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by Raymond Cuttill on 10:08 AM December 25th, 2005 EST (#1)
Merry Christmas everyone!!
Keep up the good work in 2006!!
It’s just terrible how these armed robbers don’t get to see their kids!
In F4J I keep hearing how the courts can keep perfectly good fathers away from their children year round. And if the ex-wives want to stick the knife in and guarantee it then an unsubstantiated allegation will do. But even fathers without any allegation are treated as expendable. Let alone any armed robbers in prison who are fathers.
But it gets worse. When we hear that fathers should be kept away from children if it is upsetting to the children or even to the mother, let alone if the fathers have a criminal record, as this may corrupt the child, or there is any suggestion of abuse of anyone as a violent father may next be violent to the child, this is all justified as saving the child from abuse or the trauma of being around abuse. But here we see
Last year, Punter was sentenced to five years in prison for child depravation after her husband, Shaun Stewart, murdered her younger son, 2-year-old Kyshawn Punter, in August 2003
So she was complicit in her child’s murder?
From News-11 Atlanta
Execution Sought in Toddler's Death
10/31/2003 1:27:43 PM
DECATUR, Ga. (AP) -- Prosecutors say they will seek the death penalty against a man accused of beating his 2 year-old stepson to death.
"This is not just murder. This is murder with torture," DeKalb District Attorney J. Tom Morgan said Thursday, after 25-year-old Shaun Stewart was indicted on murder charges.
Morgan said Stewart caused Kyshawn Punter's Aug. 14 death by violently shaking him and striking his head with an unknown object. He said Stewart's ongoing pattern of abuse left the boy with burns on his genitals, thighs and buttocks.
Kyshawn's mother, 24-year-old Shonderi Punter, also was indicted Thursday by the grand jury on charges of felony murder and contributing to the deprivation of a minor.
Morgan said he will only seek a life sentence for Punter. Prosecutors do not believe she physically injured the boy, but that she contributed to his death by leaving him alone with Stewart, a man she knew to be an abuser.
There’s more apparently from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, October 31, 2003 at 2 indicted in boy's killing -- Stepfather, mother both will face murder charges
Friday, October 31, 2003
Murder indictments were handed down Thursday against the mother and stepfather of Kyshawn Punter, the 2-year-old whose brutal death has led to top-to-bottom overhaul of the state's child welfare agency.
Shaun Stewart, 25, was charged with murder and child cruelty, and DeKalb County prosecutors said they will seek the death penalty against him.
Shonderi Punter, 24, who was stationed at an Army base over the summer and had left Kyshawn in Stewart's care, was charged with felony murder and contributing to the deprivation of a minor.
Prosecutors say they do not believe she physically injured the boy, but they believe she contributed to his murder by leaving Kyshawn alone with Stewart, a man she knew to be an accused child abuser.
"She put that child back into the lion's den," said DeKalb District Attorney J. Tom Morgan.
Morgan said Stewart killed the boy by violently shaking him and striking his head with an object.
"This is not just murder. This is murder with torture," Morgan said.
Stewart and Punter have maintained their innocence. Stewart said the boy was injured during a playground incident, and Punter has said she saw no sign of abuse to her children.
Morgan, however, called Kyshawn's home "a torture chamber," and said the extreme nature of the crimes against the boy warranted the death penalty. Stewart burned Kyshawn on his genitals, thighs and buttocks, Morgan said. He also forced the boy to hold glass paperweights above his head for extended amounts of time as punishment, and sit for long periods on the toilet. If the boy disobeyed, he was beaten, said Morgan.
"Can you imagine --- his mother is away. He's with this man who is not working, and the man is just torturing this child," said Morgan.
Kyshawn Punter's death on Aug. 14 prompted a statewide shake-up in the state Division of Family and Children Services, including the ousting of the two top officials and two social workers as well as a decision to retrain all caseworkers.
DeKalb caseworkers twice returned Kyshawn to his home this summer, despite an allegation of child abuse against Stewart. State child welfare officials now acknowledge the child should not have been returned to the home.
Kyshawn was removed from the home June 27 after his stepfather spanked and beat him with his hands and a belt, according to a DeKalb arrest warrant.
