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by Luek on 10:37 AM December 14th, 2005 EST (#1)
This isn't really news.
Female on male violence is just as prominent as male on female violence. The only reason it doesn't get noticed or held in similar social contempt as male on female violence is because it is not considered serious and just as often as not, funny.
The violent female is just "feisty!"
And as we all know feistiness in females is a plus. She may be a psychotic bipolar wackjob but she is "feisty!"
feist·y adj. feist·i·er, feist·i·est. 1. Touchy; quarrelsome. 2. Full of spirit or pluck; frisky or spunky.
by Boy Genteel on 02:46 PM December 14th, 2005 EST (#3)
...that it's making the news, both on the "violence" and the "forced sex" fronts. I'm telling you: the truth is seeping out. Too slowly for my liking, but it's seeping out.
bg Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by Baniadam on 12:17 PM December 14th, 2005 EST (#2)
The article was more about sex than violence. This can squarely be blamed on the screwed up, mentally retarded feminist laws.
Read this page Stolen Childhood
This is from Canada, it’s an old article but I remember reading it a few months back and it has not left my mind. It is rather shocking, maybe I was too naive. Read this and nothing young kids do can surprise you any longer.
Excerpt: Other times, they wouldn't be so discreet. On one occasion, she remembers sitting only a few feet away from a girl who was performing oral sex on a boy when another girl approached them. "Wow, I can't believe you're doing that," Kate remembers the newcomer saying. "Do you want me to hold your hair back?"
This is done by Grade 7 children in an oral orgy party, which I guess is about 12 years old! Imagine to what type of messed up adults these kids are going to grow up into.
And these sex educators always give the same advice, “don’t be pressured into it; wait until you are ready”. What the heck is that suppose to mean to a hormonal teenager, whose libido is off the scale.
And now in the UK our feminist government wants to start sex education at the age of five. What the bloody feck? Five years old!
I hate reading articles on children and sex. I really do, they just make me piss me off.
by Davidadelong on 03:06 PM December 14th, 2005 EST (#4)
They are every where, and they get away with it. I have had many women try and hit me on the arm, hard by the way, and I always respond the same, if their husband or boyfriend is around, I will address the male, and tell them that I do not allow either male or female to physically abuse me, and therefore if it happens again I will retaliate. I also ask if that would be a problem for the male partner, I have never had one say yes. Actually, more than a few have pulled me aside and thanked me. Now the female verbal bully is just as bad, whenever they hear men talking about Male Rights they usually get loud and start telling you how hard it is for them, because they don't want to hear it from a Man. To bad, as Thundercloud has quoted an old Cherokee proverb, it is hard to listen when your tongue makes you deaf!
by Tirryb on 03:26 PM December 14th, 2005 EST (#5)
I have two relevant stories to add to this.
The first is my sister. She's always been 'feisty', and ready to jump into any situation, banking I think on the fact that she's a woman and won't get hurt. Last year she did it one too many times, leapt into an argument between a bloke and his girlfriend, and fired off by shoving the guy (something she often does to intimidate guys into backing down). This time her punched her on the shoulder. Her boyfriend, a huge bloke, just dragged her out, and told her maybe she'd learned her lesson. I remember thinking the same thing.
The second story is my sister-in-law (soon to be ex sister-in-law). She had a screwed up childhood, but I found out recently that when she goes out clubbing she often pulls guys, takes them out to the car park for oral sex then comes back and heads for the next guy. I remember thinking 'why?' when I first found out. The reason - allegedly - is that she feels it gives her power over guys. Sad stuff.
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