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"Birds of Prey" - Another Male Bashing (Literally) TV Series
posted by Scott on Wednesday August 07, @02:11AM
from the media dept.
The Media Thundercloud writes "Here is yet another "Heads-up." After having to endure the new show "SHE-SPIES" (and many others like it), yet another "girls beat-up the guys" (and love it) series has been spotted on my radar. This one is called "BIRDS OF PREY." It is based on the DC Comics characters "Black canary" and "Oracle." It's to debut this fall (September, I think). Once more the previews show, what else, women beating the holy hell out of men (and my guess is the men will probably get masochistic pleasure from it, as in MOST of these types of TV shows and movies). Apparently abusing men sells (to a mostly female audience)."

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