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by Anonymous User on 06:08 PM May 15th, 2004 EST (#1)
The more money pumped into the dv-INDUSTRY, the more power it gets. Men are the meat who get ground up everyday by the hate machinery. The lesbians and feminists running the show love it.
Is it time to take back out rights? Wake up!
Starsoneck said. "They have an awareness that many victims never turn to the justice system."
Really? And just who would that be...? Hmmm! Betcha can't guess! No no really...
I wasn't optimistic reading the story, and I'm pretty appauled at the $100 for being *served* with a restraining order. I'm not sure how it is in North Carolina, but in my state, Missouri, a woman can get a restraining order on such things as "He yelled at me in front of the kids". --
You get served with it before you even have a chance to defend yourself against it. In fact, she doesn't even have to pay for it as a nice woman's group will pay the $26 for her...
Yet another injustice...
Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
by Anonymous User on 06:50 PM May 15th, 2004 EST (#4)
"In fact, she doesn't even have to pay for it as a nice woman's group will pay the $26 for her..."
That way they get to puff up their numbers to get more money to arrest more men.
So the feminazis have made it to good old Missouri. What ever happened to, "I'm from Missouri, Show Me?" Still, I can't be too hard on the folks back home, even though they are being sold a bill of goods. The whole country has bought into the man-hating agenda for a long, long time.
by Anonymous User on 06:35 PM May 15th, 2004 EST (#3)
"A woman gets a restraining order on dubious grounds to make room for a new boyfriend. So not only is the current guy out on the street, he gets to pay $100 for the privilege?"
Another step is taken in the progressive agenda of feminazi america.
Just one more reason not to date. Just as I thought things were getting better and maybe soon to be safe to date/commit. . .damn.
Maybe next year/decade
Problem is I/we aren't getting any younger. . .ya know
by Anonymous User on 09:21 AM May 16th, 2004 EST (#8)
There are over 700 women's studies courses (and thousands of college classes) in america, that couldn't exist if they weren't making war on Fathers, men, traditional families, boys, etc. I don't think it's going to get better any time soon.
I'm reading Daphni Patai's book called Heterophobia. She's a former women's studies professor, and she goes into great detail about the nutty world of women's studies. Heterosexual sex, traditional family, Fathers, Men, and Children are all seen as forms of oppression instigated by men against women. Women who chose to "opt out" (according to women's studies) are merely victims of Stockholm Syndrome/Hostage Syndrome) who are identifying with their "captors" for survival." It's all the fault of the power and control of the male patriarchy even when women choose to be involved with men, according to women's studies.
What an insidious evil exists on our college campuses in the form of women's studies, and its all supported and funded with your & my taxpayer dollars.
(click) Women's Studies Is Academic Fraud
(click) Women's Studies Is Unscholarly Research
(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)
I will say it over and over until people start getting it: don't marry or cohabitate. Just don't do it. It is setting you up for more risk of trouble than a sane man would take. If you marry or cohabit these days, I don't care how "nice" she seems to be, you are gambling just as if you went to Vegas, only the stakes are higher than mere money.
Don't marry, don't live with a woman. Just don't do it.
by Anonymous User on 08:21 AM May 16th, 2004 EST (#7)
I agree.
I also think we somehow as men need to become an even better Good Ole Boys Network. Interestingly I pick such a negatively stigmatized term.
I also in the case above think we need to convince men to press the charges. It is the easiest way to create all kinds of far reaching repercussions in this obviously biased system. She'll have to pay too, it will only more fairly bring this automatic guilt to a screeching halt.
Some other interesting points."* Prohibiting employment discrimination against domestic violence victims attending court hearings."
Gee I am a male business owner who could face a lawsuit if the significant other comes back in revenge and significantly injures any co-worker, but I am supposed to look the other way while she takes company time off and poisons the rest of my workforce.
"Permitting judges to award custody to victims during domestic violence protective order hearings when children are at risk for physical, emotional or sexual abuse"
Only in the human species do we give the children to the weak for protection who are supposedly seeking protection themselves. Gee isn't that an interesting concept!
Also children are subject to over a 150 percent greater chance of sexual assault once the biological father isn't in the picture.
"Requesting the state Department of Health and Human Services to study the mental health and substance abuse needs of domestic victims."
I have always said if the police are called and someone is arrested both parties must immediately submit to drug and alcohol testing. Oh the wheels would go into overdrive when they found out how many closet female alcoholics and habitual drug users are out there masquerading as doting moms.
I am sorry to say this but I really am beginning to understand the depths and feelings terrorists have whenever they reach out and do there deed.
I would also add to the above to not join the military or police, however unfortunately someone always wants or needs to be the savior or white knight in shining armor, or is to poor or educated to succeed anywhere else.
The greatest threat to the status quo is when someone or somegroup takes things into their own hands and does something about it.
by Anonymous User on 11:14 AM May 16th, 2004 EST (#9)
"Don't marry, don't live with a woman. Just don't do it."
I was feeling rather cynical about the whole institution of marriage myself, just a day or two ago.
(click) Get Married? - I don't think so!
(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)
Well I know how you guys must hate reading my insipid rants but here goes. First the whole "user pay"insult to injury is the most militant expression of cynicism I've evry heard of. Apparently Orange County had a by-law when Ronnie Raygun was the governor that compelled people to pay for police surveillence of them wether or not that surveillence resulted in a charge being did not survive the first upper court challenge of course. Oh and by the way ...we are all aware that when someone is executed in the People's Republic of China by a single round fired point blank into the medula the family is sent a bill for the bullet (even though the mailing and administrative handling of the bill costs more than the bullet).
This is just so ironic....I used to participate in a Canadian forum called BC FATHERS. It topped the SOW shit list and has launched a class action suit against SOW that has made them duck and pull their head into their shell. A good many members of that forum are lawyers who have been screwed over by family law and who give advice to the recently wounded.
The problem is that on THAT site they insist on believing that the fight will be won in the courts and through political lobbying and they keep getting beaten and the site has degenerated into whining and licking wounds.
You guys on the other hand seem to be chomping at the bit for a fight but have no resources of power to carry it off.
My response to being presented with a bill for a restraining order from my ex would be a flat refusal to pay and several grieviously battered bailiffs and process servers who came looking for the money and appealing the garnishee all the way to the supreme court if necessary.
I honestly don't know why ex-wives and ex-girlfriends bother with such things anyway. The really angry ex-boyfriends never obey them anyway and the police are very half hearted about enforcing them (at least that's what the feminazi documentaries and cop shows that are written by feminazi's tell us).
I am glad that more and more men are catching on to not marrying and not co-habitating.It only makes me sad that it spells victory for the feminazis who have wanted to abolish marriage. But value is a function of scarcity...if you feel undervalued...make yourself scarce.
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