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by mcc99 on 06:49 PM January 11th, 2006 EST (#1)
Check this out. Excerpt:
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10, 2006 – Harsher punishments for Defense Department personnel who participate in human trafficking or support the industry by patronizing prostitutes are part of a bill signed into law today by President Bush.
Commentary here from an official Washington Post blogger. Excerpt:
I know it's near impossible to characterize an entire institution without committing immense over simplification, but observing the junior service from the very rear of the front for a few days left a strong impression of something very much awry.
Awry... I'll say it's awry. The implication that a soldier who hires a prostitute is participating/supporting human trafficking is sort of like saying that a drug addict is participating in contributing to the illicit profits of the mafia and so should be punished as if he (or she) were actually in the mafia itself if they use illegal drugs.
I guarantee that such a bizarre notion will not be applied to Heidi Fleiss' proposed Bordello for Women, nor I venture will the standard for scrupulously correct sailor-banter Kathleen Parker addresses be applied to female Navy personnel any time soon, either.
by Roy on 10:28 PM January 11th, 2006 EST (#2)
The article cited above states that there is a move in Congress to create an Office of the Victim Advocate within the Pentagon, basically to prosecute men for alleged DV crimes while they serve in the military. (Look up the bill, H.R. 1403 on
Now, you really gotta wonder...
With the U.S. armed forces consistently failing to meet its recruitment and re-enlistment quotas, does this seem like the best next spin on the "be all that you can be" P.R. campaign?
Young men increasingly look at joining the military as just slightly less attractive than becoming a West Virginia coal miner.
They see the lip service about "supporting our troops" and "completing the mission," and they're aware that 14,000 plus wounded and disabled Iraq theatre vets are being shafted.
They notice that it's government policy to ban photos of flag-draped coffins or double-amputees.
But a few harsh and offensive words overheard by a fragile female "soldier" are more important to pursue than is doing justice by our newest generation of wounded vets.
No amount of "an army of one" propaganda is going to persuade young men to enlist in a feminist-controlled armed services where they get fragged by G.I. Cupcake just for speaking like a soldier.
by mcc99 on 11:06 PM January 11th, 2006 EST (#3)
It used to be an act of outright mutiny-cum-fragging was needed to get you arrested and taken away from a combat zone. Otherwise troops would eventually try all manner of things to get into enough trouble to get sent back away from combat, once they have decided they have had it, but not so much to get into real trouble-- from petty theft to rank insubordination.
So now, imagine the day drawing near... the way to get rotated out of a combat zone is to get sent back to answer for the crime of cracking a cheeky joke around a female. Three years in the brig/stockade rather than three more years in combat? Heck, the choice is easy for the man who just saw his entire unit blown to hell:
"Lieutenant, I just saw my entire unit blown to hell."
"Yes... sorry sir, but I'm getting the hell out of here...
Excuse me, ummm, Capt. Smith, ma'am, I have this joke I need to tell you. There's these two prostitutes in downtown Baghdad and one says to the other..."
"THAT'S ENOUGH, private! Lieutenant, arrest him and send him back to Belgium to be court- martialled! He is telling off-color jokes in the presence of a... a WOMAN! And an OFFICER no less!!"
"Yes, ma'am.... can I go with him, too, ma'am?"
"Of course, but only if you pick up where he left off on that evil, horrible, sexist joke; after all, I need a REAL good reason to send you both back..."
by Davidadelong on 10:33 AM January 12th, 2006 EST (#5)
When I was in the Marines I had occassion to be around Female officers. It wasn't rare for a Marine to respond Yes Sir, when acknowledging an order or directive from a Female officer. The Women took it in stride. Beside that, have you ever heard Female Marines telling jokes? Or reference to the snail trail left when they sit down? This by Women, about Women. Please, let us get real about this! Oh, I forgot, we are being run by willfull immature Females that only seek the satisfaction of hearing themselves give ridiculous directives to keep MEN down! And let us not forget the men that pander to these despots!
by Thundercloud on 11:59 AM January 12th, 2006 EST (#7)
Funny, isn't it? How so many women do their damnedest to feminize men, and then they complain; "Where are all the real men??".
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 01:30 PM January 12th, 2006 EST (#8)
Yes, and the fact is when they meet a real Man, they are afraid, sad isn't it?
by gatsby on 02:14 PM January 12th, 2006 EST (#10)
The sad fact is that we are fighting a losing battle by even responding to the kind of man that a woman wants because they do not know themselves. They seem to thrive on being contrary. If you give A, then they want B and vice versa. Just be your own man, not the man they want you to be.
by Thundercloud on 03:05 PM January 12th, 2006 EST (#11)
It is interesting how you describe many American women as "contrary".
In the Lakota and Cheyenne tribes there were people who became what were called "Contraries". These people did and said everything in a contrary manner. They said "No" when they meant "Yes", "Come" when they meant"go away" "Don't cook the rabbit" when they actually wanted a rabbit cooked, they said "goodbye" when they really meant "Hello", Good was bad and bad was good and on and on.
The lakota word for these people is "Heyoka". It means 'a contrary' but also (and not coincidentally) it means 'Crazy' or 'Insane'.
I have often referred to the American woman as a "Contrary" or "Heyoka". For that, indeed, seems to be what they are becoming.
They fit the description to a tee.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 10:11 AM January 12th, 2006 EST (#4)
Let's see, a person in the military can't hire a prostitute. They are away from home, and under fire. I suppose that with all the restrictions that these womyn are trying to put on our military People that not only will they suffer from PTSD, but from PC-SD as well. I wonder if they will start handing out drugs in boot camps so that our service People will be true zombies? The womyn that initiated this should have to serve on the front lines as a grunt, poetic justice you think?
by Thundercloud on 10:48 AM January 12th, 2006 EST (#6)
I say screw these "womyn".
Let them screw up our military so badly that one day, soon, people like the Taliban and such can just march into the country and do as they like.
They will not listen to P.C. feminism. In fact they will show these "womyn" what REAL oppression and subjugation are all about. under the rule of the Taliban, women will not be able to seek an education, they will have to cover their faces, (which in the cases of a lot of fembots, that isn't such a bad idea...) They will be virtual if not out right slaves, they will even be stoned to death for the most minor of "infractions". THEN and only THEN will these "womyn's" gripes about patriarchy, subjugation, oppression and sexism be real. But it won't matter, will it? Because there will be no one left to come to their defence. And it will be ENTIRELY their OWN FAULT.
"Grrrl power"? Yeah, what ever...
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 01:33 PM January 12th, 2006 EST (#9)
Thundercloud, I do enjoy your insight!
"Hoka hey!"
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