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No Real Men in France?
posted by Thomas on 04:34 PM June 17th, 2005
News Kathleen Parker has offered this commentary on recent news items about French men.

First, I'd like to say that, in part because I've visited France about a dozen times, I know a number of French men who are as heteronormative (Like that word? I couldn't resist.) as any American man. Her article, though, does carry some insight and a forecast regarding those dark clouds on the horizon. The following contains a few excerpts and my own commentary. If this seems long, please pardon the rantings of a married male. (A tip o' the hat to Tom Ellis.)

"The French finding of maternity envy was the result of a telephone survey of more than 500 fathers, 38 percent of whom said that, science permitting, they'd like to have carried their children through the nine-month gestation."

Looks like the feminized schools may be succeeding in deconstructing boys, at least in many cases.

"On the other hand, science is closing in on an artificial womb that may make gestation possible outside a woman's body. Although touted as a solution for women unable to bear children, such wombs conceivably could be made available to men who want babies without the messy complication of a female."

I suppose "messy complication of a female" means facing the threats of losing contact with your children, being forced (under penalty of imprisonment) to pay for children even if you never get to see them and even if you've proven that they aren't your offspring, being forced to pay alimony or (if one prefers) household support or maintenance to someone with whom you no longer have a relationship other than that of mistress and slave, enduring endless insinuations or outright declarations to the effect that you are fundamentally inferior, having little or no defense if you are violently attacked, being slammed with false accusations while knowing that if it's proven that the accusations were false the woman will face little or no punishment... I could go on and on, of course, but anyone with so much as a single gray cell already knows the list.

"Strapping on our Huxley hats, we easily visualize a brave new world in which women, no longer essential to procreation, are eliminated."

I doubt it. For one thing, most men will still want women around for sex. For another, I question whether men have it in them to hate women as much as feminists hate men and boys. I wonder if men have an instinctual inclination to protect themselves, women, and their children, while women have an instinctual inclination to protect themselves and their children, with little or no instinctual regard for men beyond a concern for how men can provide for women and their children. Nonetheless, a hurricane of rage is barreling down the tracks at society. (Yeah, it's a mixed metaphor. Hey. I'm ranting.)

"Men — rage-filled by their former roles as sperm donors and human ATMs — would have a newly leveled playing field."

Damn straight. She certainly sees the rage coming. But let's not forget men having their health concerns ignored by the majority (read "female") elected government, still facing the all-male draft, being systematically and relentlessly extirpated from the academy... Again, the list goes on and on.

"It can't be mere coincidence that his (Michael Jackson's) trial on charges of pedophilia — the ultimate expression of the narcissistic impulse — intersected with the birth of a postmodern man who's all boy."

And the arrival of the artificial womb may well intersect with the crash of advanced societies, especially European, due to deconstruction of males, extreme population collapse, and a host of other feminist blessings.

Hold onto your hats!

Jeb Bush Renews Man-hunt on Schiavo's Husband | DV in Fargo  >

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Way to go! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:49 AM June 18th, 2005 EST (#1)
"On the other hand, science is closing in on an artificial womb that may make gestation possible outside a woman's body. Although touted as a solution for women unable to bear children, such wombs conceivably could be made available to men who want babies without the messy complication of a female. Already some feminists are concerned about the threat such wombs may pose..."
                The sooner we regain control of our fertility the better, and the artificial womb is the only way this is going to be achieved.
Re:Way to go! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:55 PM June 18th, 2005 EST (#4)
I like how she fears that once men have the artificial womb that men will have women "eliminated".
I have NEVER ever once heared a man say he would like to elimianate women. Not once.
But I can't count the number of times I have heared a woman or many different women say they would like to eliminate men.
I can't count the number of feminist 'Op-Ed' articles in news papers or on TV that talk about nazi-style extermination of men. I can't count the number of times I have read feminist literature that went on and on about how to kill and get rid of men. I see MANY 'man-haters' websites that discuss exterminating men. I know of NO web-sites that advocate gendercide against women.
And then this woman has the gall to say she's afraid that men may want to eliminate women, once the artificial womb is available.
Excuse me, lady, but just who has been advocating and supporting the elimination of whom, for the last 35 or so years?
Not men against women, my dear. It is quite the other way around.

I think I speak for a good number of men. though when I say; I will celibrate heartily when the artificial womb is available. No more being a sperm-donor, a walking-wallet and a scape-goat.
I will be able to have a child of my own and NOT be PUNISHED for it simply because I am a (heterosexual)man!
At long last I will hear a tiny voice calling me "Daddy". Something I have longed for most of my adult life. And perhaps for the first time I will not have to worry about someone taking that tiny voice away from me.
"Daddy". I LOVE the way that sounds. And with the artificial womb that sound will be all the sweeter.

