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by TheMadNucleus on 10:56 AM July 30th, 2005 EST (#1)
Check these out: 346c.html baby0829,0,3068817.story?coll=nyc-manheadlines-man hattan
Note the stat in the first article - 5 babies abondon this year so far in Brooklyn, New York alone.
Funny thing about the articles though - more bias - They are only looking for the Mom - no mention about the Dad - like he's not important.
by Anonymous User on 09:53 PM July 31st, 2005 EST (#2)
The Washington "Dumb as a" Post didn't put this on this story on the front page. But awhile back they did run a front-page series on the murder of pregnant wives. The Post promotes anti-male stereotypes and buries any evidence contradicting "women are nice, like sugar and spice." This isn't good journalism.
Also, the TV news that covered this story said nothing about the boy's father. The boy probably didn't have a father to care for him and protect him. But I'd bet some male was being forced to pay the evil mother "child support". Actually, probably not, or she wouldn't have dumped her meal ticket on the highway.
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