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by Anonymous User on Monday June 02, @01:35AM EST (#1)
If the courts are going to start entertatining lawsuits based on hate committed against a gender by certain groups, then the courts will be plugged with lawsuits brought against feminists by men. If these feminists sow the wind they will reap the whirlwind. I hope they do proceed as they are proposing. The camel's back (innocent men) is very nearly broken by the tyranical oppression of their feminist proganda. Maybe this will be the last straw. America doesn't like terrorist threats whether it's coming from feminists in Canada or Al Quaida. Give me liberty. Let Free Men Ring.
by Anonymous User on Monday June 02, @11:09AM EST (#5)
These feminist power and control freaks are so self-obsessed with their megalomaniacal delusions of sexist grandeur, that they cannot fathom the precarious house of cards they are dwelling under as the tornado of legitimate men's activism bears down on their positions with the full fury of men's righteous grievances! At least that's my opinion.
by Anonymous User on Monday June 02, @11:16AM EST (#6)
I'm certainly not a Constitutional lawyer, or even a lawyer of any kind, but it appears to me that there are some serious issues in the area of national sovereignty that come into play here. Are these feminists going to invade America to enforce their rule on us? Obviously they could never attempt anything so foolish militarily so it appears they are trying to do this litigiously ... but then this has always been a major tactic of these feminist groups as the Independent Women's Forum IWF duly noted in an article I read last week. I believe they call it "judicial activism," or making law through lawsuits. We may have common borders with Canada, and Hillary Clinton (among others) has been a big advocate of promoting "Feminism" world wide through the U.N., as her big wymen's conference in China seemed to show, but has our constitution become so irrelevant that foreign Matriarchy's can now eliminate the free speech of American men? Even worse are we just expected to go on living as 2nd class citizen's and slaves under the American Marxist-Leninist Matriarchy that has stripped away so many constitutional rights of men already? If so, the pogrom against men is definitely worsening.
Just my opinion,
by Anonymous User on Monday June 02, @12:28PM EST (#9)
I agree that the UN is central to the spread of feminaziism. The UN is now totally discredited and is directly or indirectly implicated in most of the massacres since WW2. As regards the " American Marxist-Leninist Matriarchy", I think feminism and socialism are inextricably linked; however, I wouldn't apply the word "matriarchy" when referring to the feminists. That word is related to motherhood, hardly a suitable term for the feminists. Perhaps, "Feminazi Tyranny" would be better! If the pogrom is worsening, this is not necessarily a bad thing- frankly, things may have to get worse to make men wake up to what is happening
by Anonymous User on Monday June 02, @02:56PM EST (#11)
Another friend wrote this to me today regarding this article. and boys need sustained therapy, psychological, emotional and mental therapy, to recover. ...The quest to be listened to, the tiniest bit, and understood.
I 100% agree. What the average man and boy has risen above to live a productive and constructive life in America, while being assailed by the hate and non nurturing claptrap of feminists, media, law, and society entitles each of us to the Medal of Honor. Consider it awarded. To the men in jails and hospitals and insane asylums I award the Purple Heart and (at least) bronze star. The pogrom of hate and abuse that we have been going through daily in this country is nothing short of a systematic war on men. This nightmare reminds me of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, because the majority seem to be going about their daily functions in a dreamlike trance, largely unaware of the systematic horrors going on, that are specifically targeted at them because they're males. "Wake up, wake up," I want to shout, but the nightmare just keeps unfolding.
Thank God, the few strong men who resist and rise above this know how not to answer in kind: violence for violence, hate for hate, cruelty for cruelty. The cost of being a man as Warren Farrell points out is very high in terms of the physical, emotional, and mental toll it takes on them. Heterosexual men are taught to be manly at all cost lest some think they are homosexual, and so they lose the nurturing and closeness of their own sex as well as that of their wives and children.
Thank God dogs are not off limits. Thank God for all our pets that bring us a measure of the joy society systematically denies us. The peace of being with another living thing in a very close friendship is a very powerful cathartic. Sex is not an issue as men have learned in their failed marriages to do without that a long time ago. I would advise every man today to get a dog, since that appears to be the status level we find our self ensconced at as a result of the feminist war on men. I apologize to all the good women out their who will be deprived of a good man, but simply ask that they try to understand just how dangerous things have become in this, 'Night of the Living Males" scenario.
