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by Anonymous User on 04:56 PM October 21st, 2005 EST (#1)
I did a Google search and I see this is opening in L.A. on Noevember 4th, but where (no details yet)? It is presently playing only in New York. It opened there Oct 21. There's nothing on Amazon at all. It looks very interesting, showing most of the men freed by DNA evidence are black. That appears accurate since most of the people jailed are black men. The movie makes a case that the "justice" system is "flawed." Stop the presses! What have we been saying on MANN for years.
It will be interesting to see if this movies shows the "justice" system as misandrist or just racist.
It is encouraging to see this perspective finally coming to the movie industry, and I am definitely going to make an effort to go to this film and get my friends to go as well.
by Anonymous User on 07:51 PM October 21st, 2005 EST (#2)
Let's see if Oprah hawks THIS particular movie.
by Anonymous User on 09:15 PM October 21st, 2005 EST (#3)
The film's website shows eight men and four of them are white. This should mean the film will not be just about race.
Seven of the eight men were convicted of rape plus various other crimes. I think the real question here is whether female accusers will receive any of the blame or if women will get a free pass. Will this movie address the problem of a system that allows women to make a false accusation with no proof and at no danger to her even if she is proven to be a liar?
by Anonymous User on 10:22 PM October 21st, 2005 EST (#4)
"The film's website shows eight men and four of them are white.
Clicking on the link in the original posting, I go to a site having a flier for the movie. In that flier I see five men on the left and the same five men are shown on the right. Only one out of the five is white that I see. It appears from the flier they are making an effort to be objective.
by SacredNaCl
on 01:56 AM October 22nd, 2005 EST (#5)
I hope this film covers the ruthless extent that many prosecutors go to to keep you from testing evidence, and that even when the test comes back negative they still devote entire legal teams to keeping you from getting a new trial.
And of course, when you get out, you still have to go to court again to clear your arrest record, have the conviction lifted from your record, and all of the other things that don't get fixed automatically with that.
Basically its: here is $81.00 and if you are being treated for anything a few days worth of medicine. Good luck.
Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
by Anonymous User on 12:06 PM October 22nd, 2005 EST (#6)
"I hope this film covers the ruthless extent that many prosecutors go to to keep you from testing evidence, and that even when the test comes back negative they still devote entire legal teams to keeping you from getting a new trial.
And of course, when you get out, you still have to go to court again to clear your arrest record, have the conviction lifted from your record, and all of the other things that don't get fixed automatically with that."
America's Femi-Nazified legal system is a menace to society.
by Anonymous User on 12:37 PM October 22nd, 2005 EST (#7)
Feminism has successfully institutionalized gender injustice against men.
Today's courts (at least in my state but I assume in most) are over-run with feminist advocates who offer free help for all woman, and none for men. These "advocates" share the same offices as the DA's, and provide mandatory advocacy to the judges and the media, and act as a liaison between the various departments involved. In short, they have a profound and unjust ability to affect the way cases are prosecuted and processed.
Despite the severity of any accusation and the nature of any alleged crime, all men enter a system that is highly biased against them, whether it is an accusation of domestic violence or a severe crime like rape. The police, the media and the court system will all work together on the assumption of guilty until proven innocent.
This movie is a must see for any person concerned about liberty and equality. I feel for these men deeply – having been accused of false domestic violence allegations. There is no way to prove innocence; allegation alone is enough to warrant imprisonment.
by Anonymous User on 01:40 PM October 22nd, 2005 EST (#8)
"Feminism has successfully institutionalized gender injustice against men..."
Oh, feminism has done much more than that!
It has destroyed romance, turned women and men against each other when they were in earlier times partners, socially deconstructed the family and marriage to the point that these terms are meaningless, demonized men to such an extent that young men now wisely shun intimate relationships with females, and --- feminism's greatest "success" ---
it has made women into infantile victims of a fantasy ideology that saps their very feminine strength and integrity, and indoctrinates girls and women into believing they must become what they are not and will never be.
When the history is written in 100 years from now, feminism will show up in the index as "psychotic mass dementia --- see gender wars."
by quetzal on 02:16 PM October 22nd, 2005 EST (#9)
You hit the nail right on the head. But as mentioned elsewhere on this thread, I am concerned that the net result of the movie will be more of a focus on race-related issues, and not much on the bias against men in general, in these type cases. (not that the race issue is not a valid one. It is also true that the death penalty is racially biased, i.e. used disproportionately against black men).
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