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by Hunchback on 04:46 PM October 22nd, 2005 EST (#1)
...exactly what happens to feminism when the Lace Curtain is pierced, when everyday people are exposed to what feminism actually stands for.
In this instance, rather than working covertly behind the scenes as they've successfully done for decades, they surged forth into the bright glare of the political limelight, revealing their machinations for all the world to see. A fortunate miscalculation. That a country as p-whipped as Sweden could turn on them so quickly is a glimmer of hope for the rest of us.
However, we can not expect that the fems in other country will not learn this lesson as well. We can be certain that they will work overtime knitting the rent in the Curtain, downplaying and minimalizing even mention of the Swedish fiasco. Then they will continue their indirection manipulation as they've successfully done for 40 years until politics accepts their own into the mainstream. Can anyone say "Hillary in '08?"
(Speaking of which, here in NY State the senatorial elections in '06 will feature a man-hating, men-are-sexual-deviants, feminist on the right versus Hillary on the left. They are joined by the male feminist, anti-father senior senator Chuck Schumer. How's that for the Apocalypse?)
Penetrating the Curtain somehow is our only hope. We must recruit. The internet is useful but far too slow. Most voting, taxpaying adults do not spend a lot of time, if any, online. Those that do will only find men's sites if they are actively and diligently searching for them. They are the choir and are not highly visible to the mainstream. We must reach the men reading the newspaper or in front of the tube, not merely the men behind the screens.
by Anonymous User on 09:28 PM October 23rd, 2005 EST (#2)
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