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by Baniadam on 03:40 PM December 13th, 2005 EST (#1)
Maybe you should email a views to:
Sushi Das is a staff writer:
by LibertyUNH on 04:09 PM December 13th, 2005 EST (#2)
What for? Just write to the editor.
by Baniadam on 06:23 PM December 13th, 2005 EST (#4)
That is the email address she gives out at the end of the article. I think she expect reponses to go to her.
Maybe you should address it to both.
by Marc A. on 09:07 PM December 13th, 2005 EST (#9)
That's what I did. I sent a letter to the editor and blind cc'd that ignoramus author.
Doesn't matter, as they only want to ensure males understand things from their perpective, not to actually understand the issues from any other point.
by Agraitear on 05:25 PM December 13th, 2005 EST (#3)
The title is demeaning, if she wants to hear from boys head down to the elementary school. Standard tactic to dismiss responses she doesn't like.
The rest of the article is so full of the standard "why women are put down" pap that it cannot be taken seriously. No where does the author challenge women, no, the poor babies are just "trying to please men."
Lastly the implied entitlement she feels she is owed. She frames the "challenge" on her terms then demands men to discuss just those issues. Never once are mens problems even touched on. Womens responsibility in the situation they made and continue to exploit is also conspicously absent.
Bottom line of the article: "Womens problems are men's fault, come fix them. Men don't have any real problems."
Response: "Big yawn, nothing new here."
by Thundercloud on 01:23 PM December 15th, 2005 EST (#20)
>"Men need to discuss whether their behaviour and demands need reform."
Oh, shut UP...!
OUR demands need "reform"? OUR demands?!?
OUR "behaviour"?!?
"Ladies", it is not MEN'S demands or behaviour that are tearing this country apart. It is YOURS and FEMINISM that have destroyed the American family, legalised abortion, polarised the genders like never before in history and destroy the lives of men and children with cavalcades of false information, faulty data and out and out lies. Our boys are failing in school like no other time in this nation's history because of YOU and FEMINISDM and the laws, "rules" and speech-codes YOU have caused to come to be.
OUR "demands" and "behaviour", indeed...
If ANYONE needs to be held accountable and have their "demands" and "behaviour" examined it is YOU!! YOU! you Flipping MORONS!
GOD! Feminists are STUPID! How can any one group of people GET to this level of STUPIDITY?!?
Please excuse me, now. My head-baning wall is calling me.
*Sound of my head baning against that wall*
"Hoka hey!"
by Thundercloud on 01:25 PM December 15th, 2005 EST (#21)
Oops. That should have been "Banging", not "baning" my head against the wall.
"Hoka hey!"
by Baniadam on 01:44 PM December 15th, 2005 EST (#23)
And breath out, and in. :)
It is hard to argue with an idiot. The audacity of laying these issues on men is outstanding achievement of pure stupidity.
by Thundercloud on 02:34 PM December 15th, 2005 EST (#24)
We should just tell "ms. Sushi", or what ever her stupid name is, that we refuse to carry on a battle of wits with an unarmed person...
"Hoka hey!"
by Roy on 08:54 PM December 13th, 2005 EST (#8)
The evidence just continues to mount that feminism is a clinically verifiable Borderline Personality Disorder.
This particular authwhoress stakes out the low ground for narcissistic/infantile passive-aggression with her revealing comment --
"Sadly, women are so busy analysing their own roles that insufficient attention is being paid to the failings of men."
Gosh, could there ever be any other conclusion in feminist-victim "logic?"
I regret that so many sad women are attempting to be busy while inattentively analyzing.
It must really complicate their already burdensome rituals in front of their morning make-up mirrors....
by Marc A. on 09:22 PM December 13th, 2005 EST (#10)
"The evidence just continues to mount that feminism is a clinically verifiable Borderline Personality Disorder."
That is fascinating. I recall reading about this, I just don't remember where. The symptoms are so strikingly clear that I find myself agreing with those who make a scholarly case for this. To the extent physical processes within individuals (emotions, health, illness, motives, desires, guilt, etc.) also occur at a macro, sociological level, I think the case for modern feminism = Borderline Personality Disorder is very compelling.
by Roy on 11:38 PM December 13th, 2005 EST (#12)
Marc A. ----
Can we get Glenn Sacks to take up this issue?
He would have a ball with it!
(And, BTW ... when can we expect HisSide back on the airwaves?)
by Marc A. on 11:51 PM December 13th, 2005 EST (#13)
Yeah it would be a fun one. He's pretty busy, and I think it would have to get big before he did anything major on that. Who knows.
