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by Anonymous User on 01:49 PM October 25th, 2005 EST (#1)
It seems that the Swede politician/radical feminist/DV industry supporter who called all men animals was in fact flattering us.
This is sickening.
by Clancy
on 02:30 PM October 25th, 2005 EST (#3)
Along with a shelter for pets of women that are beaten/smacked/thumped/looked at cross ways/yelled at/looked at with a questioning glance, by their hubby/boyfriend/significant-other/father/grandfath er
/stepfather/uncle/nephew/brother/cousin, they need to come up with a shelter for pets that are USED as a weapon to beat their female owners. "Yes, my hubby/boyfriend/significant-other/father/grandfath er
/stepfather/uncle/nephew/cousin/brother, used Puffy, my wittle putty tat, to hit me up side the head. Poor wittle Puffy. My head hurts, too."
AND, when are they going to repeal that DAMNED 19th AMmENDMENT???!!!!
by Clancy
on 04:05 PM October 25th, 2005 EST (#7)
We, as a sex, are just too dang nice to clip this troll off at the knees. As usual, we put up with CRAP until doomsday or, until we throw 'ole Schepp at their heads. It looks to me like the only way to appease he/she/it is to go petition our male friendly law makers to go ahead and further sublimate our women folk by taking back their right to vote. How hard can that be? I mean, we beat VAWA, right? (right?) Come to think of it, since we MEN control government, why the heck did we ever let something like VAWA get past us in the first place? We DO control the government, right? (right?)
by Anonymous User on 04:24 PM October 25th, 2005 EST (#8)
One idea is to run a follow-on like this (but shorter) that enumerates the general goals of the men's rights movement. Every time this poster posts he/she/it (probably an "it" knowing feminism!) in turn gets a clearly stated rebuttal. Since fairness and logic are on our side, this poster losses! (It could get annoying but it might make them think twice…?)
Whoever is writing these blurbs about the 19th amendment is probably a feminist, not a men’s rights activist.
They are employing a fairly simple strategy, “guerrilla tactics”. Basically, this individual is attempting to imply that repealing the right to vote is actually a goal of the men’s rights movement. This is totally bogus. By implying these goals, the individual is transparently attempting to marginalize the movement.
How? By making the men’s movement seem very extreme, nobody will take it seriously and many will ignore its legitimate goals: fairness in the family courts, end to preferential treatment of women in the work force (“affirmative action”; that is, discrimination against middle class men in the work force), end of insulting and derogatory images of men in the media and entertainment industry, end to anti-boy policies in the schools, the defeat of feminism, etc.
I’ve NEVER heard anybody seriously advocate eliminating women’s right to vote. Don’t fall for it folks!!!
by Boy Genteel on 02:50 PM October 25th, 2005 EST (#5)
"To Mr. Site Admin: Is it against site policy to zap this kind of crap clean off the board?"
Seriously. Other sites go as far as to delete posts with actual CONTENT; surely we can ban someone trying to make us all look hateful.
bg Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by Anonymous User on 03:03 PM October 25th, 2005 EST (#6)
I'm adding my voice to that, too.
If this "ban the 19th amendment" freak doesn't get a grip, I also request that he/she have his/her I.P. banned.
I have no problem with dissent, in fact I like to fight with trolls from time to time, but this joker is getting ridiculous.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 05:53 PM October 25th, 2005 EST (#9)
Now matter how I try to come up with a good reason for banning trolls, I can never quite get to that point of total conviction.
Mainly, because trolls represent training opportunities for MRA's.
If the members of this web site cannot identify, refute, and defeat a silly TROLL, how in the hell do think MRA's will ever have the conditioning to make their case before the U.S. Feminazi Congress?
See how well we defeated VAWA 2005 ..... NOT!
Fight Club might be just the right prescription about now... bring ON the trolls!
by Masculiste on 08:16 PM October 25th, 2005 EST (#10)
I completely agree here. But the training can be tricky. It could very well be a troll attempting to build a thread so that they can take it back to their legislature connections and say, "See? What did we tell you?" OR, it may very well be a militant masculinist. However USUALLY, they won't post anonymously.
The best thing I've found is to simply denounce the message. I'm sure that none of us are about repression of any sort. And I, for one, have nothing against making it clear that I am no more against a woman's FAIR rights as I am against a man's. For me anyway, it's important to make that distinction.
by Anonymous User on 11:10 PM October 25th, 2005 EST (#12)
Research "mikeeusa", it's probably him. He's not a feminist for one thing.
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