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Hey, did anybody get a load of this:
Myth:"All or almost all domestic violence by women is in self-defense."
"A survey 0f 1,000 women, perhaps the largest survey of its kind, found that 20% had initiated violence. The most common reasons for women initiating domestic violence were: "My partner wasn't sensitive to my needs," (46%), "I wished to gain my partner's attention," (44%) and "My partner was not listening to me" (43%). "My partner was being verbally abusive to me" (38%) was a distant fourth."
In other words, it's okay for women to physically abuse men because their feelings are hurt!
Chris F.
Those who claim to be brutally honest, enjoy the brutality more than the honesty.
by Anonymous User on 05:17 PM June 29th, 2005 EST (#2)
The website doesn't cite that study, but it's
"Why Women Assault," College Women Who Initiate Assaults on their Male Partners and the Reasons Offered for Such Behavior. Psychological Reports, 80, 583-590 (1997)
And it's posted at
Marc A.
Its good to see that a police enforcement agency is explicitly acknowledging DV against males. You are right, could be better, but it is a good start.
I wonder how long till NOW / The Feminist Majority / etc have that site pulled and the sheriff fired? --bandersnatch
by warble
on 06:53 PM July 3rd, 2005 EST (#5)
I cannot help but wonder if this is in part due to my efforts.
Basically, my strategy has been to overload the police system every time that I've felt in any way threatened. I’ve made a tone of police calls any time any woman has so much as touched me.
Finally, they wanted to know what they had to do to get me to stop calling. I told them that the Marxist-Feminists were responsible for the laws that were requiring me to call, and that they would have to lobby as a police group against the feminist propaganda to stop the lies and the creation of the communist laws.
This is most likely wishful thinking.
One could only wish they were making a difference.
Still, I've been telling every man to do the same thing. That is alot of people......
Perhaps it's starting to add up.....
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
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