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by quetzal on 02:08 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#1)
1)Possible defenses for teacher: Insanity; husband abusive or not meeting her needs; she had recent stressors and was going through and 'ordeal'; she was victim of abuse as a child.
2)Outcome: 2 years probation and 1000 hrs of community service. Victim's mother agrees with punishment, saying "she [the teacher] has suffered enough already".
3)Aftermath: teacher writes best-selling book; interviewed by Matt Lauer; Ted Koppel comes out of retirement to interview her also; formation of awareness-raising groups across the country, to discuss "how women in sports are under great stress, and more likely to become initiators of
this type of thing". Funding initiated by Congress to study the issue.
by Anonymous User on 03:28 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#3)
Quetzal- Yep. exactly.
We have to always remember; "men are demonized, Women are diagnosed".
"Hoka hey!"
by Dittohd on 10:21 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#9)
>"Even if these charges are completely unfounded and she is cleared of these charges, it would be very, very difficult for her to return to a classroom."
Well, it appears that there is some equality seeping into these cases.
There was an ex-school principal (Phd) on the Dr. Phil show this afternoon who had been wrongfully accused of having sex with a student. The girl admitted that it never happened before trial and charges were dropped, but it did him no good. He's now still without a job.
What I don't understand is if this woman had an affair with this girl over the period of a year, why is she only being charged with only one count of lewd and lascivious behavior? Isn't this saying that it only happened one time?
P.S. Something needs to be done to protect the innocent. Why is it that you never hear about these wrongfully accused men suing the female false accusor. Is there a legal prohibition against this? All anonymous postings on my screen are filtered. To talk with or debate me, a user ID is now required. Thanks.
by SacredNaCl
on 11:12 AM November 3rd, 2005 EST (#11)
Why is it that you never hear about these wrongfully accused men suing the female false accusor. Is there a legal prohibition against this?
Actually, in many cases, yes. In my own state, and in sevreal others, there is a law on the books that was passed as part of a victims rights bill (Ohh yes, you have to watch those too!) which makes it impossible to collect damages stemming from a police complaint. Now if the person just spreads a rumor and it ruins your reputation, or runs it in the press and it ruins your reputation and causes you provable financial harm and they don't involve the police, its fair game.
These laws are badly worded, and end up shielding false accusers who admit their claims are false, even when they admit to perjury and convictions result (either to the accused or accuser). A few places the law is written poorly enough that you can still sue the parents if the false accuser is a minor (as the parents aren't technically the ones who filed the complaint, and are responsible for the minor...). But there are very few places this has been won in practice.
Also of note, you can report people to family services over and over again, and not only can you do it anonymously, but in most states its impossible to collect damages from false or otherwise complaints there as well. So there is a lot of room to abuse these things.
This is why when you do see a lawsuit from the falsely accused, it is almost always against the police dept, or the prosecutor rather than the accuser. Those are hard to win, you pretty much have to prove they knowingly went after a false case and still persued it, or dragged your name out in the media when they knew they had nothing and it cost you that way. Or vindictive prosecution with knowingly perjured testimony... Those are slim chance of success cases most of the time.
Its another area of the law that makes it difficult on those falsely accused. If you are lucky, the press only runs the accusation on page 1 or 2, and runs the retraction (if they run it at all) on page 45 in ultra small print... There will pretty much always be a cloud over your head, no matter how saintly you are or are not.
Most likely the alleged victim here is female, as they refer to "her" in the story. It is not unusual at all for gay & lesbians to pursue minors, it isn't PC to discuss it, but ample surveys attest to the prevalence of this. Its far less often they publish the data on lesbians than on gay men, but as we all know, when they don't publish its usually because the data is as bad or worse.
If it is indeed a "year long relationship" there will be some evidence to support this (phone records,email,notes what have you). I'm not assuming the teacher is guilty, people have told far worse lies before. Its just far harder to make an accusation like that stick if there isn't some ongoing evidence of contact..etc
Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
by Anonymous User on 08:17 PM November 3rd, 2005 EST (#13)
Note that one of feminism's undisputed successes is having exiled all men from the K-12 teaching profession (let alone child/daycare)....
This is a direct result of the DV Industry/Workplace Sexual Harassment/Child Molestation legal assault ... all lethal to any professional man if he should even be falsely accused of any of the above.