Probably the words "Pheminist Gynarchy" would fit.
:-) Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
Thank you for the post. Males need a new Magna Charta and the Barons who have the will to defend the basic concepts of the rule of law in which
each person is considered to have individual rights, individual liberties,and individual responsibilities. The same has never been accepted by feminists nor any of the main line traditionalist nor other female
representative groups that I am aware of. Rather than accepting the basic tenets of the Rule of Law, they have promulgated concepts that are
inimical to self respect and respectful the rights of others in favor of aggressive political concepts that denigrate males politically,
economically, socially, and culturally.
The same should be faced by males with the same aggressive determination for human and individual rights that the Magna Charta Barons displayed at
Runnemede,England on June 15, 1215. It is clear from this post that feminists in Canada, the USA, and throughout the world consider the type
of behavior by the male Barons at Runnemede to be an anathema to their oppressive means and goals such that they will utilize every tyrannical
method within their power to oppress males individually and collectively who demonstrate these same qualities. Now that the same is apparent, it is time for new Barons to arise to resurrect the rule of law that those ancient and good men left us so that the rule of law and individual rights and liberties canbe resurrected.
Mr. C.V. Compton Shaw;Member:Somerset Chapter Magna Charta Barons
C.V. Compton Shaw
by Anonymous User on Monday June 02, @02:58PM EST (#12)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday June 03, @01:09AM EST (#17)
Even though these "feminists" are from Canada, they are a threat as feminism in and of itself has no nationality. Their identity is based on gender. And feminism is adapting itself to nearly every culture there is.
I still believe that feminism has nothing to do with women anymore than it does with men, I believe that women are being played like a puppet and the force behind it is quite a monster.
Feminists have been shutting up the voices of women for decades. If you think they can't invade America, let me tell you, America is where it started.
This feminist report will reach all kinds of feminists and this report did a great deal to promote men's activists. It is a good news bad news. The good news is, people are learning, the bad news is, they have the upper hand in associating men's activists with poedifiles and abusers. Slander is their weapon and they weild it with great strength.
Funny how they don't even realize they are undermining women's rights in forfeit of total state control.
Orwell was right all along.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Monday June 02, @01:58AM EST (#2)
Aren't the threats these Canadian feminists are making a form of terrorism?
Cricism is a constitutional right in America and is not hate speech. I suggest the feminist in Canada just get used to it in regards to the threats they are making to American men's activists groups. This is America and most men are fed up with feminist propoganda that is used to persecute innocent men so feminists can gain power and control over men. If the Canadian Matriarchy doesn't like men shining the light of truth on feminist myths, well that's just tough.
Even in newly liberated Iraq, the American troops are trying very hard to allow the Iraqi citizens the privilege to protest and have a voice. Do these misguided feminists think that they are going to deny returning servicemen their constitutional rights to free speech when they come home? I think not. "Canada," here's a little advice from our Founding Fathers, "Don't tread on men." The cry of the next American Revolution (peaceful) will probably be, "We don't subscribe to the feminist model for men."
by Anonymous User on Monday June 02, @03:48AM EST (#3)
The link concerning the "letter to the editor" of the National Post that I posted beneath is actually connected with this very article. So you see, newspapers don't seem to buy the feminist propaganda.
They say men's groups view feminism as a movement to oppress and discriminate against men.
Well, to be honest, I don't view feminism that way, in terms of direct motive - and I don't think it's wise to spread that theory around. It makes us sound rather like the ones who say that patriarchy is a movement to oppress and discriminate against women.
Honesty, I don't think most feminists give a rat's patoot what happens to men - so long as we get the hell out of women's way. And that's the reason why feminist malpractice has harmed men - complete ignorance of the fact that men deserve consideration as well.
by Anonymous User on Monday June 02, @11:27AM EST (#7)
You wrote:
Honestly, I don't think most feminists give a rat's patoot what happens to men - so long as we get the hell out of women's way
They say men's groups view feminism as a movement to oppress and discriminate against men.
My reply:
You're right, it appears there may be some man hatters in that group, but most just look at men as misguided and unenlightened, and thereby inferior to themselves.
