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Farrell to Discuss College Misandry on Sacks' show
posted by Adam on Friday April 25, @11:08AM
from the News dept.
News Tatis writes "Best-selling men's issues author Warren Farrell will discuss anti-male hostility on our college campuses on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles at 11 PM on Sunday, April 27. To listen to the show live via the Internet, go to http://hisside.com/listen_live.htm. Listeners are invited to call the show and join the discussion at 1 866 870-KRLA. Sacks and Farrell will be joined by members of the National Coalition of Free Men Los Angeles who will discuss their recent demonstration against anti-male campus feminism."

"Perfect" Boyfriend Movie | The Enemy of Man  >

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Perfect Boyfriend (Score:1)
by Thunderchild on Friday April 25, @01:11PM EST (#1)
(User #1232 Info)
Just a DVD/Video !?

Watch mainstream TV in the UK !

Drama series involving young woman who falls pregnant to one of two men. Then there follows an hour of female-angst as to which one she will choose (!) to settle down with to raise the baby. The two men instead of kicking her to the kerb compete for her affections.

Coffee advert. Young woman returns from less than successful date complaining she will become an "old maid in a brown dress". Male Platonic friend/flat-mate gives her cup of coffee and reminds her of a conversation many years ago where they spoke of "..if you haven't found Mr Right by the time you're 30, I'll marry you !"

Typical 30-something, middle-class,single, female, wish-fulfillment fantasy drama.

Nauseating or what ?
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