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by LSBeene on 09:15 AM January 7th, 2006 EST (#1)
My name is Steven Beene and I am deeply disturbed to hear about your film "Off The Chain". Apparently you think that Domestic Violence (DV) against a husband is "ok", but you make sure the 'self-justification' button gets a toggle first. I gotta wonder how "funny" it would be to portray a lazy wife being beaten or having her genitals mutilated ... and you could portray the man who did this abomination as the "victim" because his wife is lazy ... right?
No, it's not "different", and your "committment to diversity" (what has THAT got to do with DV against men?!) is fulfilled in what possible way when you make not only light of, but justify DV against men?
Let's try a simple test: on your site show a husband with a knife who will mutilate his wife sexually and commit DV against her and see how it goes. I doubt you would do this as you would be committing professional suicide and we both know it.
It's not "funny" when men are beaten or mutilated. It matters not based on gender, race, or religion.
Once upon a time there were the PC 90's. They're over. Sorry you didn't get the memo, but now you're getting the E-mails.
Beating and mutilating one's spouse is not "cute".
Hope it helps "Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. Sleep safe tonight, we're on the job."
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by Roy on 09:22 PM January 8th, 2006 EST (#16)
Check out their web site especially the "About Us" section.
There is an obvious affiliation with pro-gay rights causes, and that's just fine by me.
But these media-mogul-wannabees should at least be honest about their motivation for financing movies that assault heterosexual men.
Their web site says "garage band" all over it.
I wouldn't waste too much sleep worrying about them becoming a major cultural force.
by Jimbiz on 11:41 AM January 7th, 2006 EST (#2)
I find it funny that the writer, director and producers of this film are trying to stay as anonymous as possible.
Wonder why, if they think this is all in good humor?
by Davidadelong on 11:50 AM January 7th, 2006 EST (#3)
While in college I took courses in Anthropoligy, very interesting! I had an honest Female professor who told the truth as to studies about different societies, and all of them showed that Women were more vicious than Men. That would include business, crime, and just about everything else. Doesn't the current trend of movies being made for the gratification of Women point to this? Perhaps the chain that this movie refers to should be put back on since they can't seem to control themselves? Just a thought....
by Thundercloud on 01:50 PM January 7th, 2006 EST (#4)
This reminds me of a little factoid the feminists don't want you to know about my people. (American Indians)
The feminists are always saying that American Indian women were oppressed by the men of any given tribe. It is just NOT true. Women in most Indian tribes, including mine, (the Cherokee) Had equal and sometimes higher standing than the men of the tribe. Also when it came to War captives, guess who decided what happened to those captives? IT WAS THE WOMEN!
They decided whether or not a captive was made a "slave" or tortured to death.
And guess who got to torture a man to death if it was decided (by the women) that he died.
Guess how it was done. It was done by the women skinning the man ALIVE until he died a cruel, horrible, bloody, unspeakably painful, torturous death.
The feminists don't want you to know little facts like this. This is one of the reasons the media (controlled by feminists or at least feminism) suppresses Indian issues and stories. If these little doozies got out it might destroy any and all of the feminist's "credibility".
Oh, well. That's starting to happen any way.
My point being that it has always been obvious to most (traditional) Indian men that women can be just as brutal as men. In many cases MORE so.
I mean after all WHO do movies like this cater to? Men? Nope. Women? Yep!
WHY do they go see movies like this and others like ENOUGH, CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN, and HOSTEL, etc? Because they ENJOY seeing men hurt, tortured, in pain and dehumanized.
There are men who like to see the same done to women. But these guys are called perverts, sadists, misogynists and "mean spirited".
Funny that we have no similar words for women who delight in the pain of men.
Also the material that men view to see the sadistic torture of women is called "Hard core Pornography". The material that women view to see the sadistic torture of men is called "Comedy"...
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 05:57 PM January 7th, 2006 EST (#6)
I knew about what you described, but most People don't. It is sad where we have gone, sadder still where we are going........"It is a good day to die!" By the way, your last two paragraphs sums up the situation quite well.
by Mike Hoyland on 12:53 AM January 9th, 2006 EST (#17)
“Also the material that men view to see the sadistic torture of women is called "Hard core Pornography". The material that women view to see the sadistic torture of men is called "Comedy"...”
