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Male DV Victims in Military
posted by Hombre on Wednesday November 26, @07:37PM
from the dept.
Domestic Violence Marc writes "Here is a good article on male domestic violence victims in the military. The article helps confirm that the military is way ahead of the domestic violence movement on this issue. This is exactly what we found when we set up a table at the DV Conference in San Diego, CA this year (where rad-fems tried to get us barred). We came across a number of military folks there who knew, based on their experience in doing DV work in the military while free from feminist propaganda, that men and women are initiating the violence at about the same rate. They explained that their military programs emphasize communication and preventative measures (as Warren Farrell and SAFE do) rather than reactionism, blame, bashing, and gender politics, and that as a result they have seen a marked reduction in the frequency of the problem. Will the DV industry ever learn from this?"

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Great article (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on Wednesday November 26, @10:23PM EST (#1)
(User #1161 Info)
It's so sad that we teach part of our population not to make a big deal about being abused. If men would just speak up for themselves, they'd be surprised just how many people (he's and she's) want to help them and fight for them.

By the way, Marc, it will bring me great pleasure if you give us the details on how the misandrists sought unsuccessfully to have you removed from the conference.
Re:Great article (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 26, @11:16PM EST (#2)
"By the way, Marc, it will bring me great pleasure if you give us the details on how the misandrists sought unsuccessfully to have you removed from the conference."

Basically we learned that shelter directors from Los Angeles used their political muscle to try to get us barred. In the end it hurt the credibity of those who tried to ban us and helped us build relations with some sympthetic insiders. Our booth got lots of attention and positive "it's about time" type of comments. I can't say much more here but you're welcome to email me at marcangelucci@hotmail.com


Not surprising (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Thursday November 27, @07:53AM EST (#3)
(User #1387 Info)
This article does not surprise me. In the military, unlike civilian life, NCO's and Commanders can guide people's lives in ways that would be considered intrusive and unacceptable in civilian life. This can be annoying at times when commanders micro-manage Mickey Mouse issues, but in this instance it is clear that the program seems to be working.
      I do notice that there is a clear difference in how the military deals with this as compared, from what I have read, with how civilian DV systems work. Put simply the military is all about solving a problem and getting on with the mission, whereas the civilian model seems to want to perpetuate the "delving into your feelings" model. I know that in typing this I am preaching to the choir on this, but let me state it out loud anyways. The military, as I stated has a mission. That mission comes first, but with the practical realization that a soldier who is distracted, injured, or having family issues may be performing to sub-standards. So, the answer the military comes up with, which I agree with, is to solve the problem and to get on with their mission. Now the civilian model is profit and politically driven to refer, induct, indoctrinate, and revisit the problem ad infinitum. The profit reason is that the counselors, battered WOMENS houses, advocates, court appointed friends, and politicians have a vested financial interest in keeping the victim in "victim" status as long as possible. The rad-Feminazis and the politicians have a hand-in-glove interest in indoctrinating and perpetuating the female "victimness" for their various reasons. The rad-Feminazis want the male stereotypes reinforced. The politicians want to be SEEN doing SOMETHING about a legitimate issue (though only a single gender is getting recognition). And the DV industry, often stocked with anti-male rad-Feminazis, wants to use the issue for political clout and for a profit. There is no incentive to help batterers, male or female, to learn coping skills or to help them stop battering. There is no incentive for problem solving strategies. And there is certainly no incentive in identifying female batterers/child abusers. When I see a man post a comment about the DV industry wanting to perpetuate the violence on a non-men's activist forum he is often derided. Often, and this is how it happened to me, it takes time to let ideas "gel" and for the brain to see a larger picture. And trying to point out the systemized perpetuation of an industry, whose stated goal is to END DV, that feeds on the PERCEIVED and MANIPULATED feelings of women is hard for the average "Joe" or "Jane" to swallow. It doesn't make sense to them. I fully understand this. Why would a group of people whose career and belief system is to work toward ending a problem perpetuate it? Simple: Money and power. It sound cynical until you really look at it. A parallel can be made in the "child services" industry that is plaguing perfectly fit parents in many states. The CPS (child protection services) folks have to show a NEED for funding, if not a NEED for MORE funding. For example, and bear with me here as it is a parallel and not off topic, in Massachusetts (my Home of Record) each time CPS takes a child out of a home they receive about $4,000 (this is from memory - so correct me if I go wrong). This goes to pay for the counselors, the social workers, the relocation, and the living expenses of the child. If child abuse were to end tomorrow, as is the stated goal of the DSS (Department of Social Services), then they would be out of business. The social workers, counselors, foster parents (don't even get me started on how SOME of those people prey on children), and the administrators would be out of work. Practical human considerations of rent, bills, and self-preservation won't allow that to happen. And of course the politicians, and some are genuinely well meaning, need ISSUES on which to run. Take away a hot button, emotion ridden, and time-honored plank and this Pol has less to say on TV (their lifeblood). The system at CPS and DSS is then often to FIND or, in some WELL-DOCUMENTED cases (E-mail me if interested), to MANUFACTURE cases of child abuse. The stories I could tell you would make even falsely accused DV industry victims go white with rage and fear.
      The same truths hold true in the DV industry. But it's simplified. In the DSS/CPS industry you have case workers with well rehearsed lines using a court system against parents in the name of children who are easily manipulated and often cannot (or are not mentally developed to) speak for themselves. In the DV industry it's actually a more simple process. The DV industry targets men and men alone. Put simply, men and women are two separate and unchanging persons. A woman cannot become a man (lets leave surgery out of this discussion). So you have laws created and framed by women that will not have consequences FOR women but can be USED BY women. It's Us vs. Them. Same as the race-baiters use one race against the other. There is a time honored precedent for this. Any time a law is written by one segment of society, that will only apply to others but not to the ones who wrote, apply, or interpret that law, then that law creates TYRANNY.
      I am proud to serve my country. And while the military has a many issues as the civilian world, though often different, this is one case where the military is working to RESOLVE a problem whereas the civilian side of the house seems hell-bent on having it continue.
      Good article.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
It's not about domestic violence (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday November 27, @12:45PM EST (#4)
Once again we see (from the example of the way that the Army handles domestic violence) that the civilian domestic violence industry is more concerned about furthering the feminist agenda through politics, than ending domestic violence and helping all victims.

