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Thanks for your work, Scott. I (and, I suspect, we) can't tell you how much it's appreciated.
Feminist indoctrination is embedded into the entire system. It looks subtle and it looks innocent but the works are there. It's usually a women firster stuff that askes you how do you feel about this statement or article. Innocent enough but they don't give a 16 year old kid any dissenting arguements or any alterior thoughts to think with. Its grotesque and its contriving indoctrination that misleads the most innocent of our society.
They have a few neat tricks that allows them to get away with their shit, but when you look at the studies in especially 'english' you have to realize this stuff is aimed at 16 yearold kids. There is no wonder why boys are failing like 90. This stuff turns daughters agianst their fathers and so on.
I forget the book off hand but the phrase is "The father is a foreign male element that comes between the mother and the daughter" Any psycho bable fuck can figure this shit out. Not only is it redundant its bullshit. The point here is that this has been going on for decades and guess where those indoctrinated womyn's studies whores end up, many times its writing course outlines for english or revisioned history. Trust me on the surface these assingments look just fine, but they are polarizing the sexes and they aim at eradicating the male element.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Sunday August 04, @12:21AM EST (#3)
Haveing personaly reserched this phenomenon, Myself, I can tell you all, that what Dan previously posted about the Marx-fems is 100% CORRECT!
They are ALSO useing this "tactic" to give the future generations of females a chasmic advantage over males, to INSURE that FEMALES and females alone will hold ALL positions of power in these United states. It will NOT stop there.
Any one who doubts this fact, either hasn't done the home work or KNOWS what is going on and denies it. OR simply doesn't see it as a problem.
Remember the saying; "Knowledge is POWER."
Ergo, LACK of knowledge is LACK of power!
Educate the female, don't educate (or dis-educate)the Male and the out come is OBVIOUS! At least to any THINKING person.
So, once again, Dan Lynch is RIGHT ON!
Peace, Out.
by Anonymous User on Sunday August 04, @01:49AM EST (#4)
By the way.., I E-mailed Mr. Medved and told him pretty much the same thing I posted earlier.
I'm gonna wait and see if he replies. If he does, maybe I can post his response here. (or not.)
I really hope that the boards of educations are sued for dissabling their sons and turning them into retards based on the faulty work done by Gilligan. Sue, sue , sue.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Tuesday August 06, @01:25AM EST (#6)
I wish I could ansewer that, Dan.
I don't know when people will start sueing.
Soon I hope, Soon.
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