And so is far more available to children who grow up to regard male bashing as unremarkable and socially acceptable. I have been monitoring the UK home video program called ‘You’ve Been Framed’ in which there are, on average, five ‘humorous’ incidents of male genital assault and trauma per hour of program. It is usually broadcast in the early evening around 5:00pm; often directly after programs that are specifically designed for children. Images of young men and boys (even a baby boy) suffering severe pain and clutching their genitals are portrayed as normal family entertainment. With this powerful indoctrination it is not surprising to find that our society has difficulty recognising this gender bias.
In my complaints to Granarda TV and OFCOM I have used the following: …
Perhaps a good test of objectivity here is to imagine how it would look if the gender roles were reversed. Consider, if you will, a clip that was first shown in late January 2001 (one of very many that could be chosen).
1) is a brief description the clip as it was broadcast, and
2) the same description but with the genders reversed.
1) Pubescent boy playing with his two dogs, one dog steps on a garden rake, the handle comes up and strikes the boy between his legs, he clutches his crotch and doubles up in severe pain. Largely female audience respond with ooohs and laughter. Female presenter makes disparaging comments about male immaturity.
2) Pubescent girl playing with her two dogs, one dog steps on a garden rake, the handle comes up and strikes the girls breast, she clutches her breast and doubles up in severe pain. Largely male audience respond with ooohs and laughter. Male presenter makes disparaging comments about ‘dumb-blondes’.
The former type of clip is common the latter I have not seen in five years of monitoring!!!!!!
by Luek on 01:57 PM January 7th, 2006 EST (#5)
Evidently, the response from MRA's has had an effect. Here is a notice posted on their site:
The following statement has been prepared in response to our title
Off the Chain
Domestic violence against men?!
Beck/Jacobs has been inundated with comments and opinions from men's
advocacy groups and individuals regarding the anticipated release of "Off the
Chain", suggesting that the film perpetuates negative stereotypes and
unacceptable images of domestic violence against men.
Beck/Jacobs prides itself on diversity. Therefore, we respect the artistic individuality of all
of our writers, directors and producers. As such, we uphold the absolute artistic right to
free speech and expression by all of our filmmakers, including those associated with "Off
the Chain." On content, "Off the Chain" is a dark, offbeat and entertaining comedy told
from a woman's perspective. Based upon the scarcity of content by and for women, we
are pleased to carry this award-winning feature in our library
Here is my e-mail to them concerning this.
The media is constantly bombarding the public with images of the stereotypical male incompetent doofus in whatever role, father, husband, etc. So why did you think it was necessary to add this piece of misandric crap to the pile?
Just wondering,
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by MR on 09:53 AM January 8th, 2006 EST (#11)
"...this guy just landed here from Uranus."
Profound play on words. Yes, one would have to have a density beyond that of a neutron star, not to notice the abundance of movie marquees dripping with gender feminist appealing, male bashing movies.
"Neutron stars are even more dense than white dwarfs, estimated at around 10,000,000,000,000 grams per cubic centimeter! To give you a sense of just how dense that is, our sun has a density of about 1 gram per cubic centimeter, which is actually the same as water here on Earth."
by zerostress on 07:29 PM January 7th, 2006 EST (#9)
Check out the page on Internet Movie Database (IMDB) about this movie. 10 votes and a rating of 6.2.
Now check the demography of the voters, more particularly their gender.
Notice also that the plot outline was written by the director/writer, Diane Jacques.