All of the leaders of the civilian domestic violence industry, through their gross commission of fraud on the American public, should be forced to set through their own batterers programs, but with the gender specific language reversed as punishment for the evil they have done to our society.

They are evil, they are condemned and must be re-educated through their own Marxist-Leninist brainwashing techniques to see the hateful bigotry they have been spewing all these years.

Since we are not like them, at the end of their session, we would say to them "How does it feel?"
"Now stop lying and present the balanced truthful view of domestic violence that you have undermining with your lying scams."

That reckoning will come none too soon.

Sincerely, Ray

Re: Change in the DV Industry (Score:1)
by Roy on Friday November 28, @01:18PM EST (#6)
(User #1393 Info)
I read that recent research shows that two-thirds of professional counselors offering batterer's "treatment" are ready to move away from the current "Duluth Model" which is based in radical feminist "shame-and-blame" misandry.

They know that Duluth does not work, is dishonest, malicious, and has no real interest in reducing domestic violence by dealing with the complexities of family and intimate partner conflict. (Nah... it's all about the evil patriarchy.)

That's good news; however, the state DV bureaus and county legal systems are still completely in thrall to the feminazis, who understand only too well that any reforms favoring gender balance in DV approaches comprise a huge threat to their profits and power.

Once the professionals in the field begin to rebel, the DV Gulag will begin to crumble from the weight of its own deceits.

But don't expect the feminist vampires who feed off this tyranny to go quietly....

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Lean, mean killing machine! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday November 27, @01:02PM EST (#5)
I guess the Army's training of our men to be lean, mean killing machines has a lot of problems in the feminist camp, because they would view that "profession" as being a "contributory factor" to domestic violence. Wow, with a job like that, any false accusation would be enough to get a married service man lynched and the accuser money in her pocket. What a gold mine for false accusers. Just find a service man, get married and then accuse him of domestic violence. I strongly suspect the domestic violence scam artists have been milking the San Diego, CA area for years (Navy/Marines).

I could see how the stupidity of the civilian Marxist-Leninist domestic violence industry could be a real impediment to the training Army personnel need to effectively do their jobs. In fact, that stupidity could get many good Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, & Air Men killed, and possibly has.

Sincerely, Ray

Re:Lean, mean killing machine! (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on Friday November 28, @07:28PM EST (#7)
(User #160 Info)
"I could see how the stupidity of the civilian Marxist-Leninist domestic violence industry"

Sheesh, for every men's issue that gets discussed there's always someone trying to turn it into a smear on the political left. WTF do Marx or Lenin have to do with the Domestic Violence industry? And don't gimme some tenuous link about brainwashing techniques which have been used by nearly all religious and political organizations throughout history, I'm not buying that.

Re:Lean, mean killing machine! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday November 28, @09:27PM EST (#8)
Marist-Leninism has everything to do with the feminist domestic violence agenda/industry.

Re:Lean, mean killing machine! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday November 28, @09:53PM EST (#9)
I just sent a story in to Mensactivism that is currently on MND, and it is entitled, "The Untold Story of Betty Friedan." It goes into the Marxist-Leninist history of Betty Friedan. The story mentions a book by Daniel Horowitz, "Betty Friedan and the Making of the Feminist Mystique."
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1558 491686/qid=1070070910/sr=8-2/ref=sr_8_2/104-922665 1-7246307?v=glance&n=507846

While there I found this book
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0801 864895/ref=pd_sim_books_2/104-9226651-7246307?v=gl ance&s=books

I find the title "Red Feminism" kind of catch. Don't you?

Everything about the current Men's Crisis that has been caused by the rabid feminist agenda is steeped in Marxist-Leninism.

This may come as a shock to those of you embracing a socialist agenda, but don't be too upset. I'm sure JFK would be just as shocked to see some of the things that the feminist's have done to American men in the name of furthering their brand of socialism.

I wonder if Christina Hoff Sommers had this in mind when she wrote "Who Stole Feminism?"

Sincerely, Ray
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