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Tried several times... no luck viewing link. "It's a terrible thing ... living in fear."
- Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
I can't get anything on the KTLA or the LA Times site. It looks like they're down at the moment. I did find a cache version of the article
2 Simi Teens Admit Lying to Police
and another article
News briefs from Southern California, 3rd item down
It includes from the 13-year old "she made up the story in an effort to persuade her parents to move back to their old San Fernando Valley neighborhood. The family recently moved to Simi Valley and she didn't like it." and the 17 year old "she was trying to get attention from her parents" and the 15 year old "didn't want to go home to her parents because she was getting bad grades".
The 13 year old demonstrates that by that age some have learnt about sexual assault and can fake it to get sympathy and their way. One could hope the 17 year old was more mature, as we're told women are, as by that age they're having sex, contraceptives, not to mention abortions and babies. As to why women and girls lie, not only is it that they can, it is also that they are entitled and that there is no question of any women/girl feeling guilty about anything. In other words though this feminist rubbish about oppression and empowerment they are taught to be selfish and spoilt. This is the same as anyone who is brought up getting their one way and not being taught any moral framework or responsibility, except that it seems to be world-wide.
P. S. There is currently a French case of a woman who made up sexual assaults by 13 people, including a 75 year old. The 13 people spent about 3 years in jail. It now turns out to be false. If I get some details I'll post them.
Raymond Cuttill
Men's Hour Blog
French child sex ring case fabricated
It appears that some child abuse occurred. The chief suspect, a woman, confessed apparently to some genuine abuse but also decided to implicate another 17 people. One has committed suicide. Some have been in jail for 3 years. They have lost jobs, friends, houses, kids. Now she says she made it up about the 17 other people.
Raymond Cuttill
Men's Hour Blog
by Anonymous User on 03:52 PM May 23rd, 2004 EST (#10)
Another thing that 's irritating about this case is that the false accusations only netted her two years in toto. Had she not been guilty of the other crimes, that's all the time she would've gotten. Less than the people she accused already served.
by Anonymous User on 10:09 PM May 22nd, 2004 EST (#4)
"The 13 year old demonstrates that by that age some have learnt about sexual assault and can fake it to get sympathy and their way."
The 2nd link worked well, and does a good job of covering the stroy. It appears the 13 year old just didn't have the methodology completely "down pat" yet. I certainly hope this doesn't ruin her chances to frame innocent men in the future (sarcasm). When you read this, you really wonder how many innocent men are rotting in jails, because older women have figured out how to lie and work the system for all the things they can get from.
People who say a woman wouldn't lie about rape becasue she has no motive to do so are complete fools.
People who say a woman wouldn't lie about rape becasue she has no motive to do so are complete fools.
I think they know what they are doing. They know women lie. They don't want women questioned. They want all women to be believed and don't care if some of them are lying.
by Anonymous User on 09:25 AM May 23rd, 2004 EST (#6)
Despite the fact that the link has been deleted. We live in a judicial culture that is more concerned with the admittance of guilt than with actual fact finding and evidentiary procedures.
Victim advocates are the problem. DV advocacy is the problem. Rape hysteria that is fostered on every college campus in this country. There is a one size fits all approach in dealing any allegation that a woman uses against a man, regardless if a motive of malice or vindication or if an actual crime occurred.
I came to the "men's movement" after an ex used the courts to try to destroy my life with false DV allegations. So I know that this type of personal life atrocity is easy to pull off if you are woman.
by Anonymous User on 11:17 AM May 23rd, 2004 EST (#7)
"Despite the fact that the link has been deleted."
The story is still at the link below. You have to scroll down to the 3rd story.
(click) Another Ventura County teenager
Thanks for the active story link!
Interesting to learn that filing a false police report is a misdemeanor... same class of crime as a first domestic violence offense; however --
a man convicted of DV will be subjected to mandatory, state-enforced penalties that include loss of his right to own a firearm, court costs and fines, and a suspended jail sentence contingent upon his completing 6-to-12 months of feminist "psycho-dynamic re-education" DV counseling!
The false accusers typically get off with a slap on the wrist... usually a year or less of "court supervision," which means nothing.
The sexist anti-male DV Industry remains the feminists' primary judicial weapon against all men, perpetrating massive lies about rape and family conflict, denying long-known evidence of female violence against men, all in the cause of criminalizing men simply on the basis of gender.
Until false accusers face the same mandatory penalties, the tyranny will continue and grow...
"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear."
- Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
I know a few young females that visit my neighbors. Actually I watched them grow up as they are grandaughters. They are friendly with me and I with them. One is a little forward and a couple of times tried to enter my driveway gate which seperates my back yard from the rest of the property. Having been a reader and poster here on Mensactivism, I knew better than to let her in the yard and especially the house as I am a single man. I stopped her at the gate blaming my Great Dane as being aggressive (which she certainly is) and this young lady knew that. At least now she was not offended. Being an avid reader here on Mensactivism unfortunatly not being too friendly with these folks is going to have to be my policy.
by Anonymous User on 04:08 AM May 25th, 2004 EST (#11)
I believe Roy's suggestion [last par] is the answer to this racket--insisting upon EQUAL penalties will expunge this movement. Just as legal action in the USA taken against many so-called counsellors promoting the Repressed Memory Syndrome contagion a few years ago put paid to most [but not all] manifestations of this vicious industry.
Collectively speaking, it will not require some sort of universal male activisism to subdue and reverse the feministic distortions and misapplicatons of the law that has been ongoing for the past 30 years or so. It will require, however, a regular commitment on the part of an active and vocal minority of men to align themselves at every level against this judicial Medusa. So it seems to me.
At some point soon men will have to put their trust in fraternal loyalty, in a united effort by the well-disposed of both sexes. What is surprising, thus far, is the absence of such a dedicated movement in the English-speaking countries, at least. And this is where web sites such as Mensactivisim prove their value.
I am also surprised at the number of men who are scratching their heads, so to speak, as they respond to these issues of justice and declare that, yes, indeed, they're pretty sure women can lie about rape--as well a host of other matters.
As for female lying: Where, I wonder, did those men who doubt whether or not they lie grow up. Can it be said they've grown up at all? Did they observe nothing about the behaviour of their female classmates in Grade School, Intemediary and in High School? What about University? What about the experiences of other men? If you don't twig [understand] what unfolds before your very eyes, what occurs in the course of your personal experience, then what good are you as an individual, as a man?
It is evident at all levels that women are natural-born liars, just as men are. And those women who incline to lying publicly take advantage of laws which grant female privilege, rather than equality. Laws that allow them to perjure themselves at no risk. It's a lucky man who can face his female accuser in court, in person. Like the Star Chamber of old Venice, justice for men is a matter of prejudice and special interests.
Failure to doubt the probity of females is the outlook of a natural-born underling. Enjoy your servitude. I do wonder how it is, however, that such a con has gained such widespread acceptance in these questioning and purportedly seceptical times.
Politicians, of course, will be needed in this campaign against the oppression of men, but their vote can be arranged when it becomes evident to them that they will lose support of a majority or sizeable minority of their most useful sex [gender, for the learning-impaired], which is to say men.
Meanwhile, at some point in the immediate future, thousands of men who've been falsely deprived of their reputations, their children, their property, their means of livelihood--their very freedom in some cases--will realize that the injustices they've suffered have a social dimenson as well as a personal one. In them, I believe, lies the vanguard which will bring about the changes that in time will restore faity in the natural dignity of men and their rightful place in the general repect of society.
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