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by Davidadelong on 08:51 PM November 26th, 2005 EST (#1)
I wonder if this isn't a ploy by the psychiatric and psychological empires to come up with an excuse to medicate Men that are depressed, because they aren't allowed to live naturaly. You know how it goes, blame the victims, then under the guise of fixing things sedate and control. I know for a fact that most psychologists are taught that they have an obligation to make people productive, and sedate them so they don't care. Self actualization is a dream that most psychiatrists and psychologist have when they start school, but learn their place if they want to work. My opinion, as I have trained, but I refused to serve the system.
by Thundercloud on 07:59 AM November 27th, 2005 EST (#2)
I wouldn't buy this as a defence for committing violence any more that I do "Battered wife syndrome" or the other host of psychological excuses made when women are violent.
"Hoka hey!"
by Roy on 01:50 PM November 27th, 2005 EST (#3)
The article is actually very well reasoned, and should be read before jumping to conclusions.
It illustrates among other things the cultural bias that discourages men from being able to access mental health services because to be "vulnerable" is to be unmanly.
It also suggests that depression presents itself very differently in women and men, and that very little is known about how men act out when depressed. (Apparently the "final act" is too often a successful suicide. Men are vastly better at killing themselves then are women....)
So, I disagree with the logic that having the psychiatric industry paying more attention to men would be necessarily bad.
As I also disagree with the argument that all mentally ill persons are fully and legally responsible for their acts.
Of course, in Texas, they still put to death criminals who have been legally defined as low-functioning retarded I.Q.-deficient adults.
That takes care of a few aspiring lawyers and politicians, I suppose.
by Thundercloud on 12:32 PM November 28th, 2005 EST (#5)
Okay. That DOES make sense.
I mean if women can have all these 'female only' excuses for committing crimes, why shouldn't men have 'men only excuses'? If nothing else it may illustrate the double standard that has gone on for WAY too long.
EVERY TIME a woman commits a crime there is some sort of "Chemical imbalance", phobia, or mental and/or psychological disorder she can fall back on to get little or NO prison time.
So yeah, you're right.
I didn't think this through as well as I should have.
"Hoka hey!"
by Roy on 10:04 PM November 29th, 2005 EST (#7)
I was not looking to argue that men accused of crimes should also have the same menu of alibis that feminism has provided for women.
I guess I didn't make the automatic link between a more in-depth examination of male depression as different from women's depression, and the idea that it would lead to more silly legal defense "syndromes...." like Battered Woman S. etc.
Perhaps if society were more savvy about how men experience and express depression, the male suicide rate would go down a bit.
Of course, feminists might argue that is a bad thing....
(Though the expanding Marriage Strike may cause the normal feminist to reconsider her childless future?)
by MR on 05:05 PM November 27th, 2005 EST (#4)
"Men’s anger may mask anguish
Symptoms of depression are often missed"
Newsday Article
Here (below) appears to be a little masked male depression, although the gender feminized media never bothers to get to deeply into "motivation." Even when a male sends out the "red flags" and goes "over the edge," the real issues underlying the overt incident only get superficially covered in OUR gender feminized mainstream media.
Fox News Article
"CATHERINE HERRIDGE, GUEST HOST: "The world will know my anger." That was the terrifying text message sent by a crazed gunman before he allegedly opened fire in a Tacoma, Washington mall yesterday.
Twenty-year-old Dominick Maldonado is accused of going on a violent rampage shooting six people and taking four hostages."
Here's an interesting quote (below) on this young man's motivation. I fear society has "sown the wind" in regards to young boys and young men being alienated from their fathers.
"HERRIDGE: He said in court today that it was a troubled childhood that led him to do this do you buy that?
ROBISON: He has told me a few things about his childhood. He lost his father when he was younger and just had a hard time growing up and the bills and stuff."
I'm not sure the exact situation in this young man's life and I suspect Fox News' female favoritism won't allow their reporters to go any deeper than the superficial reporting they've done.
I feel very sorry for any young man being raised by a single mom in today's anti-male, gender feminized, politically correct society.
It's just a feeling I have, but I suspect there are a lot of young men in society who are carrying around a lot of pain and depression as a direct result of societally condoned female abusiveness towards young men and boys. Denial of access to their fathers is just one glaring example of the abuse being waged against these young men and boys - NOT BEING REPORTED BY MAINSTREAM MEDIA.
(as in Men's Rights)
by Thundercloud on 02:46 PM November 29th, 2005 EST (#6)
I found another good website that talks about our increasingly anti-male society and the anger it causes in men, and how some day; "Male anger is going to boil over and the pendulum will break".
The site is called; "The ranting man" Use those keywords and the keyword "Anti-male" and you should have no trouble finding it on GOOGLE.
Particularly read his rant on feminism. It will sound very similar to what men who come to this website say and feel.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 09:10 AM November 30th, 2005 EST (#8)
I find it interesting that if one were to do the research they would find that the current surge of Male depression resembles what historians and both the psychiatric and psychological empires call the Slave Mentality. All one would have to do is make a simple comparison of the behavior and it will be clear. Why is that? How can we help fix that? Realize this, if this continues productivity will decrease, more and more males will refuse to perform, and the females will be trained to take over, until they wise up that is. But haven't we suffered enough, haven't our CHILDREN suffered enough? Or, are we to allow the system to keep this cycle going?
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