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What *Real* patriarchy looks like
posted by D on Tuesday September 30, @09:04PM
from the Sexism dept.
News SunCat writes "Hey, if Western Rational Thought is so male and so evil then why do the worst misogynists in the world slash their daughters to death for being Western?

http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=8350 _Honor_Killing_in_London

I don't do this sort of thing so why blame me?"

Time online covers high rate of marital breakups | NYPost discusses wealthiest women  >

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Not a suitable post. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday September 30, @09:39PM EST (#1)
I don't wish to be critical or negative but I can't see how this post relates to mens' rights.
Re:Not a suitable post. (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Tuesday September 30, @10:42PM EST (#3)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
I agree with the second anon poster.

I would also like to bring up Honour killings in a way that is rarely discussed. The fact that *Men* obligated by culture *have* to commit honour killings.

It is also rarely discussed that many men flee the country with their daugthers or wives to protect them from honour killings. Those men are never credited, nor are they infact mentioned.

Also, in many honour killings it is rarely mentioned that most of them are in fact instigated by women. Yes that's right, it is female gossip and female tactics of violence ie get the man to do it, that actually start the majority of honour killings.

Women are the bread and butter foundation of false accusations. Honour killings is primarily because of women.

Personally I would love to put an end to honour killings and the men's movement should also be willing to put an end to honour killings, I say, let's bring it right out in the open for all to see. Let's dig under those dirty little sheets where Oprah is afraid to go.

The Men's Movement is not about censorship, nor does it have to fear censorship. The truth is all we need in order to regain our rights and our status as human beings. Thank you.
Agree/Disagree (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Wednesday October 01, @05:04PM EST (#4)
(User #1387 Info)
I agree that many "honor" (---excuse my terrible "American English" lol) killings may be started by gossip and such. That said, the men who do it are cowardly shit heels.
    Now, on to the fact that the MEN's movement has it's strongest strength in telling truths using supporting facts. We need to show more of the men who took their daughters out of a country that wanted them stoned/knifed to death. Keep E-mailing/sending letters to newspapers reminding them we notice what they DONT SAY.
              Until we men and our (WONDERFUL!!!) female supporters get a bit more organized, we are doomed to be like many male-hating "feminist" groups who whine and hate. Let's spread the news, write the papers, and support our supporters.
OH .. and I like to add this to NEWS posts:
Sen Clinton is a confirmed batterer. In a biography written by a friend of hers she was confirmed to have thrown an ash tray at her husband and to hit him with it. She once scratched his face during a domestic dispute. If these were "justified" then please write an article on how men can do this. Have the courage to put that into print if its acceptable. My bet is you wouldn't dare. But here is a US Senator who committed DV against her husband (whether he was an adulterous scumbag is irrelevant, unless you advocate that men can do the same to women) and you make NO MENTION of it whenever she brings up men/women's issues. How about a little fair reporting?

All the news that's "fit to print" = that's popular and gets us money
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Agree/Disagree (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Wednesday October 01, @05:40PM EST (#6)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
"On agression, Human Rights, and Hegemonic Discourse: The case of Murder for family Honour in Isreal," Sex roles 30:3/4 feb 94 page 269-302"
Dan? (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Wednesday October 01, @06:05PM EST (#7)
(User #1387 Info)
Ummm, no sarcasm meant, but what the heck?! Is this a supporting document on your comment? I mean, just tell me and I will be more than happy to look it up. Don't for one second think I am trying to be snippy, but, ummm, Dan, please put a blurb of explanation or something so I know what you're trying to say. Please. =)
I believe you and I have E-mailed each other 1 or 2 times. I am the Army guy in Alaska. Thanks for your time. -Steven
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Dan? (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Wednesday October 01, @11:18PM EST (#9)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Oh, I never took you to be snippy. I am just tired and my stomach is waging a war on me. Im eating ice-cream and drinking peptobismol as a main course.

The citation from Ilsa M. Glaza Wahipa and Abu Ras can be found in Patricia Pearson's book. It can probably be found online somewhere, I'm having trouble finding it right now.

But irrelevant to the fact, women tend to do their acts of violence more indirectly than men.


That link is pretty good article. And yes I would love to have first hand accounts of such a thing. I do have one first hand account but I do not want to reveal my source just yet.

I've written an article that I will post soon.
Re:Dan? (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Wednesday October 01, @11:19PM EST (#10)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
By the way, why is everybody so touching lately? Or is it me?
Touchy (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Thursday October 02, @12:55PM EST (#13)
(User #1387 Info)
        I have been giving that same thought some chewing over. I believe I may have some thoughts. I want to write it out, so ... Got 2 questions for you:
1) you write for some men's columns/this site ... give me details?
2) Can I get your E-mail? I wanted to write you something on that very subject, but the space here can be confining.
MY E-mail is : steven.beene@us.army.mil
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
I think it is a suitable post (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday September 30, @10:02PM EST (#2)

- as western feminism blames all social ills on the "patriarchy" yet other patriarchal cultures do not want the any influence from our western culture.

In other words - feminist theory on patriarchy is bullshit.

How do you like that for suitable.
lol (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Wednesday October 01, @05:16PM EST (#5)
(User #1387 Info)
Guys, the "Patriarchy" is horseshit. I haven't YET met anyone named "men" and this "Patriarchy" is just another word for "they" or "them". It's a way for Feminazi's to scare up the crowd. Blame the Jews, no wait that's not PC. Blame African-Americans, oh shit, that time is over. Blame the "Patriarchy" ... yeah yeah... that's it. "Them", ya know, those guys. The one's none of us men seem to be able to find when we get falsely accused of rape/DV/molestation, when we get our "hate speech" censored, or when we work hard for years only to be told we are oppressing someone we never met. Don't let it get us down. If THAT's all the Feminazi's got... screw em.
Oh .. great Link:


It's the story from a group called the IWF (Independant Women's Forum) about a girl who went to Intern in Washington for NOW and quit in 3 weeks because she couldn't stand the lies and hate.
This group openly challenges sexist N.O.W. policies and shows them to be the HATERS we know them to be. Read some of their stuff.

Peace Steven
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Chalk It Up to Cultural Diversity (Score:1)
by Skippy on Wednesday October 01, @09:26PM EST (#8)
(User #46 Info)
Whenever some feminist starts complaining about the way women are treated in some third world culture, I tell her that is "cultural diversity". Then I chew her out for failing to respect the diversity of whatever culture she is complaining about. It usually shuts them up.
Re:Chalk It Up to Cultural Diversity (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Wednesday October 01, @11:21PM EST (#11)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Nice call!!
When cultural issues colide with feminist agendas (Score:1)
by donaldcameron1 on Thursday October 02, @02:17AM EST (#12)
(User #357 Info) http://www.amateuratlarge.com/BLOG/index.htm
... the fems get quite confused.

But we have all of that confusion tightly under control up here in Canada. Look how we do it, lol, it's like a conspiracy - Canadian Heritage Portfolio includes the following:

Donald Cameron
Amateur At Large
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