Men want to "elimiante women". Shut UP.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Way to go! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:47 PM June 18th, 2005 EST (#6)
I totally agree, Thundercloud. Men appreciate women much more than women do men. And there's no reason why it should be one-sided at all. Women are just too smug to let their guard down; cold-hearted bitches.
I simply think bitterness and vindictiveness is a predominately FEMALE trait though, that's why women always talk about destroying men. Men aren't that extreme in their feelings of resentment. Ha ha, we're more evolved than women I guess!
When men have the ability to conceive without a women, women will see just how noble we are in having that power and still not using it at the expense of them.
I will die a happy man to see the day we have the power.
Re:Way to go! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:13 PM June 18th, 2005 EST (#8)
We women aren't ALL bad, guys.

Re:Way to go! (Score:1)
by jname967 on 03:14 PM June 18th, 2005 EST (#9)
Jinx, we know... why do you think we men would NOT want to destroy you all (or even talk about it the way SOME women do about men)?

Re:Way to go! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:05 PM June 20th, 2005 EST (#12)
Yes, we know that. The comments I made were directed at those women (and some men) who ARE bad. Not at women like you, Thea, Jenk, Trudy, Wendy, etc.

(B.T.W, speaking of Jenk and Thea, what ever happened tho them? I never see them post here anymore.) :-(

  "Hoka hey!"
New spanish law: Mandatory joint custody (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:13 AM June 18th, 2005 EST (#2)
But guess Who is opposing this Socialist Law?, The Popular Party, memeber of the european christian Party, and Feminists organizations.

Crhistians and feminits just two sides of the same coin, as long as the west keep on bieng a Christian M A T R I A C H Y, men will be second class citizens.

El PSOE propone que se conceda la custodia compartida aunque se oponga el fiscal.

EL PAÍS - Sociedad - 15-06-2005 CH. NOGUEIRA - Madrid

          El grupo socialista en el Senado ha propuesto nuevos cambios en la regulación de la custodia compartida de los hijos, el aspecto más polémico de la reforma del divorcio. En una redacción abierta al pacto, plantea que, para concederla cuando sólo la solicite uno de los progenitores, el juez deberá contar con un "informe preceptivo" del fiscal. En el texto aprobado en el Congreso se establece que ese informe debe ser "favorable".

Las organizaciones feministas y el PP se oponen a la custodia compartida sin acuerdo. "El presidente del Gobierno ha faltado a su palabra", aseguró ayer la presidenta de la Asociación de Mujeres Separadas y Divorciadas, Ana María Pérez del Campo. Rodríguez Zapatero anunció que se revisaría la custodia compartida.

So is obvious Christians and feminits just the shit, the more poisoned a society is by christianism the more degrading the status of men, and more matriarcal it is.

But fortunately Europe is less and less christain each day, and more laic and islamic, and as this happens, more women must must work for a living, and support their children, lost custody of their children, are sent to prision for theor criminal acts, are required to serve in the military as men are, etc, etc, that is more for men and lees for women, men must realised what is in the christian agenda regarding men rights, wants that happends, the west would not be a Christian MATRIARCHY based on male slave labor anymore.

Men's Wombs (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:32 PM June 18th, 2005 EST (#3)
I agree. Artificial wombs would SHUT WOMEN UP RIGHTFULLY.
Men "wanting to be women".... (Score:1)
by jname967 on 01:41 PM June 18th, 2005 EST (#5)
When a woman wants to be like a man, she is empowered. When a man wants to do something considered womanly, it's a sign of weakness, in everyone's eyes, because we believe being a woman is lower than a man. Just something to think about. Even women feel this way.
Re:Men "wanting to be women".... (Score:1)
by bukowski on 02:50 AM June 19th, 2005 EST (#10)
Could be that men are shamed into only being allowed to be a "man" as a way to chain men. Then this "man's" role is made out to be so great in the same way that tyranical govts. will have people believe that 'slavery is freedom'.

Certainly more choices is more freedom, no?
Men have one role, one choice. Women can choose their role.
Link on greatest invention for a MAN EVER! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:51 PM June 18th, 2005 EST (#7)
I don't know if this article has already been featured on this site--possiblly could have. It's great news. There's even a quote that says its definitely possible in a few years.

http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story /0,6903,648024,00.html
Re:Link on greatest invention for a MAN EVER! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:54 AM June 19th, 2005 EST (#11)
Yes, I think that article featured on mensactivism a few months ago when there was quite a good debate on the subject. In any event, I agree with you that the artificial uterus would be "the greatest invention for man ever"
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