to visit my kid.
by khankrumthebulgar on 09:33 AM January 16th, 2006 EST (#7)
This amounts to adding a few life Boat to the HMS Titanic on its maiden voyage. In truth cutting Daddy Government's subsidy of Divorce would virtually overnight stop the nonsense. Women are Divorcing Men and "Cashing Out" because they are enabled by Daddy Government to do so. Take away the Guvimint Hand out and Menage a Tois and you stop the Divorce Merry Go Round.
Marriage is a three some, Man, Woman, & Government. I personally don't want to share my bed with the Government. Especially if Andrea Dworkin is the other Woman!!!
by Davidadelong on 09:55 AM January 16th, 2006 EST (#8)
It is sad that hapened to you. It is also sad that the other guy was letting a vagina think for him. In Washington as in OR, a Man has to be careful with female relationships. I carry a tape recorder when I know I might encounter a problem. It seems that the catch all for anti Males in this area is to accuse a Man of being violent, a hard one to disprove when they need no proof to implement it. Good Luck e-truth, "It is a good day to die!"
by JulianDroms on 05:55 PM January 16th, 2006 EST (#10)
I would be opposed to this bill. It basically provides an avenue for parents (probably in the end mostly women) to invite Child Protective Services into the lives of families without evidence. All they have to do, is make an allegation, then withold access to the child, then CPS moves in. And given what we know about how biased psychologists and social workers are against men & fathers, I doubt this will be a good thing in the end.
Quit ethe opposite, really. And even if the bill proponent is a father's rights' proponent, the majority of people in CPS simply aren't - they're feminists.
Overall a very bad idea.
by Davidadelong on 09:11 AM January 17th, 2006 EST (#12)
Contempt should not be reserved for Women only, it should be utilized for the courts as well, from the bottom, court clerks, to the top, judges. Perhaps we should revamp the system that allows biological tape recorders to be appointed, or voted into office? I say biological tape recorders due to the fact that it is obvious that these people don't use their own minds! "It is a good day to die!"
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