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NYPost discusses wealthiest women
posted by Adam on Wednesday October 01, @09:28AM
from the Rich-through-men's-slave-labour dept.
The So-called Wage Gap Matt writes "Speaks for itself" Yeah it does, but this speaks even more "but if you're looking for the strongest growth numbers it's probably through divorce"" I hope that didn't comprimise your gag reflex too much. Eugh....

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The reasons why (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on Wednesday October 01, @02:29PM EST (#1)
(User #160 Info)
1. young girls are kept out of college by child support payments and a lack of grant money
2. There are lists of "women and minority" owned businesses shared amoung female CEOs that intentionally create the discrimination that feminists claimed kept women down, yet never showed any real evidence for. These lists are compiled by WomenVentures and other organizations our tax dollars pay for. Essentially, it boils down to blacklisting by leaving names off of a list, instead of by putting them on one.
3. Quotas on government contracts which legally require them to send 5% of their contracts to women owned businesses.
4. Chivalry giving them advantages in everything from how much assistance the guys at the local SBA are willing to give an entreprenuer to who "angel investors" are willing to help start companies.
5. The public at large being more willing to do business with companies owned by women, or in other words, less willing to do business with companies owned by the minority sex.

There's probably a lot more that I haven't included, but those reasons are ones I'm sure of.

Re:The reasons why (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on Wednesday October 01, @02:30PM EST (#2)
(User #160 Info)
#1 should have said "aren't". :)
Re:The reasons why (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday October 01, @03:25PM EST (#6)
You had me pretty confused with that "typo".
Who cares about the truth (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on Wednesday October 01, @02:43PM EST (#3)
(User #160 Info)
I love how women can now earn more than men at the top levels and STILL claim to be discriminated against. Keep on lying and promoting bigotry girls, look at how far its gotten you already, yay!
Ok, I'm kind of going off about this but... (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on Wednesday October 01, @02:50PM EST (#4)
(User #160 Info)
I just noticed that the difference in the average net worth is .4 billion dollars. IOW, the women on that list have 20% more net worth, 20%!! That's huge! And remember, most of these earnings come from being forcibly paid for sex and manipulation... er I mean, falling out of the true love she had for her husband and getting a perfectly reasonable divorce settlement which favored nobody based on their sex because justice is blind.
hmmm (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Wednesday October 01, @02:53PM EST (#5)
(User #1387 Info)
Just gonna quickly toss in my 2 cents.
It's not wrong for a wife to get 1/2 of the marraige assets. That's my opinion. I see the ALIMONY being over the top though. She left the relationship, let her take the money and invest it, make a business, or whatever. "the life-style she is accustomed to" is silly. Honestly, just silly. THEY (husband & wife) made that life. She (or he) left, that "life" ended. And the other blatant problem is : CHILD SUPPORT. Don't get me wrong. I believe in child support. What I can not STAND is the strident heated comments men get when we ask for ACCOUNTABILITY that the money is being spent on the children.
        I wrote all this to bring up a point. If divorce is making rich women, how are we 'oppressing' again. Funny thing is: I have never met anyone named "men". But we are decried for doing evils. Ok, logical leap, let every white woman give up all her possesions and give them to some other "oppressed" group. And we could subdivide it further. My grandmother was Scottish, is some bastard English woman going to reimburse ME for past evils. LOL, why am I asking logical deliniation points when applying it to women.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:hmmm (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Wednesday October 01, @11:31PM EST (#8)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
I don't think child support should be enforced. It's a falicious theory anyways. It denotes ownership and entitlement.

No one is stopping you from giving money to your children, but I can gurantee you that divorce and single family homes will dissappear over night because of it.
Re:hmmm (Score:1)
by Kirran on Thursday October 02, @09:50AM EST (#9)
(User #1338 Info)
Or if you are the only one who can afford to raise the children, then you should be the one to raise them.
SO True (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Thursday October 02, @01:36PM EST (#10)
(User #1387 Info)
I know its been said, but it is worth saying again. Men are constantly told that we have equal responsiblity in the children's lives, but we can't get a fair shake in custody. We are not "nuturing" enough or some other blather. But, come time for someone to step up to the plate with the $MONEY$ .... well .. THEN it seems we are responsible enough to get and keep a job, have the forethought to get a house, and mature enough to be held accountable. Give the child to the parent most able to support the child. It's simple.
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:hmmm (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Friday October 03, @04:25PM EST (#11)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
You're both bang on.
Silly Article (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday October 01, @11:27PM EST (#7)
So if you add up the total net worth of the women on that list and divide by the number of women on that list then that number is higher than if you you did that same calculation for the men...and you're point being????? LOL, did you know the average chess rating of women on FIDEs ratings list (not Womens ratings, the one with Karpov, Aanand, etc.. on it) is around 2700!!! INCREDIBLE!! OMG!! Of course there's only one women on there and like 199 guys, and she's Judit Polgar and has a 2700 rating and last time I checked was around 5th in the world...

My point being...what is the point of this article? Sure the average might be higher...but does it really mean anything? That's all I'm saying.
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