Soon after, Shonderi Punter signed an agreement that stated Stewart would have no unsupervised contact with the boy, Morgan said.
She violated that agreement by placing Kyshawn back into Stewart's care when she returned to her military base, Morgan said.
Kyshawn was again removed July 11 when police arrested his stepfather on child cruelty charges. Stewart was bonded out by his wife, the boy's mother, July 13, officials said.
On this occasion, Shonderi Punter told the court she was transferring Kyshawn to the home of his grandmother in North Carolina, but she instead returned the boy to Stewart once again, said Morgan.
"We believe she should be held criminally responsible for the death of this child," said Morgan.
Morgan acknowledged that he had trouble finding a suitable charge for Punter under state law. Charging her would have been easier if Georgia had a child endangerment law, he said, since he believes she placed Kyshawn in danger by placing him in the care of an accused child abuser. Georgia is the only U.S. state without a child endangerment law.
The charge of felony murder is used when a murder takes place during the commission of a felony crime.
Prosecutors say Punter contributed to the boy's murder by leaving him with Stewart.
In that sense, she was contributing to the deprivation of the boy, Morgan said, meaning she was not providing him with the proper parental care.
Stewart, who was arrested in August, remains in DeKalb County Jail. Punter is stationed at Fort Bragg, and a warrant was issued for her arrest Thursday. Morgan said he hopes she will surrender to authorities within days, and, unless she fights extradition, be back in Georgia soon.
Stewart told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution in August that he did not abuse the boy.
Stewart said the boy had injured himself on a DeKalb playground Aug. 8 while he was out of Stewart's sight. When Stewart found the boy, he was unconscious, but he later regained consciousness and felt better, Stewart said.
The boy died six days later.
The death penalty has been sought against parents in child murder cases before.
In February, a Covington man was sentenced to death for setting a fire that killed his three young children.
So she left her son, Kyshawn, aged 2 with a man she knew was accused of beating him; doing the very thing she’d told the court she wouldn’t do. One could speculate whether she was blind or stupid or if she was quite happy with the outcome. I see nothing in any of the articles about remorse on her part.
Punter, 27, misses her mother's homecooked dressing and macaroni and cheese.
I miss my mother’s cooking too. I would be with her today but she passed away this year. Just as long as Punter has got her priorities right.
Most of all, she misses her 8-year-old son, Demainje. This will be their second Christmas apart.
The question becomes where was Demainje when Kyshawn was being killed? Was he traumatized by the death of his (half?) brother? Is Demainje next? Is he is any danger? Perhaps he shouldn’t see his mother any more because of what she could do to him emotionally or psychologically let alone what she could do physically. Now don’t hold your breath. Maybe next year, maybe sometime soon, maybe we’ll find good fathers are valued more than murderer helping mothers. As its Christmas I could say that ideas about brotherly love can rise to the surface, in spite of the Judas’s. We can only hope and keep on fighting.
by Roy on 11:41 AM December 26th, 2005 EST (#8)
I noticed that the 3,400 incarcerated mothers have managed to produce approximately 8,000 kids, most of which are being raised by their grandmothers.
No doubt the majority of these grandmothers were also produced and "raised" in fatherless families.
And, these grandmothers may only be in their early thirties, since if you get pregnant when you're 15, and your baby girl gets pregnant at 15 just like you did... well, you can be a great-grandmother at age 45 if the tradition plays out.
This article gives just a little hint of what happens when men are marginalized and the matriarchy (re: Nanny State) assumes control.
Prison is just a logical progression on the game board called "Life Without Daddy" for all these women.
And we can't build prisons fast enough to adequately contain all the "bad" daddies....
by Thundercloud on 02:36 PM December 25th, 2005 EST (#2)
Oh boo hoo!!
She bludgeoned her husband to death, now she's in prison and can't see her child whom she had with the husband she murdered. Life is SO un-fair, Boo, freakin' hoo!
"Hoka hey!"
by Roy on 03:54 PM December 26th, 2005 EST (#9)
I did a quick few minutes of googling about the women's prison I used to drive by every day...
actually, it's not a prison; rather a "correctional center."