I can't speak for HisSide except that Glenn is focusing on writing at this time. In some ways, that's a good thing, reaches more fresh ground in more states, arguably.
He has been publishing articles that have not been posted here. I'm not sure why. I'll try to make sure they get posted.
by jenk on 11:09 PM December 13th, 2005 EST (#11)
I sent her a copy of a blow by blow response I had posted on SYG. 632&start=0
Doubt she will bother to read it all, but I tried.
by Davidadelong on 09:06 AM December 14th, 2005 EST (#14)
It is interesting that as Men become less interested in marriage, and having a Woman partner that there seems to be a drive by Women, not us Guys, to become more alluring to us. But, so many Sons have seen how their Fathers have been treated that they want nothing to do with our institutionalized system of advesarial relationship. Do you think that in another hundred years or so they too may wake up and realize that they have been duped just like the Guys? I don't want to wait that long, because we really don't have the time to waste! As far as the article is concerned, I really don't agree with a fake body, never have. Botox, breast implants, butt lifts, face lifts, has anyone seen the show about the hollywood plastic surgeon? That Guy should be selling used cars, he is a slime ball! He hustles the poor Gal like a hungry salesman, I'm surprised he doesn't drool on tv for Christs' sake! I suppose you would actually get what you paid for if that is the trophy you are reaching for! Just my opinion........
by Thundercloud on 01:51 PM December 14th, 2005 EST (#16)
Same her, David.
I think the whole cosmetic surgery thing as long gotten out of hand.
I never wanted a woman who was made partially out of plastic and partially out of silicone and partially out of organic material.
If I wanted that I would just wait until they invent the first female androids, because it's nearly the same difference.
All I ever wanted (when I was interested in having a relationship with a woman) was good hygiene, good self esteem, at least SOME intelligence, To be agreeable, not abusive, and wanted a family. Looks were secondary to these things. She could have looked like a cow, but as long as she had the things I described above, I would have been happy.
It seems that many women think it is their appearance that is driving men away. That is why so MANY are turning to plastic surgery. They think THAT will attract us to them.
Too bad. Because they could save themselves a lot of time, trouble and pain, if they just listened to what we guys REALLY want.
All they REALLY have to do is; Listen, quit being misandrists, and lose "the attitude".
That's REALLY pretty much ALL they'd have to do.
But I don't expect them to do so, any time soon. Right now they are still too busy being jerks to listen.
"Listen, unless your tongue makes you deaf..."
(An old Cherokee proverb)
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 02:50 PM December 14th, 2005 EST (#17)
Thank you for the proverb, I will use that as a quote from Thundercloud! "Hoka hey" Brother. Oh, yes, I guess we have to try and understand that the Women have been duped as well as us, but we are on the bottom right now, and we need to educate them if their tongue doesn't make them deaf!
by Thundercloud on 10:00 AM December 14th, 2005 EST (#15)
And all the other feminists.
I have NOTHING to say to her/them.
The time for talk has long past. It is now the time for action. Actions that we are now taking.
The feminists had their chance. We've only been trying to talk to them for 30 plus years. What can we say that we haven't already tried to say, only to be interrupted by them and called "misogynists", when they don't like what we had to say. All they want is some men to try and talk sense to them just so they can have a spiritual scratching post or a verbal punching bag. I'm THROUGH with that.
Action talks s#!t walks.
no more talk.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 08:11 PM December 14th, 2005 EST (#18)
I have tried to live my life so that my deeds match my words, not an easy task. But, I have also paid the price for that, on almost a daily basis. One must be prepared to defend ones' character, mental health, and ones person if that be the case. Most communities are designed to facilitate the oppression of Men, so even a spurious accusation is enough to mark a Mans record for life, and I know I am not the only one out here that has had these things happen to them. But, our Children, and our Childrens' Children depend on us to set things straight, for it us they will blame if we do not. It is a good day to die!
Hi Sushi,
I have never debated a woman named after raw fish before, but since I have been accused in absentia of cowardice, I would like to state that you and all other feminists are full of cow shit. It is not cowardice that keeps me from debating you. It is merely that I have found it extremely frustrating to wade through a sea of lies distortions and half truths in an attempt to reason with a feminist. There are much better ways of occupying my time. Eg. Playing computer games , watching moss grow, etc. I shall now go back to ignoring you.
Have a nice day,
Skippy J. Eviltwin
by Thundercloud on 01:26 PM December 15th, 2005 EST (#22)
"Hoka hey!"
Thanks. There is little incentive to have a dialogue with a butt ugly woman who doesn't want to cook, clean or screw. :)
by JulianDroms on 02:18 AM December 21st, 2005 EST (#27)
Funny, she never sent me a reply.
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