Being superior,it is a bother for them to have to contend with those difficult to control men. That's why they need more and more power until they have it all and are finally able to completely put men in their place. My guess is that place is jail, judging by their past efforts to define us largely as miscreants
To oppress and discriminate against men is not their goal, it's just the effect of all they work for. There is a difference, unless you're a man on the receiving end, and then I guess you could say the difference doesn't amount to a "rat's patoot."
Respectfully, Ray
by Anonymous User on Monday June 02, @03:08PM EST (#13)
Oh, NOW I get it, we work backward from the foregone conclusion using the self fulfilling prophecy methodology, then use all that Canadian taxpayer money to fabricate and twist the body of evidence into the feminist model's own fargone prejudices and conclusions. NOW isn't that a surprise. NOW that's what I call feminist research. Who would dare to question such sound reasoning based on logic, when so much hysterical emotion has already been expeneded.
A big, "Way to go girls," at this rate we'll all be rolling square wheels very soon.
by Anonymous User on Monday June 02, @10:55PM EST (#14)
The researchers use Senator McCarthy's ploy of inferring guilt by non-denial of association. I believe they have libeled themselves.
The authors more or less state that the individuals named in their Appendix II are associated with an underground network of discourse of hatred against women and feminists. They point out that it is no accident that the internet is a haven for "pornographers" and "pedophiles". There are many people on the internet who have reason to want to remain anonymous--whistle blowers, among many others with legitimate business on the internet, for example, but the researchers wilfully and maliciously chose the most stigmatized group they could think of, because they want the reader to associate "masculinism" on the web with the most pernicious side of the Internet. I will cite the relevant passages, in case there is any question about this.
The reference within the report to Appendix II, where the "masculinist" organizations and individuals are named is incorrectly referred to as Appendix I in the article, or else is indirectly referred to via Appendix I, which it directly follows on the same page, as follows:
"There are masculinist organizations and people who support their causes in all the countries studied. They were initially identified through articles and then, more generally, using the Internet. We also used links to other similar sources on sites, thus expanding the circle around this movement. A more systematic survey was done via the "Google" and "AltaVista" search engines, using the following keywords: man-masculinity-group-grouping-fatherhood-violence against women-suicide-second wives (and their French equivalents). All of the sites found were visited, along with those mentioned in the links. We prepared a list of masculinist associations (excluding pro-feminists) on the Internet, along with their organizers and members (see Appendix I), when this information was available (it is not frequently provided)."
This quotation can be found at the following URL: 62882857_16_e.html.
Immediately following the quoted paragraph is are the section headed "Internet Sites", in which an "extensive Internet network" on which the authors claim to have found "a disturbing, even threatening reality, involving the expression of an often hateful, violent and unrestrained discourse against feminists and women. Far from being an isolated case, this second-level, or perhaps "underground," discourse focusses [sic] on the same problems as those mentioned in the media (especially regarding fathers' rights), but without any modicum of restraint."
The section following is entitled "Hate-mongering".
In that section, masculinists are associated with "pedophiles" and "pornographers". One is led to draw the conclusion that the association between "masculinists" and "pedophiles" and "pornographers" on the internet "is no accident", since, the authors claim, the associations between mainstream "masculinist" discourse and the "second- or perhaps underground" discouse of hatred and violence against women" found were "far from...isolated", and that within the sites on which this second-level discourse was found there are (not accidentally) "pedophiles" and
Here is the passage:
Some masculinist groups use the Internet as a vehicle for hate-mongering against feminists. This accessible and virtually universal medium gives them the opportunity to say and post almost anything. It is no accident that this medium is being used by those on the extreme right, pedophiles and pornographers. It lets them both hide and be found easily. While it is easy to find information on the Internet, it is just as easy to disseminate information, whether it is true or not. Some sites contain not just information but defamatory comments and propaganda inciting fear and hatred. Other sites maintained by men's groups display direct threats to feminists and their allies, and contain vicious comments."
by Anonymous User on Tuesday June 03, @12:59AM EST (#16)
The Feminist Totalitarian party.
That is the most adiquit name for what they really are.
This move towards censorship and obvious slander of men (which is a usual tennent of feminists) is their weapon.
Stand your ground.
Dan Lynch
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