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by Anonymous User on 12:15 PM October 14th, 2005 EST (#1)
I'll stick with Jennifer Love Hewitt.
by Anonymous User on 02:58 PM October 14th, 2005 EST (#2)
Feminists are trained to offer sexist preference for all females in any situation. Otherwise the "sisterhood" would fall apart.
This one case should not be a suprise - it is daily occurance in corporate US. Hire females, promote them rapidly into management, offer them maternal work options for time off that men do not get, and then watch most of them fall out the ranks like flies after a decade of fruitless effort when they leave corporate life for something more rewarding - like having a man pay for it all with the sexist divorce laws that exist today.
And..oh yes...the men are to "blame" and the glass ceiling traps women...
Take a look at the growing underclass who lacks representation in this county, males - age 18-30.
The US will not be able to compete on a global market the way things are headed.
feminism IS sexism
by Anonymous User on 04:34 AM October 15th, 2005 EST (#4)
Hewitt is an uber feminist and in some respects, though not visible by her current position, has damaged her credibility if not her career through her feminist pursuits.
She is the government minister who complained about scantly clad models on a poster advertising the UK Motor show a few years ago. Critics at the time pointed out that as the MInister for Trade and Industry, she should have perhaps been concentrating on the issues pertinent to the UK motor industry - namely the problem MG Rover were having (Now gone bust with appropriate unemployment levels).
She frequently bangs on about the lack of women in technical jobs e.g. IT but completely ignores the lack of men coming through in law, medicine etc etc.
A thoroughly unpleasant woman, a true man-hater and someone who has hopefully had her time.
by Anonymous User on 01:22 PM October 15th, 2005 EST (#5)
It's not about "EQUALITY", people.
It never was and it never will be.
by Anonymous User on 01:15 PM October 16th, 2005 EST (#6)
Believe me, we KNOW that.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 04:50 PM October 16th, 2005 EST (#7)
Death To women's Rights
Death To women's Liberties
Death To women's Freedoms
by Anonymous User on 04:22 AM October 17th, 2005 EST (#8)
Yeah - that really helps when the feminists are looking for ammunition that men's rights activists are anti-female as opposed to pro true equality.
You're either a guy who doesn't quite understand what we're trying to achieve or a Women's Studies student rubbing your little hands in glee at the "clever" thing you've done.
Either way, please run along now.
by Anonymous User on 09:13 PM October 17th, 2005 EST (#9)
Your allies are not against you.
by ArtflDgr on 01:27 PM October 18th, 2005 EST (#10)
And just like a man she will now be a target. i will not be surprised if other men step forward and claim that similar things happened. her career isnt short and it will now be fraught with the questions of how much she is a liability.
though time will truly tell
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