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by Anonymous User on 05:45 PM May 22nd, 2004 EST (#1)
Though we have a right to be informed who carried out this stunt, it is important that the media do not give too much publicity to Fathers 4 Justice, or as they are known on the web. Too much free advertising in British newspapers might encourage similar pranks from Fathers 4 Justice, PO Box 7834, Sudbury, Suffolk (01787 81922).
I don't think that this makes up for the news blockout on the group. Anti-male hate in the media has has driven appalling bad coverage of men's issues.
by Anonymous User on 06:01 PM May 22nd, 2004 EST (#2)
Subtleness. BHawwwwwww!
"Though we have a right to be informed who carried out this stunt, it is important that the media do not give too much publicity to Fathers 4 Justice, or as they are known on the web. Too much free advertising in British newspapers might encourage similar pranks from Fathers 4 Justice, PO Box 7834, Sudbury, Suffolk (01787 281922)."
Keeping with the theme of this article. It was reported that one of the lab technicians who analyzed the purple powder took the remaining "deadly substance" and made cupcakes topped off with purple icing for the other techs in the lab. Another tech, who wish to remain anonymous, was reported to say "Ummmmm, so good! Want some?" Also, Trojan, the maker of Trojan condoms, has reportedly been in contact with the leadership of Fathers 4 Justice in a collaborative effort to come out with a new condom. Purple in color.... of course, with little gold fcuk fcuk labels stamped all over the surface of the condoms.
I believe that Fathers4justice membership have done an excellent job of keeping a cork on the very real and primitive emotions that surround these issues. By putting a slightly humorous and funny slant on their protest they have succeed in getting their message out to the public and also allowed the men, and some women, who have found themselves in the nightmare horror that is known as the family courts an avenue to release some of that anger and rage in more focused and direct manner toward the fcuk (hehe) lowlifes that deserve it. These lowlifes are screwed. The public is being educated first to laugh at the lowlifes but also to question " what kind of creepy lowlife keeps kids from seeing their fathers?
Now folks be sure not to direct any more attention towards who can be reached at Fathers 4 Justice, PO Box 7834, Sudbury, Suffolk (01787 281922). We really do need to keep this under wraps. Once again that's / Fathers 4 Justice, PO Box 7834, Sudbury, Suffolk (01787 281922) Let's all do are part in keeping this hush hush.
Tyler J.
by Anonymous User on 12:18 PM May 23rd, 2004 EST (#3)
A couple of questions:
#1 Does anyone have any idea what charges the person(s), who made the assault on the Prime Minister, will be facing?
#2 Has anyone given any thought to the charges the person(s) will be facing, who made the assault on the Prime Minister?
I was shocked when I saw this attack on television. Such an assault in the U.S. on a head of state is taken extremely, extremely seriously. In the U.S. such an attack would net the attacker(s) long, long, long prison terms. Again, I am not sure how British law views this, but am curious to hear.
I wish everyone well, but have serious doubts about the efficacy of this event. Lastly, I fear that the repercussions from this event will only add to the troubles the Father's involved in this event already have. I'm sorry, I just can't get behind this event in any way.
>I was shocked when I saw this attack on television.
>I fear that the repercussions from this event will only add to the troubles the Father's involved in this event already have. I'm sorry, I just can't get behind this event in any way.
It will only be bad if Fathers4Justice gives up or backs down as a result of all the cry babies whining about how terrible these men are.
I say they should continue the fight until the other side gives up or backs down.
I don't see anything wrong with what they did. In fact, they should make jokes out of the whole thing and shame the other side based on such an exaggerated response to such a benign, symbolic act. They were shook up by the act? Good! That's the idea!
Maybe purple flour filled condoms should become our permanent symbol of dissatisfaction with how we men are all treated in the family court system... until we get the proper respect from our governments.
using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, likely to cause harassment, alarm, or distress
£1,000 each. They cannot be jailed for the offence they have been charged with.
and btw such an act in the us would have resulted in a hail o bulliets
by Anonymous User on 01:13 AM May 24th, 2004 EST (#6)
"and btw such an act in the us would have resulted in a hail o bulliets"
LAPD is under federal supervision right now for problems they have had in the past.
Yea, if this had happened in L.A. the poor dad(s) would have had a clip of cop issues 9mm's between the eyes before the purple dust in the air cleared.
This would not be the thing to do anywhere in America. If a protestor survived he could be looking at a few decades behind bars for such a stunt so I for one do not condone this most recent event. It could encourage Father's in other places to get into a lot of trouble. There are other "legal ways" to have an effect if one uses their imagination.
These guys have TRIED the "please sir, can I have more" strategy.
First off, get a "handle" ... like sign in and register
Second, you sure are dismissive of these men while you yourself have not offered an alternative.
Got any?
Steven Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
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