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by Clancy
on 01:09 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#1)
is that if you are A) A woman B) You confess faster than a West Texas Jack Rabbit C) You say that I'll do it again - you get the kid glove treatment, albeit it did say she would not be released anytime soon. What? Does the state have a game wheel a-la Wheel of Fortune that they spin and whatever number it stops on, that's how long she'll get? Her actions also had to be quantified as post traumatic stress disorder. I'm not making light of this. If she truly was abused, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But, don't men usually get slapped with "well...that may be BUT, you still made a conscious decision to do the deed. Therefore, you are scum." I hope she gets all the help she needs. I also hope it sticks considering how Oprah and some states are pushing for stricter sentencing for convicted sex offenders. Hope those new sentencing laws aren't gender specific.
by bulldogo.1 on 05:52 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#2)
Your point about men's psychological problems not being taken into account when they are convicted of child abuse is a good one. Personally I believe anyone guilty of this needs to be locked away indefinitely, but also receive treatment. But men aren't ever portrayed as having any psychological problems that might dispose them to commit any crime. Whether they have abused children, robbed a bank, assaulted someone or anything at all, the media hardly ever says anything about it. They are presumed responsible for their actions because they are men. If it were a 17-year-old male that had committed this crime his psychological problems would not even be mentioned. He would be portrayed as just another evil male.
by Baniadam on 06:41 PM October 27th, 2005 EST (#3)
I think it is hard to make a judgement on this. It all depends how screwed up she is.
I remember reading about a man at the age of 32 who killed his Uncle because he sexually molested through most of his youth. I think the Uncle deserved all he got and then some. The guy is now serving (wrongfully) 20 years in jail. Now that is messed up.
There was also a programme on the BBC about a small group of men who caused havoc and crime on a quiet northern community. They all had one thing in common: they all got molested by the same sick demented SOB (who deserves to die). He is now serving light prison sentence.
If you've been molested when you are young by someone who supposedly your guardian: I think there is a good chance that you will need mental re-adjustments.
FYI: Most sexual molestation on young boys by men are NOT done by their biological father: it is usually a Stranger, Step-Father, Relative. In fact I think there are men who target single women with children so they can get hold of their little boys.
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