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Jeb Bush Renews Man-hunt on Schiavo's Husband
posted by Matt on 02:54 PM June 17th, 2005
News Anonymous User writes "Do you think maybe Jeb's already courting the feminazi vote for his anticipated 2008 Presidential bid? From the Miami Herald today -- "One day after an exhaustive autopsy sought to end much of the controversy over Terri Schiavo's life, and eventual death, Gov. Jeb Bush said he plans to ask prosecutors to investigate whether her husband took too long to call for help on the night she collapsed in 1990. A lawyer for Michael Schiavo called the governor's comments ''disgusting'' and said there was no delay in the husband's call for help." Full article here."

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Two sides. ...One coin..., (Score:1, Insightful)
by Anonymous User on 03:43 PM June 17th, 2005 EST (#1)
If you still had any doubts that the Republicans are just as much in bed with the feminists as the Democrats are...

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Two sides. ...One coin... smart play by Jeb? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:14 PM June 17th, 2005 EST (#2)
If you think about it, by continuing the persecution of Michael Schiavo, Jeb gets a "two for one" deal.

He wins with the feminists who convicted Mr. Schiavo early on of false charges of wife abuse simply because he's male.

Jeb also gets the evangelical crowd all a twitter, the folks who'd like the government to intervene even further into matters of private morality and have Congress overrule your Living Will.

Can you imagine anything sadder than a 2008 election that gives men a "choice" between Hillary and Jeb.... two proven misandrists?

Re:Two sides. ...One coin..., (Score:2)
by Dittohd on 10:23 PM June 17th, 2005 EST (#3)

I say this should be enough to vote him out. Too bad we men aren't yet united enough to do what's necessary when it becomes necessary.


In my opinion... (Score:2)
by bandersnatch on 01:40 PM June 19th, 2005 EST (#4)

"Do you think maybe Jeb's already courting the feminazi vote for his anticipated 2008 Presidential bid?"

I really think this is a desperate attempt to woo the right to life vote.

However, no doubt in my mind that the current climate of misandry in our society is letting Jeb do this unchecked.

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