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by Anonymous User on 03:24 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#1)
She hits the ol' nail pretty squarely on the head, there.
One of the main reasons I rarely associate with women is BECAUSE they are often so misandrist. The same reason applies why I don't date, and why I will likely never marry.
A lot of women don't seem to realise that those "little anti-male" remarks they make (on the street, in a restaurant, in the workplace, etc.) are not as innocuous as they believe.
Yes, ladies. We hear you. And yes, many of us DO take it personally. We find it mean-spirited, sexist, and hypocritical.
Would you want to spend time with someone who claimed to hate you down to the core of your being? Would you want to associate with someone who put your gender down constantly? Would you want to date someone who made jokes about mutilating your genitals.
No? Well, then why would you, for even a second, think that men feel any different?
I know this will come as a shock to a good number of women but guess what, ladies? We're just as HUMAN as you are.
It used to be that men "didn't get it." But now it is the gals who "don't get it."
Well if they really want to have healthy relationships with men, they'd better learn, fast.
"Hoka hey!"
by quetzal on 04:41 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#2)
I agree. And furthermore, I am tired of being looked at and treated with SUSPICION just because I am a man. For example, my normal facial expression appears to be 'stiff' or serious to some people. In the past, sometimes people were put off by it, especially strangers, but it was still not much of a problem until the current societal paranoia began. Men are villified in the media as criminals, child molesters and wife-beaters, etc. Then the dumbo's amongst the population, who take to heart everything the papers and TV tell them, become basically paranoid nuts (esp. women). For example, I have become convinced that parents are teaching their kids, that if a man tries to make even just eye contact with them [the kids], he is a potential psycho or whatever. What's the problem here, it used to be ok to just wink at someone and smile. What is the &*&@%$ problem??? I am sorry if anyone reading this is a parent and is offended. But we in society must understand the difference between simply 'odd' behavior on the one hand, and criminal intent on the other. The fact is that some people are or appear odd. That does not translate into 'potential mass murderer'
by Anonymous User on 06:29 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#3)
"It used to be that men "didn't get it." But now it is the gals who "don't get it."
T-Cloud, that's a marketable slogan! You should start your own web site --- GALSDONTGETIT.COM.
From the article --
"Men haven't turned away from smart, successful women because they're smart and successful. More likely they've turned away because the feminist movement that encouraged women to be smart and successful also encouraged them to be hostile and demeaning to men."
Indeed. Why would any man seek to pay for, live with, and suffer under the typical cohabitation with a feminist-harpie?
Feminism has succeeded .... in making women undesirable, too expensive, and lethal.
Strange kind of victory for a movement that said all it wanted was "equality."
Equality has proved to be a concept that women cannot yet grasp ... because it also means accepting responsibilities... not just entitlements.
Want to bash men for forty years and still find one that will marry you?
Reform your ideology girls, now.
by khankrumthebulgar on 09:44 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#4)
The recent posting on Drudge by Maureen Dowd FemNag Whiner is the effects of decades of Misandry. Gee I wonder why the Marriage Strike is getting worse? FemNags screwed all their Bad Boys, and Thugs who make their panties wet and ignored decent Men. They fauned over The Bridges of Madison County and ignored faithful loving Husbands who wanted intimacy ,passion and sex. Our Women are mentally ill listening to these insane FemNags who told us they needed us like a Fish needed a Bicycle. Then wonder why we told them to go to Hell and refuse to interact with them.
Maureen will be found dead with her closet full of
Manolo Shoes and a dozen cats. It will be fitting justice for her. The sad reality is that if she had not listened to the FemNags and instead followed her normal instincts she would be talking with her Husband about the College her children would be attending and baby sitting with her Grandchildren. She is a beauty for her age. I bet she was hot in the sack when she was younger and may still be. It is her attitude and her Sisters that is repellant.
She should have passed her genes on to about 4 kids and been thinking about her baking for the Holidays. Instead she whines about being lonely. No Man wants to get vertical with a critic who hates Him. Get a clue Maureen.
by Anonymous User on 01:07 PM November 3rd, 2005 EST (#8)
Yes, exactly.
It's like asking why a black person doesnt want to hook up with a Ku Klux Klan person.
Oh, and TC, your right it's us gals who need to get a clue, this decade.
by Anonymous User on 04:58 PM November 3rd, 2005 EST (#10)
"No Man wants to get vertical with a critic who hates Him. Get a clue Maureen..."
I thought all the preferred positions were more or less horizontal, with the exceptions of a straight-backed chair or a ladder?
Has Maureen invented a new Kama Sutra for the intellectual peri-menopausal female?
by Gregory on 11:58 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#7)
by Anonymous User on 03:18 PM November 3rd, 2005 EST (#9)
Nuts to her being "smart and successful".
She's just plain mean and hateful. What man wants that? Try working on that Maurine, and you probably won't have any trouble meeting guys.
by Anonymous User on 05:17 PM November 3rd, 2005 EST (#11)
I think Maureen is the poster child for feminism's faux-success (i.e. total failure.)
She wails about being too intelligent and critically-minded to attract men.
This is totally sexist and infantile.
Men relish intelligence and analysis in women, if only because these are increasingly rare character traits in the current generation of "raunch culture" females.
Then, her female and male colleagues all chime in that it's not just her intelligence, but her incredible sexiness, that dooms her to singlehood.
Pamela Anderson has not suffered from this syndrome, and she is way smarter than Maureen, if perhaps less sexy. (Too much silicon...)
Maureen has staked out her territory. She will be the most self-loathing 70 year-old emeritus columnist at the NYT in just a couple of decades.
She will still be complaining that men do not appreciate her.
And, just like today, she will be correct.
And just like tomorrow, she still will not understand the source of her loneliness...
by Anonymous User on 01:17 PM November 4th, 2005 EST (#14)
Dang, Roy.
At first I was mad at Maureen. Now I just pity her...
"Hoka hey!"
by Dave K on 01:45 AM November 4th, 2005 EST (#12)
I am a dingle berry, after publicly picking on my wife, I leave my desktop on and myself logged in. I guess I don't have a very forgetful wife who sleeps well, or a very good memory myself either.
I like to wear pink frilly undies
I watch Survivor
I know when Katie Holme's baby is due.
I coolers!
I am secretly in love with Hilary Clinton!
Hee hee hee Dave K - A Radical Moderate
by Dave K on 09:52 AM November 4th, 2005 EST (#13)
LOL... get off my desktop Biatch! Dave K - A Radical Moderate
by mens_issues on 08:43 PM November 4th, 2005 EST (#15)
Lady Jen, did you just impersonate Davek (aka Sir Davidicus?). Oh my, this could get you in trouble with The Patriachy ;)
"HAIL to The Patriarchy"
Thomas (Tom) Fullery the Younger
by jenk on 10:05 PM November 4th, 2005 EST (#16)
Oh boy.
*scurrying off to the kitchen to bake some biscuits*
by Anonymous User on 02:52 PM November 5th, 2005 EST (#17)
"Hoka hey!"
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