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by Tirryb on 04:03 AM November 29th, 2005 EST (#1)
Strangely enough I came across this a few months back.
I'm working with Qantas at the moment on a project, and as part of that work I came across this scenario of preferring women seated next to unaccompanied minors. It was a woman working for Qantas who explained the policy to me.
At the time I was a little offended, and told her it was a discriminatory policy. She just shrugged and said 'yes, but it's safer'. Being as I didn't (and still don't) have any access to to facts on how often children are abused by non-family males/females, I couldn't argue the case - does anyone have that? I know if you listen to the media you'd say '95% male', but we all know how skewed their take is.
by Luek on 09:20 AM November 29th, 2005 EST (#2)
Here is the case of Mary Kay Letourneau
You can always refer to this high profile and frankly bizarre case of Mary Kay Letourneau. She served time in prison for child rape of a 13 yo male. She got pregnant TWICE by this child and believe it or not they got married when she got out of prison which was recently. I have heard that the reason she became obsessed with this minor child was that she was convinced they knew each other in a previous life! WOULD YOU WANT HER SITTING NEXT TO YOUR CHILD ON A PLANE?
There are many other recent cases of adult females raping and molesting minors (there was a recent case of a female raping an 8 year old male child and got a light sentence by a plea bargain) of both sexes but they often get treated as mental cases rather than viewed as criminals.
by Luek on 09:39 AM November 29th, 2005 EST (#4)
Here is the link to the woman who raped the 8 year old little boy.
She got six years on a NON-RAPE charge!
quote from article:
She had pleaded guilty to two counts of risk of injury to a minor, a reduced charge that the boy's family accepted to spare both children time on the witness stand
by Night Angel on 09:30 AM November 29th, 2005 EST (#3)
The policy IS discriminatory. Granted, it would protect children from male pedofiles- I'd just like to know what measures the airline is taking to protect children against female pedofiles.
Since it is a fact that mothers committ the majority of child abuse and child murder Quantas has now instituted a new policy which restricts mothers from sitting next to their children on local and international flights. (They are considering placing all children in the underneath baggage compartments.) SYG
Perhaps the pertinent question should be:
How many cases of child abuse have Quantas experienced on their flights each year . . this should throw up the 'only' possible justification for such a policy.
by Davidadelong on 10:19 AM November 29th, 2005 EST (#5)
It would seem to me that this isn't about sexual abuse, but an attempt to reduce Male influence over children by a corporation. From what I have heard about New Zealands political climate this would fit in with their agenda. If a child sits next to a good Man, and that Man leaves an impression on that child, well just think, that child might grow up to think that Men aren't that bad after all! What surprises me is that people actually buy into that crap.
by Uberganger on 08:43 AM November 30th, 2005 EST (#18)
If a child sits next to a good Man, and that Man leaves an impression on that child, well just think, that child might grow up to think that Men aren't that bad after all! I've thought the same about those no-men-allowed funfairs. You know the kind of thing; only women (preferably lesbians) and children (boys must be 12 years old or less) allowed. These creeps usually descibe such outings as 'boy friendly'. Ugh! The purpose of excluding men from a controlled, fun environment is to heighten the sense of threat in the uncontrolled, everday environment that has men in it. Bigots the world over know that it's much easier to demonise people when they aren't there - a lot of bigotry seems to come down to fear born of unfamiliarity. In a normal fairground you'd see fathers holding their childrens' hands or hoisting them on their shoulders; you'd see them laughing and enjoying themselves with their children. These are just the kind of images of men that feminists like the least. I often think that when I see images of fathers and children happy together; that it must make some feminists blood boil. It is an offense to their version of reality at every level. Banning men from sitting next to children on planes is a manifestation of that hatred.
by JulianDroms on 10:36 AM November 29th, 2005 EST (#6)
Call Glenn Sacks. These bastards should be boycotted.
by Luek on 11:18 AM November 29th, 2005 EST (#7)
No offense but we must stop depending on others to take the initiative when misandry needs to be publicly confronted. And as the old saying goes, "If you want something done right and right away, do it yourself."
Here is some contact information for Qantas from their website page:
Our head office is located at:
Qantas Centre
203 Coward Street
Mascot NSW 2020
Phone: +61 (2) 9691 3636
Customer Care
If you wish to tell us about an experience with Qantas, you can e-mail us through our feedback page by selecting 'Your Experience With Qantas' then the applicable Sub-Category or send your correspondence to:
Customer Care
Qantas Airways Pty Ltd
Level 5 - Building A
203 Coward Street
Mascot NSW 2020
by AngryMan
on 12:02 PM November 29th, 2005 EST (#8)
Check out this page on the UK Men's Movement website. Incredible. This is a disease which seems to be spreading.
"Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." Louis D Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice, 1913
by Thundercloud on 01:11 PM November 29th, 2005 EST (#9)
We'll all be sitting in the back of the bus AND the airplane, soon.
We'll also have segregated schools (more than there already is) and we won't be allowed into certain bars, and we'll have our own separate water fountains.
