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Radical feminism at its best (worst?). I could only read the first linked essay on masculism before retreating back to the sanctuary of :) Men should no longer be able to speak without a woman accomplice present, she says! And they call this progression.
I encourage everyone here to try and get through just one of these essays (I know it's difficult). It helps to remind one just how transient our grip on human rights really is - and what is in store for us and our sons if we don't act.
oops, I meant
how embarrassing. :)
I was toying with the idea of "deploying" my essay on the Indy-media site, but someone from the NCFM asked my permission to submit it to the editor of Transitions, so I should restrain myself.
I read the essays and the replies.
They were great... especially the essay called
It could have been a sketch for Monty Python.
The bit about 'THE RAISED VOICE' was totally surreal. I wonder if the author has ever heard an up and downer? (loud row between two women - up and down the street)
westcoast - just expressing yet another opinion.
These were a feminist parody, right?
by Anonymous User on Monday June 02, @09:03PM EST (#10)
I'm afraid they weren't parody, and yes they ARE written like a rather bad fairy tale. (Women as Super-Angels? Give me a break!)
They were actually serious. The woman obviously isn't stupid (I am certain she got high marks back in Gender Ed 301), she is just very VERY heavily deluded to the point of creating a doctrinal basis for her prejudices. Like any good evangelist would. Except she has simply substituted "men" for "the devil".
Your note inspired me to write a reply on the web site.
It can be found here
It is called Paradigm shift.
thank you
That's about the sum of it, I did manage to get through one article, though I really should've been warned, because I was eating a rather tasty dinner and it ruined my appetite. :P
Here's an appetizing quote:
"Men join violent hierarchical gangs not only because they are terrified of personal responsibility, but also because they are terrified of women. Men know that as long as our society is based upon violent male obedience, women will be forced to be dependent on, and obedient to, men.
This is why nothing enrages men more than female independence and disobedience. It threatens the whole system. This is why female disobedience is punished by violent words and violent deeds. "
Uhm... yeah. You realize that if that evil patriarchy really wanted to enslave women they uhm.. would? Think about the multitude of things women HAVE: Uh, last I heard, no violent deeds actually occured against this woman. I'm allowed to dress "like THAT" without getting beaten or something. Almost default custody because of the sanctity of motherhood. Etc. etc. you guys have heard the song and dance, I won't go too far, but it amazes me how women pretend they gotta fight that evil patriarchy still.
by Anonymous User on Sunday June 01, @09:27PM EST (#5)
I'm also one who won't do any progressive activist work. I can't handle the misandry that feminists and women are allowed to get away with, (and even some men). I get enough of it regular life, why woud I want to put myself directly in it?
I don't like the right either for even worse reasons though.
by Anonymous User on Monday June 02, @12:56AM EST (#6)
Absolutely stunning. The fact that she is free to make these insulting assertations without getting beaten to a bloody pulp would indicate that 1. men are not as violent as she imagines them to be and 2. she is not nearly as oppressed as she imagines women to be.
Everything she writes is based on the assumption that the ONLY thing that causes men to survive at all is because they are physically intimidating. Whatever a man does, she immediately ascribes to it the worst possible ulterior motive. Well, this is old hat among feminists anyway, so it is unsurprising...
So saintly and magnificent are females, but yet they are so terrified of these thuggish, filthy, Neanderthals who beat them down and rape them and continuously degrade them 24/7... so completely evil and beastial and monstrous are men that they are unredeemed by the slightest hint of achivement anywhere. In her mind, women are not adults-- but scared little girls.
Perhaps unwittingly, what she has discovered is that the violent male accusation is a wonderful emotional bludgeon that she can use to shame men. Guilt-trip them. Confound them. Shut them up. Put them in their place. She wields this club the same way she acccuses men of using the word feminazi.
Absolutely stunning that she is considered a progressive.
NG said: Perhaps unwittingly, what she has discovered is that the violent male accusation is a wonderful emotional bludgeon that she can use to shame men. Guilt-trip them. Confound them. Shut them up. Put them in their place. She wields this club the same way she acccuses men of using the word feminazi.
Well said indeed.
Stand Your Ground Forum
It's essential to her and womyn like her that they have a big, bad, brutal oppressive bogeyman so they can look all brave and rebellious; if "all men" weren't such thugs, they'd be shown up for the insecure, shrill and strident, whining harpies that they are.
Note also she's "Emma Goldwoman." Uh. Hm. No play on a real name, there, eh? Can you say "gadfly?" I knew ya could....
---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
Hey Emma,
Whatever medication you are on, tell the Doctor to reduce the dosage. I think that you could end up in the looney bin with thinking like this. Either that or as a guest writer for SNL. I don't know if I should laugh or call for the Men in the White suits to bring you a strait jacket and take away your shoe laces in case you try to harm yourself. Honey youv'e gone way around the bend.
Khan Krum
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