And, so --- the logical result? (It's genius really.)
Men no longer go into teaching. (Tenured male professors who can't be fired no longer mentor female students...)
Women dominate the educational system.
Schoolboys now enjoy the first 18 - 22 years of their lives under a feminist/matriarchal system that indoctrinates, coerces, and flat out brutalizes the masculinity out of young men ....
and exiles the few actual rebels and heretics into any of several "helping" programs --- all of which involve brainwashing, drugging, and social controls usually reserved for convicted felons.
Ironically, there is a growing movement in the teacher's unions to try to recruit male teachers.
How stupid would a young man have to be to step into that feminazi trap?
Feminism has locked up the social conditioning of boys aged 1 -18, since the majority of a boy's waking hours are spent at school.
School has become a very hostile arena for many/most young men.
The college enrollment stats prove that after a thoroughly feminized high school indoctrination, many young men are opting out of further feminist education.
There should be a national commission to study this crisis, but it won't happen.
All the fine men in Congress are too busy passing VAWA 2005.
by Luek on 11:19 PM November 3rd, 2005 EST (#14)
This is great!
I am keeping this list for future reference.
Good job!
by Anonymous User on 03:10 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#2)
There is no mention in the article about the gender of the victim. I got the feeling (probably because she is a girls basketball coach) that the victim may be female. Also, I don't think the female sensitive press would want to show female-on-female abuse.
by quetzal on 04:48 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#4)
I live in the Tampa area, where of course that whole thing got a pretty big write-up (of course in the 'Metro' section, as oppesed to the main section). The victim was a 15-year old FEMALE member of the basketball team. So perhaps this time, the genious Howard Stern will not be able to get on TV and say that this is "every young girl's dream, to have a sexual relationship with a beautiful older woman". That is what he said about the (also local) LaFave case, where the female teacher was messing with a young BOY.
by Dave K on 08:28 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#7)
That whole "young man's dream" thing is an utter crock of SHIT. Next time you hear some idiot pull that chestnut out you can tell them about all those 13-15 year old girls who would MUCH rather date older men than guys their own age. Since it's their "dream" it must be ok right?
Young men's emotional development is SLOWER than for young women... if anything it should be a WORSE crime to victimize a boy at any particular age than a girl at the same age.
Dave K - A Radical Moderate
by Luek on 12:31 AM November 3rd, 2005 EST (#10)
The young man can get himself on the hook for child support for the next 18 years enforced under the threat of imprisonment if a bastard results for this "every young boy's dream" sexual encounter with an adult woman.
Oh, also it is the female's prerogative to unilaterally decide to keep the bastard offspring and to decline post conceptional motherhood though abortion. He of course has no post conception parental choice. She has the power to decide to a large degree how he will spend the next 18 years of his life. And there is not a damn thing he can do about it!
Stern (who is no longer has a show so I have heard) never says anything about these little detail.
by Anonymous User on 01:14 PM November 3rd, 2005 EST (#12)
Howard Stern. What a putz.
Ba Ba Booey, my a$$.
"Hoka Hey!"
by cmdr iceman on 05:34 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#5)
yeah, that's the same inkling I got that the victim was female, the article seemed to contort itself as it tried to tell the story without revealing the gender. Which in my mind brought the victim's gender to the forefront of my mind as I continued to read the article, the more they tried to hide it, the more it seemed to matter.
The thing that rankles me more than anything in cases like these is how they portray the photos of accused women vs. the accused men. The women are invariably shown in their best light, smiling, hair done, make-up etc... it's as if the media are subtly trying to portray them as sex objects and thus saying " If they are indeed guilty who could possibly resist their sexual advances - esp an untested minor?" Whereas men are invaribaly shown in their worst light, often photographed with a painful grimace on their face or simply looking stoic and impassive, not smiling, looking as menacing as possible. The message here is who wouldnt be afraid of this man? Doesnt he look like a sexual predator!? I get so sick of the media trying cases in the media - just report the damm facts!
Cmdr Iceman "The only truth in this that there is no truth, only perception and that which one can manipulate."
by quetzal on 06:13 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#6)
You could have just said "usually it's a mug shot" of the man!
by Anonymous User on 08:40 PM November 2nd, 2005 EST (#8)
Who said they aren't after our kids?
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