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by Anonymous User on 09:42 AM October 14th, 2005 EST (#1)
'The teacher has to be concerned because there can be a vindictive kid" who can falsely accuse the person at the head of the class of a sex crime."
I enjoyed teaching. I've never had that problem, but that's one of the prime reasons I quit teaching and will probably never teach again. It only takes one immature, irresponsible nut case kid who wants to make some trouble to completely destroy a man's life with a false allegation. It's just too dangerous.
I was at an open house at a local police station in the Los Angeles area recently, and a woman was sitting at a table recruiting volunteers to help troubled youth. Out of curiousity I went over and checked out the material. The woman said, "We really need men to help out with troubled boys." I replied, "...and I'd love to help, but it isn't going to happen ever. It only takes one false allegation against me to ruin my life, and you have vindictive hate movements like that one (pointing to a domestic violence table womaned by 12 volunteers) seething with ill will for all males."
"It's a shame, isn't it," was her reply? "Yes it is," I said, "but it's much worse than just a shame. It's a crime and no one is doing anything about it."
by Anonymous User on 02:30 PM October 14th, 2005 EST (#6)
Well put, Ray. It sounds like she understood your point.
Jeff / This is not Equality
by Anonymous User on 04:13 PM October 14th, 2005 EST (#10)
The National Education Association identifies the absence of men in the teaching profession as a problem.
But note in their explanations below there's no mention at all of how feminism's successful criminalization of maleness has driven men out of teaching.
Also note that the dramatic decline of men in
K-12 teaching parallels the rise of virulent radical feminism beginning in the early 1980's:
Wanted: More male teachers
Men are in demand in America's public schools as a greater focus is placed on the need to diversify the historically female-dominated profession. Nationally, NEA is waging a drive to get more men into teaching.
At the Association's 2002 Representative Assembly, NEA members approved a measure to "identify, recognize, recruit and retain" more male teachers, with an emphasis on elementary and minority teachers.
According to NEA research, just 24.9 percent of the nation's 3 million teachers are men. And over the last two decades, the ratio of males to females in teaching has steadily declined. The number of male teachers now stands at a 40-year low.
The percentage of male teachers in elementary schools has fallen regularly since 1981 - that year, it reached an all-time high of 18 percent.
Today, a scant 9 percent of elementary school teachers are men. Likewise, the percentage of males in secondary schools has fluctuated over the years, but now stands at its lowest level (35 percent).
The male teacher dilemma -
•Colleges of education historically have a tough time luring men because of dated notions that teaching is women's work.
•Salaries are low for teachers when compared to salaries for other professionals, which lowers the prestige and social value of a career in teaching.
•Many men don't see the teaching profession as a lucrative way to provide for their families.
•The prevailing philosophy within education is that men go into teaching to "teach the subject," and women enter teaching to nurture and develop children. Since males tend to gravitate toward secondary teaching, this leaves a critical shortage of male teachers at the elementary level.
Link at -- .html
by frank h on 10:33 AM October 14th, 2005 EST (#2)
The Trenton Times reports another teacher-student sex episode, at: 0/112927724623761.xml&coll=5
I called the Times to ask why the teachers name was not published and I was advised that since no charges have yet been brought (it seems the police are worried that the student's allegation might not be true), the name will not be published. I asked if the same would be true if the accused was man, and I was told that it would (not that I believe it).
I understand that the age of consent in NJ is 16 (it's been 36 years since I had to concern myself with that issue), but that any contact between a teacher and a student remains a criminal matter.
by Anonymous User on 12:42 PM October 14th, 2005 EST (#3)
>>"Men are demonized, women are diagnosed"
I have never seen or heared that put in better words. Ain't it the TRUTH?
Notice that the same rules apply when one spouse abuses or murders the other. A man who kills his wife; DEAMONIZED. A woman who kills her husband; DIAGNOSED.
Actually that rule seems to apply across the board.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 01:02 PM October 14th, 2005 EST (#4)
That is the word used to identify some one who is attracted to teens.
I learned a new word today! \(^0^)/
My question is though is a person who is a hebophile as bad as a person who is a paedophile?
by Anonymous User on 01:56 PM October 14th, 2005 EST (#5)
"My question is though is a person who is a hebophile as bad as a person who is a paedophile?"
If a person is male, that person is by definition vile, evil and sick. Everything else is diagnosis.
Tom P
by Anonymous User on 03:20 PM October 14th, 2005 EST (#7)
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed?
by Anonymous User on 03:40 PM October 14th, 2005 EST (#9)
I don't know.
I've seen some girls who were around 17 or 18 or so, that I found myself attracted to. I'd never ACT on that attraction, though. even if the girl is 18 The age difference is just too wide. It wouldn't be fair to either me or the 18 year old girl to start a relationship.
Now, someone who is attracted to Prepubescent girls, THAT I have a problem with.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 01:25 PM October 15th, 2005 EST (#11)
I think most guys are at least slightly hebophilic. I agree with TC., though paedophilia IS evil. Hebophilia, not so much.
by Anonymous User on 03:29 PM October 14th, 2005 EST (#8)
All men get dragged through the mud at every opportunity - where a female having done a similiar (alleged) deed,she will get less acrid media, more sympathy and a way more lenient treatment if actually charged with a crime...
Local, regional, national... men get the harsh treatment. It scares me to think of how many men are sitting in prison on inflated of false allegations.
Feminism must get destroyed.
by Anonymous User on 01:27 PM October 15th, 2005 EST (#12)
Death to feminism, long live TRUE equality.
"Hoka hey!"
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