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by Practical Feminist on 12:16 PM November 28th, 2005 EST (#2)
by Thundercloud on 12:25 PM November 28th, 2005 EST (#3)
This teacher said; "I'm really in love with him."
Now if a woman says this about a (Male) child she has had unlawful sex with it may actually HELP her case.
But if a man who had unlawful sex with a (female) child said the same thing, it would HURT his case...,
I've seen it happen before, including (but not limited to) the Marry Kay Laterno case.
Well, like that stupid District Attorney said in another article; "The law sees no difference in male and female perpetrators".
"Hoka hey!"
by ArtflDgr on 09:34 AM November 29th, 2005 EST (#4)
The children now are being told that they are harmed by this, and so more of them have problems when something like this happens and so they report it more now. in the past fewer worries would have been injected prior to an incident and so a boy may not have known that this was not a good thing. just as in the past a girl, without context, may not know that the interactions she is having with a teacher are not normal and improper, and because of such not report anything.
we are now seeing the results of children being taught that adult to child sexual interaction is not a good thing. before they werent taught was sexual action even was, now they know, and now they know that its not appropriate, EVEN if it feels good or such.
we are also seeing the results of administrators and such who are no longer finding it expedient to sweep things under and quiet them down. it used to be that in many incidents people would weigh the costs all around and often all thought it was better to just let the whole thing dissolve (i am not saying this is right or wrong).
now, everyone is on a crusade for the benifit of all the rest of society. this makes false accusations worse too. now when something occurs there is a huge hoopla to save the community, and martyr the child, etc (i am not saying this is right or wrong either).
the newspapers have discovered a new market niche. reporting ALL the news instead of half of it. when before they got shit for such articles, they now dont. they sometimes get praises and they have found that the public has suddenly become even more curious than with the men. i mean the publics internalized concept of men is that they are monsters. watching a lion eat a steak is not interesting, its what lions do. whatching what obvious monsters do is not interesting, its what they do. however, finding out that angels are monsters and do what they do is interesting. this is why the pretty ones get much more air time than the less than comely ones that seem to just fade away after the initial noise. even women are fascinated by how a lady who can presumably get a relatively good stream of dates and such, can do such a thing.
one must note that these public people were raised on the fodder that a pedophile is a person who cant have normal relationships with an adult. that the rape and such they do are things they do out of hatred, not misdirected affections. our hatred of the men that do it, and the social belief that this must be why (as promoted by feminists), leaves us with no understanding of why the women are doing it (in many cases for the same reason the men are. not all, but many).
we have set up a belief system that is false, and these ladies are glaring proof that somethings wrong in that view. the people focused on this are fascinated in part because it throws out of kilter that neat with a bow world that they thought they knew through that false belief system. the belief system has only one answer for such things and that answer was tailored to fit men into it (not visa versa), so that they in turn could fit into how that belief system wants them. they neglected to make room for women in this hall of shame. they dont fit into the coat they made for the men, and people arent buying it that they are wearing different outfits.
and so we watch with fascination. like a train wreck or a horror movie we cover our eyes, but cant help but peek. the news now knows this, and they are mining that hill for all the gold they can get. if you paint your face as perfect and no one sees your face without makeup then when it is finally seen without it, the starting reality of it is greater than it ever would have been before. this is just a big slap of cold cream, as is thug ladies, and all manner of ills. with this also goes the reputation, the higher you climb on a rickety stair the farther you will fall when it cant support you.
by Davidadelong on 10:27 AM November 29th, 2005 EST (#5)
A very astute observation of the current political climate. You have good insight, thank you for your thoughts.
by denny599 on 07:37 AM December 14th, 2005 EST (#6)
its the current feeding frenzy in the media... like the summer of shark attacks when the number for the year was lower then average. basicly they reported it once noticed lots of poeple watched they will report it alot more until it dies out.
i think there are more male perp statutory cases but i think that has more to do with the parents... parents feel they must protect thier daughters and throw the guy who slept with there 15,16,17 yr olds daughter in jail even if he is only 2 or 3 years older.
where as at 15,16,17 yr old boy if i scored with a good looking 25 yr old lady. my dad probley would have given me a high five... where mom might object she would ask me before going to the police. but dads and daughter once they find out dads are likly to go to the police with out even telling his daughter that he knows..
to be honest we should either switch to a dutch or korean system of statutory rape... in holland as i read it from the age of 12 to 14 if the child or his/her family complains only then will charges be filed. from 14 to 16 charges will only be filed at the complaint of the child. 16 no charges filed for consentual activiy... the advantage is children have a way out of a bad realtionship with a older partner and can use the treat of prosecution also slowly brings poeple into the more common date osme older world, rather then them im jail bait 6 weeks later im not. the disadvantage is young poeple tend to get mad and say you know what i hate you youo deserve to go to jail.
Korean system as ive read it after the age of 13 no prison time for consentual nonpaid(prositution is agasit the law here). however if the girl/boy or her/his fmaily complains you get fined. they complain again you get fined for even more. this last until the age of 19... advantage again child works his/her way into what to date not to date. cant get mad and throw person in jail... disadvantage can hurt the pocket book quick...
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