It's coming.
Trust someone who comes from a background where this has already been done. I've seen it all before. It always starts out this way.
It will likely take a NEW civil rights movement on the part of men to end the discrimination when it finally becomes too much for any decent man to take.
And when that day comes I will be there saying, what else?; "HOKA HEY!"
"Hoka hey!"
by Raymond Cuttill on 10:26 PM November 29th, 2005 EST (#14)
We only have to look at history to see the Nazis who passed from jokes through discrimination to death camps and the KKK who started “protecting our neighbourhood” and went to lynching. In Rwanda it started with one radio station telling jokes with one tribe as the target. All of these groups hid their true intentions and pretended they were doing it for honourable reasons. The denial was so inborn that the Nazis plans for the death camps referred to shower rooms, not gas chambers; even though the plans were to be seen only by high Nazis (Also there is nothing in writing that Hitler approved any of this).
But since feminism has roots in communism we can already see some clues from Stalin’s USSR. Since the state is prefect anyone who even questions the state must be insane or evil or both. We’ve seen how you can pass discriminatory rules and laws against all men to protect against some men however small a minority. And how you can’t even discriminate against women society needs protection against, let alone against all women. One idea that’s been suggested, in spite of the absurdity of it, is the idea of telling potential criminality at a very young age, and it’s been suggested that we might lock them up to protect society. It’s just an idea that been mooted now and again so far. The notion is test say 8 or 10 year olds and any that fail the test, whatever it is, probably boys either alienated or just boisterous, are put in some sort of special schools or even separated from society. It’s a kind of minority report for schoolkids “to protect society”. Like Nazi or KKK propaganda these ideas are hateful seeds that only grow where there is fertile ground. Germany was somewhat anti-Semitic before Hitler started.
People like Germaine Greer have suggested estates where there are only women and children. Expect to see places where no man is allowed expanded, and institutionalized. At a guess I would say expect to first implicit then explicit restrictions on where men can eat, sleep, walk or drive, perhaps in a small way, like women only office areas or women only condos or women only services (some of which we already have) and expect it to expand and be made law.
by Thundercloud on 03:42 PM November 30th, 2005 EST (#21)
Again, I'll say; that we (Men) will have to have yet another civil rights movement in the Western world. Other wise these things may very well come to fruition.
And to any one who says; "It could never happen", all I can tell you is; It's already happened over a dozen times in human history...!
"Hoka hey!"
Perhaps children should be forbidden to sit next to Quantas and Air New Zeland employees (male or female) on other airlines (or even other esatblishments)--even if they are the employee's own children. Children should be protected from their discriminatory influence.
This raises an interesting question: what exactly happened to children on Quantas and Air New Zealand to prompt these airlines to institute this policy? Perhaps an investigation into the abuse which led to it is in order. In the meantime, parents should be advised to keep their children away from Quantas and Air New Zealand altogether.
by Thundercloud on 02:23 PM November 29th, 2005 EST (#11)
You know, what would happen if this airline were to say they won't allow children to sit next to Black men?
Think there would be a little squawk about that?
Nah, probably not..., (Sarcasm)
Of course when you live in a bigoted society that casts ALL men as evil incarnate, what can you expect...?
"Hoka hey!"
by Baniadam on 06:42 AM November 30th, 2005 EST (#17)
Just a thought:
The boy Scouts don't allow Gays as instructors; we have the feminists argue against that. Also they don’t allow atheists.
The Girl scouts allow lesbians as instructors. They want to teach homosexuality God only knows if they do or not. But “God” forbid if they ever touch ethics and religion. There have been some “scandalous” articles over the years of lesbian teachers getting a bit too friendly: yet they claim its all fine.
Now we read a policy of not allowing minors sitting next to men in an airplane full of passengers. Excuse me? Has anyone read a case about any person (man or women) molesting a child in an airplane? Personally I do not think minors should go on flights on their own; parents should not send children on long journeys unaccompanied by someone they know and trust.
Personally I have no issue; just as long if I get to move I have the option of sitting beside nice young and attractive stewardess who has an obsession of massaging the shoulders of the person next to her and trying her darn best to please this friendly and charming man beside her. Ok I think that might be a bit difficult; so it doesn’t have to be a stewardess just a young and attractive FEMININ female who has an obsession
I am happy to see no anon posts are banned. :)
by Davidadelong on 09:00 AM November 30th, 2005 EST (#19)
It is true that the public policy of the Boy Scouts is anti gay, but almost everyone that I have spoken to over the years that has been a Scout has a story. What better place for a predator of young boys? I don't believe that don't ask don't tell fits with children. Until there is hard scientific empirical facts, not just a theory based on propaganda that homosexuality is "normal" we should treat it as a perversion in accordance with "children". What we don't want, or I don't want, is people using childrens organizations to recruit children into the "life". Using a mentor position to pervert children should be a major capital crime, for our children are our future. I would imagine if Men that were recruited as boys were to be asked about this, they would agree. All they would have to do is remember how they felt when it was done to them. Just my own opinion.
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