Here's a nugget from the web site --
Dwight Correctional Center
Mary Sigler, Warden
Facility Data
(Information provided from the Fiscal Year 2003 Annual Report)
Dwight Correctional Center
Opened: November 1930
Capacity: 858
Level 1: Maximum-Security Adult
Average Daily Population: 1,039
Total Average Daily Population: 1,039
Average Age: 34
Average Annual Cost Per Inmate: $32,666.00
Indicator Reports
Offender grievances in FY 2003 totaled 1,275, which is a significant reduction from 2,599 in FY 2002.
Eighty-eight babies compared to 62 born the previous year reflected an increase of 1.4 percent.
In academic programs, 266 students received services in classes such as Adult Basic Education, GED and vocational education. Offenders earned 72 ABE certificates, 14 GED certificates and 89 college vocation certificates.
Now, how come 8.5% of incarcerated females are still making babies!!!!?????
And, why can't we send them to a community college to learn a real skill for approximately $29,000 a year less than it costs to lock them up?
Google your own state's correctional system web site and you'll get a real education!
by Davidadelong on 09:26 AM December 27th, 2005 EST (#10)
Your question is interesting as it is us Men that are held to inhuman standards, and the Women that are encouraged to be irresponsible and without integrity. I believe that Parents should be able to see their Children as visitors, regardless of their gender. Not without supervision if the parent is incarcerated under our current system. Due to the fact that the penal system is being used to create jobs across the country, how many People "inside are truly guilty?" there is a reason we have more Human Beings in prison per capita than any other country, the home of the free, where the hell is that? Or is that what they are going to tell us we are slaving for, freedom in the next life! Hogwash!
...and they say that Moms make the kids...even if they rob, rape, and kill! such a sad world this is! It has really changed my feelings about women in general!
Emmanuel Matteer Jr.
[P.S.: I'm 28 today...please wish me a happy birthday! Just kidding] *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by MR on 11:19 PM December 25th, 2005 EST (#5)
"P.S.: I'm 28 today...please wish me a happy birthday!"
Happy Birthday and many more.
MR - as in Men's Rights
by Thundercloud on 11:37 AM December 27th, 2005 EST (#11)
Happy Birthday, Emanuel! \(^0^)/
"Hoka hey!"
by Thundercloud on 11:40 AM December 27th, 2005 EST (#12)
...even though I spelled your name wrong. :-(
Emmanuel. There, I think that's right.
I'm gonna go lay down, now...
"Hoka hey!"
During and 'after' divorce, it is deemed not in the childs interest to have anything written and especially not published, that may identify a child. Yet here we have them openly identified, one even photographed !
by Davidadelong on 08:45 AM December 26th, 2005 EST (#7)
Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and we see the proof of that here. Women out of control still wielding political power from behind bars. Just because they are female! I am genuinely sick and tired of these attempts to make everyone treat mothers as catholicism does the "virgin Mary". It is nothing more than undisguised brain washing, propaganda, and modern day spin doctoring. If women get these rights, so should any Man that is a Father in prison, for the real reason Men are kept from their Children is because of their ideas, not their deeds. "It is a good day to die!"
by Thundercloud on 11:42 AM December 27th, 2005 EST (#13)
The greatest societies are brought down, not from the out side, but from with in.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 08:36 AM December 29th, 2005 EST (#14)
Thundercloud, the Roman "society" is still at large, no one has brought it down from within, or without. I have had People try and talk me into getting into local politics. I have studied the politco system of our country as I am sure you have, and have realized one very important fact. Anyone that gets high enought to implement any "real" change is hamstrung by the time they get there. I will continue to blow my horn likened to the proverbial walls of Jericho, and wait for the first cracks to widen into chasms. Grass Roots, Grass fire, all either need is the wind to fuel the flame. "Hoka hey!" I Loved that Cherokee proverb, "tongue makes you deaf", I hope you don't mind as I have used it often in conversations as of late. Good Health Thundercloud.
by Thundercloud on 12:31 PM December 29th, 2005 EST (#15)
>"Tongue makes you deaf."
Not at all. By all means USE it.
Another Cherokee belief is; "To keep good medicine to yourself is a sin."
"Hoka hey!"
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