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Daughter admits lying about rape, father released
posted by Matt on 10:50 AM September 14th, 2005
False Accusations radikal writes "Interesting story about the words of a child, bad marriages, visitation rights, polygraph machines, juries n' judges, and good ol' fashioned lazy thinking!"

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Don't Just Read This Once (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 12:50 PM September 14th, 2005 EST (#1)
I've clicked on the "print-friendly" format and printed out all seven pages (double-sided, so it was four sheets). Keep it in your personal files as an example of men who are still IN jail for crimes they didn't commit, because of false accusations filed by someone who had an axe to grind and DAs who want to appear "tough on crime" by getting their conviction percentages up.

Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
Re:Don't Just Read This Once (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:27 PM September 14th, 2005 EST (#2)
Still yet another reason to stay away from a lot of women.
All they have to do is get pissed off at you and file false rape or abuse charges and your life, as you know it is OVER!
And as we know women can never be vindictive...! (sarcasm)
Re:Don't Just Read This Once (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:04 PM September 14th, 2005 EST (#3)
"All they have to do is get pissed off at you and file false rape or abuse charges and your life, as you know it is OVER! And as we know women can never be vindictive...! (sarcasm)"


Ahem...yes! As I reflect on this, it occurs to me that FEMINISM itself is a prime example of this very same phenomenon, but done massively and politically, on a grand scale, to half the human race! Vindictive indeed!


Re:Don't Just Read This Once (Score:1)
by Uberganger on 08:01 AM September 15th, 2005 EST (#4)
Feminism (noun) - a philosophy of female spite; the political and social application of this philosophy.
Re:Don't Just Read This Once (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:07 PM September 16th, 2005 EST (#8)
That definition makes perfect sense.
Feminists do everything in SPITE.
They do things to spite men, the do things to spite the family unit, they do things in spite of the constitution, they do things in spite of the bill of rights, they do things to spite our nation, they do things in spite of law, and they even do things to spite normal, decent WOMEN, as well.
Spite seems to be what they're all about.

The good thing about that is, though, that they will lose in spite of themselves.

  "Hoka hey!"
Double standards (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:30 PM September 15th, 2005 EST (#5)
What odds will you give that none of the women involved (i.e. the bogus victim and her mom) avoid any legal sanction?
A judge will gladly waive the statute of limitations for a rape based on "recovered memory" or other pseudoscience but not for an case like this.
Will the coach be prosecuted for suborning perjury or obstruction justice? Don't bet the rent money on it.

Re:Double standards (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:45 PM September 15th, 2005 EST (#6)
Considering the child was a very young minor at the time, there is absolutely no chance that she would face any charges, and though I have mixed feelings about it - that one you have to let go at some point. Even if he could prove coercion on the part of the mom, there are probably limits on the length of time that can go by. Civil remedies? Doubtful, but in theory he could sue the mother for coaching provided he could claim some new discovery of the injury, I just highly doubt a judge would let it go through. Suing the state? Slim chance of success.

I could easily have been in his situation. I have an ex that hates me that much, that even threatened the same to me (in addition to a lot of other things she threatened and did do).

I don't know how you even begin to heal from something like this. My guess is you probably never do. You might let it go at some point, but 16 years of your life is a long time, and the sense of betrayal this guy has to have is going to be eating at him every day for lord knows how long.
Re:Double standards (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:56 AM September 18th, 2005 EST (#9)
He could put a bullet in her head and out the other side.
This Happened In Michigan? Nah, Couldn't Have! (Score:2)
by Luek on 04:37 AM September 16th, 2005 EST (#7)
Michigan has to be the most misandric state in the union! Remember this is the state that has imprisoned William Hetherington over the bogus machinations of a vindictive ex wife.

I hope Mark wins his lawsuit against that maggot of a sheriffs deputy.

At least he didn't come out of prison saying he didn't have a grudge against anyone like too many falsely accused and eventually proven innocent men have done lately. Sexual crimes, especially against children are very bad but they should not carry the same penalty as international espionage!
One could serve the same amount of time in prison for simply touching the genital area as selling national security secrets. The judicial system has gone insane in this country and in other countries over sex crimes.

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