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All your efforts are tremendously appreciated. You're working to build a better world.
i was just thinking the same thing. we really do appreciate the countless hours put in. now if we could just find some time-travelling nanites that would stop such problems before they begin...
"now if we could just find some time-travelling nanites that would stop such problems before they begin..."
Brad , think of all the fun you'd be giving up to fight for the chance to be treated better than 'dogs' in our society.
. I am suggesting a "Not Every Man is Marc Lepine Day" December 5th.
Dan Lynch
perhaps i was unclear. i was referring to the server problems. :)
"perhaps i was unclear. i was referring to the server problems. :)"
I wasn't. :-)
. I am suggesting a "Not Every Man is Marc Lepine Day" December 5th.
Dan Lynch
Yes, I'd like to add my thanks too, Scott. Your efforts are appreciated.
by Anonymous User on Saturday August 03, @11:53PM EST (#7)
I just wanted to add My thanks, as well, Scott.
I beleive there's a special, good place for guys like you in the next life, My brother.
Again, Thank you for your hard work and OBVIOUS dedication!
by Anonymous User on Saturday August 03, @04:04PM EST (#4)
From what I understand the hosting web server is maintained by you in your home(?)
Some ideas:
1) Perphaps move hosting responsibilities to a 3rd party. To pay for this, downgrade inet service you have going to your site (home) ?
2) Create a back-up web server, and probably load balance them. (If hardware is the issue I sure that we could send you some usable-grade hardware or maybe even pay for a purchase of needed parts ?
3) #2 in limited sense. Move from IDE to SCSI RAID5 :) (Offsite hosting will probably use something as reliable). Again maybe we could help you get the appropriate hardware, although offsite hosting might be cheaper (considering everything).
4) I never spellcheck
"You don't know what you've got till it's gone." I've really missed this great web site this last week. It's really made me appreciate what a valuable instrument this is to the MEN'S MOVEMENT, for a number of reasons. I, personally am greatful to you (and others if applicable) for all the hard work that was expended to get this site back on line. With that being said I also would like to thank and commend each and every one who writes in or contributes in any way to what is going on here.
Thanks a heap, Ray
My hearty thanks to Ray for articulating exactly what I wanted to say to Scott.
Many thanks Scott!
Your site has a trememdous influence in the ability of the men's movement to attract new members. When this site is down it is felt by everyone. I cannot tell you how much your efforts are appreciated.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
"Not knowing what else to do, many withdraw."
That's a quote from Phil Cook's book, Abused Men, which I've been reading a little from this weekend. After being down for a week the action on this web site is really slow. I'm sure not everyone has gotten the news yet, and that explains a lot of it.
However, I couldn't help but ponder Phil Cook's quote and say a little prayer for all the guys who've shared their hard times here. I think in Mother Nature's School of Species Survival the male, tired from competing or frustrated by injury and failure, goes off, often alone, to regroup so as to compete another day. As homo sapien males we are preprogrammed with that drive, but I really hope that’s not the case today. I hope everyone not here is just out pursuing some other form of entertainment and having a good time (out playing as I was earlier).
It is reassuring as men to know that we are not just another member of the animal kingdom, but that we are also part of a higher more enlightened, sentient, social structure. We still sometimes find ourselves drifting off into our, "I'm a dominate male; don't need nobody," style of thinking, but we also have the gift of our minds to allow us perspective and insight into the motives for our behaviors, and it’s a real pleasure to share in the camaraderie that is growing in this discussion area. I'm sure most of the people will be back very soon, and I’ll have that good frustration again of trying to read and comment on all those strings and not enough time to do them all.
Anyway, it's really nice to not be “withdrawn,” to know there's a place to share my thoughts, have a conversation (even if it's with myself) and thereby, avoid the debilitating loneliness that so often afflicts so many cut off and isolated men in America today. Men’s Activism, as comfortable as a fireplace in winter, and sometimes a little hotter.
Regards, Ray
Anyway, it's really nice to not be “withdrawn,” to know there's a place to share my thoughts, have a conversation (even if it's with myself) and thereby, avoid the debilitating loneliness that so often afflicts so many cut off and isolated men in America today.
You are a welcome addition to the men's movement. It is fulfilling to hear a fresh perspective and to encourage you in developing a strategy of activism. As you can see now, men are organizing and developing powerful strategies to fight back. Further, it should be clear, now that you’ve attended a meeting at NCFM, LA, that these strategies are quite effective.
I've personally found that being an activist is an excellent way to take back control of my life after being victimized as an innocent male. As our numbers grow, it will be impossible to silence us and ignore our pleas and demands for justice. Remember, there are literally thousands of innocent men that are being victimized every day now. We are by no means alone.
Be patient, realize that we are in there for the long haul, and recognize that our voices do make a difference with God’s help. As you've seen, men cannot always go public with their major victories, but those victories are real, tangible, and progressing in the background. Being an activist gives you that perspective. Meanwhile, others who are little more than Internet Activists just talk, shoot off their mouths, spout hot air, and fail to realize any significant progress.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Monday August 05, @02:27PM EST (#13)
Ray, by any chance, does your NAME imply; "RAY" of hope?
If not, It probably should. (^-^)
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