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A new front in the war (of the sexes)
posted by Adam on Friday March 21, @05:46AM
from the Masculinity dept.
Masculinity Am I good at spotting social trends or what? No sooner had I posted that, do I come across an article written by Suzanne Fields calling men in general pigs for lashing out at 30 years and more of rabid man hating, and then she slams us for not putting women in general first! I imagine she and Devvy Kidd would get on quite well....

Video gets Rape Charge Dismissed | Jobs for the boys  >

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My response (Score:2)
by frank h on Friday March 21, @11:48AM EST (#1)
(User #141 Info)
I've read other articles from this woman where she spoke positively of men, but I had to give her an earful on this one. Here's what I sent:

Ms. Fields,

I read your article "A new front in the war (of the sexes)" and though I think your perspective is interesting, I think that you've at least gotten the motivation part wrong, and perhaps you are reading the whole phenomenon wrong. I agree there's a resurgence in ... overt masculinity. But to assert that it's at all regressive is foolish. Masculinity has been under severe, unrelenting, and unreasonable repression since the 60's. The feminists like to regard this as "progress" but men never regarded it as such. Oh, there's no real reason to regard women as ho or bitch, except to say that maybe those labels are perfectly applicable, even if not politically correct. And is it really worse than what the women are saying about the men? I went into a restaurant last week and encountered a teenage girl wearing a t-shirt that said "BOYS LIE." Well, the language may be just a little more refined, but it's no less insulting than listening to Eminem talk about his mother.

You women have jumped on this resurgence of masculinity as though it was poisonous and unacceptable. And yet the sins by women against men, not just the ones that can (but probably won't) be treated as criminal cases, but the subtle or even just edgy messages that come out in overheard restaurant conversations or t-shirt slogans or stickers on the back of your daughter's school notebook or in every other commercial on television, are never even noticed.

I challenge you to do a little research, and I have three experiments for you.

1) Watch television every night for a week, about three hours each night, and keep track of some things: a) count the number of commercials where both men and women appear, and one sex is treated is more malevolently than the other, tallying which sex got harsher treatment; b) count the number of times a woman hits a man in anger versus the number of times a man hits a woman in anger; c) in each sitcom you see, count the number of times the women appear wiser or more virtuous than the men, and vice versa.

2) Go to the mall on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon and count the items of clothing you see with slogans or artwork that maligns one sex or the other, tallying offenses against each sex.

3) Go to your local K-Mart, Ames, Target, or Wal-Mart and look near the entrance or exit doors for a vending machine that sells stickers. You know, the kind that teenagers like to stick on everything in sight. Read the stickers and look at ther messages. Tally the ones that malign boys and the ones that malign girls.

When you get done with these three things, sit down and consider your findings. Count the insults to each sex and then re-read your article.

Here's the thing: men (and boys, too) are sitting up and taking notice of the crap being handed out to them by American women, you included. American ( and Canadian, and British, and Australian) women need to stop this uppity woman crap and learn to respect the men around them at least as much as the men respect them. Ignore the miscreant who uses the words ho and bitch (as I ignore the whining of the Dixie Chicks for "Goodbye Earl" and Martina McBride for "Independence Day") and consider the fact that the overwhelming majority of men you encounter respect you and your achievements, and your right to pursue those things. Remember that even after the physical standards for candidates for the New York Fire Department were drastically reduced, there are STILL only 45 women among an 11,000 member force, and THAT is a matter of choice by women. And over three hundred of them ran INTO those burning buildings on September 11, 2001, and many thousands more do it every day, in every community in the country.

The American man has re-calibrated his view of the American Woman. The American Woman needs to re-calibrate her view of the American Man. Now.

Frank H-----
Re:My response (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday March 21, @02:19PM EST (#2)
Great post.

One thing I'd like to add is that it's precisely boys growing up without a positive male role model (because fathers have been driven off and men are generally bashed in the media and society) who tend to flock to replacement male figures and macho subcultures such as rap, gangs, etc who are headed by immature young men who have never been mentored by older men into responsibility and maturity. They've never learned to channel their aggressiveness in positive directions. They are the ones lashing out with "ho" or "bitch."

It is the disparagement of positive, true masculinity that has fostered the growth of this immature, untempered masculinity. Without a true masculine role model and mentor to guide him, it's all too easy for a boy to fall either into this immature, aggressive parody of masculinity out of rebellion--or on the other extreme to become a passive "nice guy" to please the women who surround him.

Re:My response (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday March 21, @03:50PM EST (#3)
Well written and sobering words Frank. Great job. I hope she responds to you and takes your advice.

Jack Implant

Re:My response (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday March 21, @04:40PM EST (#4)
Exelent, exelent points.
Extreamly well said!
and TRUE!
Let's hope that she will or can see the logic in your words. It would be intersting to hear what she may have to say if she objectivly tries the 3 experiments that you lay before her.
ANY one who would do so OBJECTIVLY would and can see that what you say is undeniably FACT!

Re:My response (Score:1)
by cshaw on Saturday March 22, @10:31AM EST (#6)
(User #19 Info) http://home.swbell.net/misters/index.html
On a humerous note, I, often wear my miniature military decorations, including the Combat Infantryman's Badge and the Bronze Star, from my military service in Vietnam. Some women appear to be quite shocked when they see the same, especially feminist types. They are not used to seeing displays of excuslively male pride, accomplishment, and character as our culture tends to denigrate the same. (No female to my knowledge has ever been awarded the Combat Infantryman's Badge). The same consternation and shock is really quite amusing to me especially when the woman has "feminist" written all over herself.
C.V. Compton Shaw
news flash (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday March 21, @09:27PM EST (#5)
Yup, men are standing up and speaking out. If women prefer poodlees, they should go buy one.

I resent being subject to Selective Service registration and potential drafting just because I'm male. The 15% of women in the military, women in the Air Force Academy, etc. just makes this treatment of men worse. Men should NOT be treated like disposable second class citizens!!!!!!
Re:news flash (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday March 22, @01:52PM EST (#7)
That's right ladies, We men ARE standing up to feminist bigotry and anti-male oppression.
It's the year 2003, ...Get USED to it...!

Just An Impression (Score:2)
by Thomas on Saturday March 22, @02:42PM EST (#8)
(User #280 Info)
Do I sense a growing touch of panic among these ladies?
Re:Just An Impression (Score:1)
by khankrumthebulgar (khankrum@hotmail.com) on Tuesday April 29, @10:12PM EST (#9)
(User #1200 Info)
I am the Father of a Fireman, and a Marine. I am 46 almost 47 years of age. Since the 60s I have heard the refrain from an ex-wife "All Men are Pigs", and watched Oprah Winfrey become a Billionairess by bashing Men. It sickens and disgusts me. I am sick of the war against My gender. I have three Grandsons and I have decided that it is war. I don't intend on taking Prisoners either. Women have one of two choices continue the war against us or work together for equal justice. Feminism would never have gotten anywhere without our help. Men supported the idea of equal justice. But we are being screwed by the Government and the PC Crowd hates us. As far as I am concerned the feminists are as much our enemy as Al-Queda. I am more concerned about the enemy from within. No More kissing the asses of these elitist pieces of shit. Hatred of our gender must be met with force if necessary. No more turning the other cheek. Women need to hear from us that we have had enough. Time for us to demand better treatment.
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