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For the most part, I stopped watching ESPN years ago when they decided to "implement" Title IX. These days, I will only watch if ESPN has the only coverage for my NFL or MLB team. It is amazing how many female announcers, reporters, etc they have at that channel. I'm not suggesting that women are not capable of covering sports, but years ago, ESPN used to be one of the few places on TV (maybe History channel, too) where a man could be a man. Since the mid-90's, that changed drastically. And it isn't just the presence of women as announcers and reporters, many of the men at ESPN have become feminists, too. It is very sad to see ESPN fact, I refuse to use their website for sports news, too.
Jeff "All human laws which contradict God's laws, we are bound in conscience to disobey." George Mason
by Anonymous User on 12:03 AM May 17th, 2004 EST (#3)
Sorry if I seem skeptical.
But I am wondering if this is yet more male-bashing, groin-kicking misandrist garbage in the guise of "for men". I've seen it happen all too often, in the past.
I could be wrong. and I hope I am.
"Hoka hey!"
I have found that Spike TV tends to cater to the "stereotypical" male audience: the type of males that men are *supposed* to be in society. Shows about men doing "manly" things, gynocentricity shows reminding men that women are the greatest thing in the world and you cant live without them. A lot of shows about cars, sports, violence, comedy about stupid males, etc. All things that a gender-programmed male is supposed to think about and nothing that he is *not* supposed to think about.
by Anonymous User on 01:23 PM May 17th, 2004 EST (#5)
Aww, GEEZE! I knew it, I just KNEW it...!
How much do you want to bet that these so called "Men's programs" and "Men's networks" are actually nothing more than a way of CONDITIONING men?
That seems to me to be a very real type of MIND CONTROLL.
Screw the "Stepford wives" it looks more like we're going for the STEPFORD HUSBANDS!
"Hoka hey!"
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