If you are a registered user, there is even a place to discuss that movie....
by MR on 01:35 AM January 8th, 2006 EST (#10)
I registered and voted giving it the lowest rating they had. It said it updates daily.
by dougwells on 10:43 AM January 8th, 2006 EST (#12)
This is one of the few times that I have seen the gender demographics of anti-male sexual sadism. Does anyone know of any larger data-sets and/or studies that shows who enjoys seeing men sexually injured? Part of the reason that I ask is that whenever this subject comes up in conversation with women, they always insist that it is young men that enjoy this stuff. I always assumed from reactions in the movie theater that it was approx. 50% female and 50% young men. It would be a lot easier to lay this at the door of the feminazi crowd if there were real data to support the view that women are the primary "enjoyers" of this "humor".
by Clancy
on 01:07 AM January 9th, 2006 EST (#18)
I don't know if I was suprised or not to see the favorable reaction from the female audience. I remember shaking my head and muttering something like "sunuvabitch". It did infuriate me. This has been on my mind way more than I should let it. I watched that trailer and it was then that I had thoughts of choking the sh*t out of someone. That was un-freakin-believable. I began imagining that those were men in that butcher shop and one of them says that his lazy drunk wife pissed him off so bad that he almost snipped her clit off and fed it to the pet dog. "I mean I could have - it was just there, sticking out. I had some prunning snips ready ...." Yeah - I'm seriously pissed. I wrote my letter and I also signed up to their site so that I could also give it a one. I'm glad this forum exists to blow off steam for those who need to. Why doesn't this bother women? I remember a story from Rantings of a single male about the really nice girl he had met and was spending an evening with her when a news report came on about John Bobbit and the girl exclaimed with enthusiasm "He so deserved that!" Thomas Ellis was flabbergasted. "No he didn't - NOBODY deserves that."
by Thundercloud on 11:29 AM January 8th, 2006 EST (#13)
B.T.W., Did anyone see what was on the CBS Sunday movie, last night?
That horrendously stupid and anti-male movie "ENOUGH".
As poorly as it did at the box office, I have to wonder, Why they would bother to air it on TV?
Does anyone else smell 'political reasons'?
"Hoka hey!"
by MR on 02:09 PM January 8th, 2006 EST (#14)
"As poorly as it did at the box office, I have to wonder, Why they would bother to air it on TV?
Does anyone else smell 'political reasons'?"
Didn't see it Sunday night, but saw it before. Even in so called family films, the Dad is seen as a buffoon.
IMO, Hollywood is sexist and hateful against heterosexual men.
CBS is the network that has given us the TV show, "Close to Home," and IMO, certainly has a bias against Dads and men.
by Underage on 04:40 PM January 8th, 2006 EST (#15)
Hollywood is sexist.
I've been trying to open everyone's eyes to this but no one seems to be listening, but the book and film The Da Vinci Code (coming to theatres later this year) are full of unnecessary female praising and jokes towards males! The book even states that Jesus was a feminist! For those of you who think of Jesus as a nice guy, this is quite shoking news! It would be really nice if all of us men's rights activists did not pay to watch that film and even put out awarness that no, men are not stupid and we know that this book/film is degrading to men. Not all men are sexist monsters! The most embarrassing part is how the author of the book if male.
by Thundercloud on 11:50 AM January 9th, 2006 EST (#19)
>"the author of the book is male."
Well, as I've stated before, women feminists are only a quarter of the problem. It is the 75% of wussie-poopie males that is the BIGGEST hurtle we face...
"Hoka hey!"
by Earwig on 04:16 PM January 9th, 2006 EST (#20)
This is a movie made by and distributed by complete nobodies. Why are you giving them the media attention they want?
by Thundercloud on 11:24 AM January 10th, 2006 EST (#21)
That's true, but it will probably when an Academy award or something just because of it's politically correct content.
Hollywoodites just eat this stuff up.
"Hoka hey!"
by Thundercloud on 11:26 AM January 10th, 2006 EST (#22)
I meant to say "it will probably WIN an Academy award" Not "WHEN one".
by Davidadelong on 01:14 PM January 10th, 2006 EST (#23)
One cannot ignore propaganda that may influence future generations of Children. If we do we will have to deal with it when it becomes law, as we have already learned. Speak out, speak the truth, and carry a big stick! "It is a good day to die!" Just my opinion Folks........
by MR on 02:04 PM January 10th, 2006 EST (#24)
I see no info on when and where this is to open. I suspect this will not have a wide release. It's pretty hard to publically protest this if it's not released.
On the down side, publically protesting this might just give it free advertisement, inciting more misandrist sickos to see it.
Someone posted about this movie months ago, and it is still "in production."
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